Mining Safety Enhancement with Generative AI

Mining Engineering

This research explores harnessing the power of modern artificial intelligence to enhance mining safety outcomes. Specifically, it investigates the use of OpenAI's GPT-3 and other generative language models for analyzing mining accident and fatality reports from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) database. By applying natural language processing techniques like classification, summarization, and recommendation generation to mine safety narratives, this work aims to demonstrate the potential of AI to help identify risks, predict incidents, and enable targeted interventions. The overarching goal is leveraging cutting-edge AI innovations to reduce avoidable accidents and fatalities through data-driven insights and proactive safety recommendations tailored to the mining industry. This research represents an important step toward safer mines powered by artificial intelligence.

Stream Leaders

Rajive Ganguli, PhD
Associate Dean , College of Mines and Earth Sciences
Raviteja Tatikonda
Graduate Student, Mining Engineering