Applied Science Project

Undergraduate research is limited by our facilities.

Undergraduate training requires classroom laboratory work, which the university is currently unable to offer all students. Research lab placement opportunities are also limited by our current facilities. This 140,700 square-foot project is expected to result in a 56 percent increase in capacity for experimental and computer labs. These new spaces will allow the departments to address critical bottlenecks in science and technology degree programs.

The U is the number one educator of science students among Utah System of Higher Education institutions. Every astronomer, every engineer, every nurse and doctor, every scientist and chemist, every bio lab technician and statistician created at the U must first pass through the College of Science in preparation for a STEM-based career.

Helping Science Students

The Applied Science project will provide new educational and research opportunities for the Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. Together, the two departments teach more than 5,600 students and house more than 40 faculty members.

The project will transform the west entrance of the university, creating a core gathering space in the heart of the west campus that will facilitate connection and interdisciplinary collaboration between the sciences. Areas for outdoor classes, gatherings, and events, connect the academic buildings that frame its edges.

Campus Impact

The full impact of this project will not be felt until years in the future. The facility will change the university in fundamental ways, dramatically improving the learning experience. The knowledge these students gain will drive the discoveries of tomorrow. These students are the scientists, mathematicians, engineers, computer scientists, and medical professionals of the future.

Visit ourĀ UGIVE page to make a donation in support of the Applied Science Project.

Applied Science

Applied Science

The U is the number one educator of science students among Utah System of Higher Education institutions.

Every engineer, every nurse and doctor, every scientist and chemist, every bio lab technician and statistician created at the U must first pass through the College of Science in preparation for a STEM-based career.

#1 Utah STEM degrees
Utah STEM degrees
622 Science Graduates
Science Graduates
5,600 Students per year
Students per year
$1.3m Student Scholarships
Student Scholarships
100k sqft New Building
sqft New Building
46 Faculty Members
Faculty Members
$96.8m Project Budget
Project Budget
47k sqft Renovation
sqft Renovation
SRI Science Research Initiative
Science Research Initiative
WCC Wilkes Climate Center
Wilkes Climate Center
SPIN Spintronics Research
Spintronics Research
SDSS Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Sloan Digital Sky Survey
DATA Data Science
Data Science

Project Stories

L.S. Skaggs Applied Science Building Named at the U

Tinker Toy Rises


Construction Update

Cottam’s Gulch

1999 Student Reunion


Construction Photos

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