
From Curious Volunteer to Dinosaur Discoverer

From Curious Volunteer to Dinosaur Discoverer Jul 08, 2024 Above: Savhannah Carpenters […]

Journey to the Center of Biotech

Journey to the Center of Biotech  July 8, 2024 Above: Heng Xie

Bacteriophages: Nature’s bacterial killers

Bacteriophages : Nature’s bacterial killers June 14, 2024 Above: Talia Karasov Bacteriophages, […]

A Tale of Two Worms: Advancing Epigenetics

A Tale of Two Worms : Advancing Epigenetics June 4, 2024 Above: […]

Outstanding Undergrad Research Awards 2024

Outstanding Undergrad Research Awards 2024 April, 2024 Above: Student recipients at the […]

2024 Convocation Student Speaker: Dua Azhar

2024 Convocation Student SPeaker: Dua Azhar May 2, 2024 Above: Dua Azhar […]

Devoted to Change: SACNAS

SACNAS undergraduates at the U April 30, 2024 University of Utah SACNAS […]

Biologist Eron Powell: Student Commencement Speaker

shaping students into people of excellence April 29, 2024 Above: Eron Powell

Goldwater Scholars 2024

4 College of Science Students take the Goldwater

2024 College of Science Awards

The College of Science is committed to recognizing excellence in education, research, and service and congratulates all 2024 college award recipients.