Pharmacology and Toxicology

Climate Science, Neuroscience, Pharmacology

The Metcalf Lab is interested in understanding the impact of environmental pollutants on epilepsy morbidity and mortality. We propose that specific and combined pollutants worsen seizures and increase the rate of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. We study metabolic/neuroinflammatory/and other markers to identify biochemical pathways that may contribute to the detrimental effects of pollution on the brain. Sudden Death in Epilepsy is likely due to respiratory failure/and therefore we are interested in understanding the impact of pollutants both on central breathing control (brain regulation) and pulmonary function. We use models of epilepsy/including a model of the rare epilepsy Dravet Syndrome/to understand environmental impacts on epilepsy morbidity and mortality.

Stream Leaders

Cameron Metcalf, PhD
Research Assistant Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ashwini Sri Hari, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher