A math graduate wants to tell you about 3 numbers that changed her life.
3 Numbers that Changed My Life
Fulbright Award
Randall Irmis, New Fulbright Awardee
Birth Cry of a black hole
New study questions decades-long understanding of gamma ray bursts
Coffee Klatch
2023 Distinguished Alumni of Atmospheric Sciences.
ATMOS 75th Celebration
Swoop goes atmospheric at ATMOS event
Science & Engineering Fair
Faraday Lectures
An extraordinary series of holiday themed chemical experiments that educate and entertain audiences of all ages.
College of Science Convocation 2022.
Frontiers of Science
The longest running lecture series at the University of Utah.
Lavender Graduation
An annual ceremony to honor graduating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic, and Ally students.