Wilkes Center

Ants and Trees: A Tale of Evolutionary Déjà Vu in the Rainforest

Ants and Trees: A Tale of Evolutionary Déjà Vu in the Rainforest […]

Utah’s fir trees at risk from balsam woolly adelgid

Utah’s fir trees at risk from balsam woolly adelgid June 20, 2024 […]

Establishing a “Wildfire Resilience Collective”

Establishing a Wildfire Resilience Collective May 13, 2024 By Hannah Meier, PhD […]

New Tyrannosaurus Species

Scientists Conclude New Mexico Fossil Is New Tyrannosaurus Species January 29, 2024 […]

Southwest Sustainability Innovation Engine

University of Utah part of new NSF-funded initiative to ensure regional climate […]

Wilkes Center Climate Prize Winner

Winner of Wilkes Center Climate Prize   Lumen Bioscience is the inaugural […]

Climate-Resilient Western Grid

Gird YOUR Grid   The Western Interconnected Grid, commonly known as “the […]

Finalists vie for historic $1.5M Wilkes Climate Prize

Finalists vie for historic $1.5M Wilkes Climate Prize   A protein-rich bean […]

A widely used instrument for monitoring black carbon in real time.

Black carbon sensor could fill massive monitoring gaps Black carbon is the […]

A Stark Message from Maui

A Stark Message From Maui   Earth’s rapidly changing climate is taking […]