The pandemic and its aftermath have raised anxiety to new levels. But […]
Nobel winner Capecchi discovers new brain mechanism
Geologist Brenda Bowen, to chair Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Brenda Bowen will take over as ATMOS chair
Randy Irmis receives Fulbright Scholar Award
“How we look at fossils,” says paleontologist Randy Irmis in a 2016 […]
U.S. Assistant Secretary visits U and Utah FORGE site
U.S. Asst. Secretary Visits U & FORGE
2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentors
Hallar and Rog, Outstanding Research Mentors
Utah’s Fly’s Eye Telescope Array
Closing in on the cosmic origins of the “OMG Particle” The helicopter […]
Jon Wang
An Earth systems scientist finds a life-long field trip in Utah.
Zhigang Zak Fang: Humboldt Award
Forest Ecologist Lissy Coley Elected to NAS
Darryl Butt: Finding one’s ‘professional self’
Darryl Butt: Finding one’s ‘professional self’
Celebrating Our Exceptional Faculty 2023
Celebrating Our Exceptional Faculty 2023