Cell Signaling in Development and Cancer

Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology

In the Myers Lab we study how animal cells communicate with each other and how mistakes in this process drive cancer and other diseases. We recently discovered a surprising new type of intracellular signaling mechanism and we’re excited to find out exactly how it works and what it means for the future of biology and cancer treatment. Over the course of the stream students will help characterize a new protein-protein interaction involved in this intracellular signaling mechanism and investigate whether similar signaling mechanisms are at play in other areas of human health and disease. The techniques employed will include: 1) bioluminescence resonance energy transfer a powerful technique for precisely monitoring key protein-protein interactions within living cells and 2) site-directed mutagenesis which will gives student the ability to alter individual amino acids within a protein of interest and then study their biological relevance. Undergraduates will learn how to perform rigorous experiments as well as how to think critically and creatively. Students will also receive one-on-one mentoring from Dr. Myers in a lab that is recognized for the high caliber of undergraduate research and the ability of undergraduates to lead key projects and make cutting-edge discoveries.

Stream Leaders

Ben Myers, PhD