Myocardial Recovery from Heart Failure

Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology, Medicine, Molecular Biology, Physiology

Heart failure (HF) is a condition that results from long-term/chronic damage to the heart/which eventually will lead to complete failure and increased mortality. Over the years/medical professionals have been working to better understand HF and how to promote recovery. One of these strategies is to implant a pump/called a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). The pump is inserted into the heart to help it circulate blood. The National Institutes of Health defines myocardial recovery as “the sustained normalization of structural/molecular/and hemodynamic changes sufficient to allow the explant of the LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device).” Put simply/myocardial recovery refers to your heart getting better after a heart attack or other damage to the heart that may occur.

Stream Leaders

Stavros Drakos, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Cardiology
Joe Visker
Postdoctoral Researcher