2023-2024 COS Safety Committee Members

Dr. Charlie Jui (Physics and Astronomy): charles.jui@utah.edu

David Thomas (COS Director of Safety): d.r.thomas@utah.edu

Dr. Huiwen Ji (Materials Science and Engineering): huiwen.ji@utah.edu

Isabelle Harward (Manager of Educational Labs at CSC): isabelle.harward@utah.edu

Dr. Jessica Brown (School of Biological Sciences): brown@biology.utah.edu

Dr. Jim Muller (COS Executive Director of Facilities Management): jmuller@chem.utah.edu

Nathan Watchman (Environmental Health and Safety Ex. Officio Member): nathan.watchman@ehs.utah.edu

Dr. Ryan Looper (Chemistry): r.looper@utah.edu

Wil Mace (Geology and Geophysics, Atmospheric Sciences, Mining Engineering): wil.mace@utah.edu

Dr. W.P. Lee (Mathematics): yplee@math.utah.edu