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Physics News

Physics News

The Hidden Space Race and Vardeny’s Spintronic Revolution

Explore Valy's pivotal role in the evolution of spin-wave technology

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A once-in-a-career discovery: the black hole at Omega Centauri’s core

The finding in Omega Centauri helps bridge the gap in our understanding of black hole

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Neutrino Oscillation Research Advances

Revolutionizing Neutrino Physics with Machine Learning

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Tony Hawk : The Intuitive Physicist of Vert Skating

Kevin Davenport explains the physics of vert skating at Vert Alert 2024.

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L.S. Skaggs Applied Science Building Named at the U

The Skaggs family gift supports the latest addition to the science campus at the U

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Outstanding Undergrad Research Awards 2024

Autumn Hartley and Dua Azhar recognized as Outstanding Undergrad Researchers for 2024.

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2024 Convocation Student Speaker: Dua Azhar

Physics graduate Dua Azhar (BS'24) is selected as U Convocation's student speaker.

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The collapse and subsequent explosion of a massive star: B.O.A.T.

A gamma-ray burst so bright it “blinded” space telescopes and shook Earth’s atmosphere

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Utah Refugee Teens Build Cosmic Ray Detectors

Collaborative cosmic ray project connects refugee youth to science

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The Beauty of Mathematics

Three good reasons to do mathematics. (One of them stems from beauty.)

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The future of physics education

Premier journal Nature Physics spotlights future of physics education

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Spectrum 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Physics & Astronomy.

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Rhodes Scholar Finalist

Eliza Diggins is a dual major in Physics & Astronomy and Applied Mathematics.

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How Career Services Put This Grad on the Right Data Path

Landing a research job in her “gap year” thru Career Services.

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The ‘Barbenheimer Star’

Making great strides in adding to our understanding of how objects in the universe evolve.

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Kevin Davenport-Physics Circle

Love to do puzzles? Kevin Davenport wants to bring us all together in the Physics Circle.

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Condensed Matter Research Group

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Take Root at the U

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Humans of the U: Ramón Barthelemy

Humans of the U: Ramon Barthelemy

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Lightning, camera, gamma ray!

First captured video footage of lightning-triggered downward terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

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Cosmic Ray on SciFri

Ira Flatow on Sci Fri: Scientists Report Second Highest-Energy Cosmic Ray Ever Detected

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Second highest-energy cosmic ray ever

The Array is in the middle of an expansion that will help crack the case of cosmic rays.

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1st detection of heavy element from star merger

NASA's Webb tracks an exceptionally bright gamma-ray burst

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Retroviral Symposium

A wide-variety of scientists from many disciplines along with a troupe of actors. Why not?

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Ring-of-fire eclipse: How to see it

The eclipse event is sacred to local Indigenous tribes. Learn how to see it.

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outstanding contribution to cosmology

Project with Utah leadership honored for outstanding contribution to cosmology

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Why Scientists Haven’t Solved the Mystery of the OMG Particle

From Utah's west desert to the snow-covered peaks of the Andes Mountains: The OMG Particle

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Gravitational Waves

Abuzz with anticipation, awaiting results from 15 years’ worth of data from NANOGrav

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Carsten Rott, New Chair of Physics & Astronomy

Carsten Rott is announced as new chair of Physics & Astronomy

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Sky Survey Data Releases 2 Million Stellar Objects

The DESI project will map nearly 40 million galaxies, quasars and stars

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Ramón Barthelemy Out to Innovate

The U of U Physicist Wins 2023 LGBTQ+ Educator of the Year

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SRI Stories

Mikhael Semaan, Ph.D. of the Science Research Initiative on his latest research

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Sandra J. Bromley Scholarship

Providing a Role Model for New Generations

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Tinker Toy Rises

After months of earth-moving, the Applied Science Project gets some serious hardware

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Utah’s Fly’s Eye Telescope Array

The cosmic origins of the "OMG Particle"

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U Astronomy, New AURA Member

The U Joins the Association of Universities for Astronomy

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Celebrating Our Exceptional Faculty 2023

The College of Science congratulates four faculty members

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1U4U Initiative

The College of Science 1U4U Projects for 2023

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2023 Goldwater Scholars

4 College of Science Students receive the Goldwater Scholarship for 2023.

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A.A.U. Membership

Utah joins the prestigious Association of American Universities.

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Spirit of Salam

Tino Nyawelo wins 2023 Spirit of Salam Award.

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Construction has begun on the University of Utah’s new Applied Sciences facility.

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Space Sunscreen

Could dust launched from the moon’s surface mitigate the impacts of climate change?

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Applied Science Building

Construction has begun on the University of Utah’s new Applied Sciences facility.

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Jamie Rankin

Researchers document a black hole giving off more light than 1,000 trillion suns.

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Spectrum 2022

Explosive neutron stars, Utah meteor, fellows of APS, and more.

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Relativistic Jet

Researchers document a black hole giving off more light than 1,000 trillion suns.

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Nick Borys

All Nick Borys wanted was a more interesting job.

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Construction Update

Construction is about to begin on the University of Utah’s new Applied Sciences facility.

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Planetarium Internship

U students create new presentations during planetarium internship.

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STAR-X Proposal

Astrophysicist Dan Wik proposal selected by NASA.

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NuFact 2022

The Department of Physics & Astronomy hosts NuFact 2022 neutrino workshop at Snowbird.

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College Rankings

U.S. News & World Report University Rankings.

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Star Trek

To boldly know what no one has known before.

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Spectrum 2022

Black Holes, Student Awards, Research Awards, LGBT+ physicists, and more.

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Betty Vetter Award

Ramón Barthelemy awarded a 2022 Betty Vetter Research Award

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Outstanding Advisor

Cyri Dixon has been named a NACADA Outstanding New Advisor.

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Outstanding Undergraduate

Luis Rufino has received the College of Science Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award.

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Distinguished Service

Pearl Sandick receives Distinguished Service Award.

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Carbon Nanotubes

Vikram Deshpande had a hunch that carbon nanotubes held promise as a building block.

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Distinguished Educator

Claudia De Grandi awarded Distinguished Educator Award.

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LGBT+ Physicists

1st study of LGBT+ physicists reveals red flags.

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Jan Mccleery

I learned to design investigations and lab protocols to test the hypothesis.

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Eliza Diggins

A sophomore working on a double major in applied mathematics and physics.

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Teaching Excellence

Gail Zasowski awarded the U's Early Career Distinguished Teaching Award.

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Spin is related to magnetism,. Spintronics uses magnetism to represent binary data.

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Paul Ricketts

We love helping the community explore the stars!

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Extraordinary Black Hole

Astronomers recently discovered a black hole unlike any other.

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James Webb Space Telescope

The largest and most powerful telescope ever sent into space.

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The Frontier of Physics

Physics beyond the Standard Model.

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Jim Hanson

As a first-generation college graduate, a physics degree has been life changing.

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Bert VanderHeiden

As a first-generation college graduate, a physics degree has been life changing.

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Physics Innovation

Yue Zhao Receives Physics Innovation Award.

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William D. Ohlsen

Emeritus Professor William David Ohlsen 1932-2021.

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Be the Light

American Indian Services students visit campus.

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Staff: Cyri Dixon

Cyri Dixon wins Outstanding Advisor of 2021!

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Mysteries of the Universe

A five-year quest to map the universe began officially on May 17, 2021.

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PandA Awards

2021 student awards and scholarships.

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Cameron Soelberg

An adventurous pioneer in math, physics, business, and travel.

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Cottrell Scholar

Gail Zasowski named a Cottrell Scholar.

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Thomas Stucky

NASA engineer on Perseverance Rover’s journey to Mars.

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Josh Carroll

Veteran To Janitor To Physicist, Via YouTube.

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Carsten Rott

Carsten Rott appointed to the Jack W. Keuffel Memorial Chair in Physics & Astronomy.

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COVID Connections

Creating opportunity during COVID-19

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Spectrum 2020

3D maps of the Universe, Perovskite Photovoltaics, and Dynamic Structure in HIV.

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Next-Gen Astronomy

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is providing groundbreaking insight.

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Doon Gibbs

Director of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York.

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Jim Kaschmitter

From copper mines to NiCo batteries to experimental aircraft.

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Presidential Scholar

Pearl Sandick has been named a University of Utah Presidential Scholar.

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Rapid Response Research

Behind-the-scenes story of an NSF Rapid Response Research grant.

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11 Billion Years

Kyle Dawson and a global consortium of astrophysicists create a 3-D map of the universe.

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HIV Microscopy

Ipsita Saha is using electron microscopy to reveal the dynamic structure in HIV.

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Crab Nebula

Scientists detect Crab Nebula using innovative gamma-ray telescope.

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McKay Hyde

Equities Engineering for the New York office of Goldman Sachs.

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Christoph Boehme

Physics & Astronomy selects Christoph Boehme as Department Chair.

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50th Anniversary

Science has been part of the University of Utah since the very beginning.

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Spectrum 2020

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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Tino Nyawelo

I see myself in those kids who are brought here as refugees.

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Engaging STEM Students

How can we make STEM education more accessible?

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Spectrum 2019

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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