Exploring Living Dinosaurs

Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, Materials Science, Molecular Biology, Ornithology, Paleontology, Statistics

We conduct research at the intersection of ornithology, ecology, evolutionary biology, behavior, genetics, and systematic biology. Our research aims at understanding the immense diversity of modern birds, while using this knowledge in applied and interdisciplinary contexts. Accordingly, we integrate: (a) morphological insights from curated museum specimens; (b) behavioral, ecological, physiological, morphological, environmental, and distributional data acquired through fieldwork, lab experiments and published sources; and (c) genetic and genomic data derived through lab work and comprehensive data repositories. Our research program features a mix of (1) molecular phylogenetic and genomic methods, (2) natural history trait database building complemented by cutting-edge data collection techniques and field work, and (3) comparative phylogenetic and genomic analyses that combine trait data with phylogenies and genetics. Additionally, we are interested in exploring innovative multidisciplinary research directions, where the ecology and evolutionary biology of birds intersect with fields such as physics, engineering, architecture, chemistry, and geography.

Stream Leaders

Thilina De Silva, Ph.D.
SRI Fellow