Multi-Messenger Science with IceCube Neutrino Observatory

Applied Physics, Astronomy, Climate Science

We have arrived at a special moment in time, where we can now observe the Universe in fundamentally new ways using high energy neutrinos, gamma-rays, cosmic-rays, and gravitational waves. By viewing the Universe through these cosmic messengers and in their combination an era of discoveries awaits us. The “Multi-messenger Science with IceCube” stream engages students in active research with the objective of improving the multi-messenger science capabilities of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica. Participants will develop an understanding about how IceCube detects neutrinos and how to correlate signs with astrophysical sources. They will learn how to program and analyze data in Python, and work on a project for characterizing the optical properties of the detector medium. Participants would gain hands-on experience with the Linux operating system, code repositories, and supercomputers widely in this research.

Stream Leaders

Carsten Rott, PhD
Professor, Physics And Astronomy
Minjin Jeong
Graduate Student Researcher