Tyler Ball has been named the 2022 College of Science Research Scholar.
Student Research
Research Scholar
Outstanding Post-Doc
Amir Hosseini has received an Outstanding Post-Doctoral Fellow Award from the College of Science.
NSF Fellowship
Kaitlin O’Dell awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation.
Outstanding Post-Doc
Julie Jung has received an Outstanding Post-Doctoral Fellow Award from the College of Science.
NSF Fellowship
Samantha Linn awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the NSF.
Outstanding Undergraduate
Luis Rufino has received the College of Science Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award.
Student Researcher
Elijah Counterman wins a College of Science University Student Researchers Award.
Goldwater Scholar
Alison Wang awarded a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship for 2022-23.
Savannah Romney
Savannah Romney is a double-major in biology and math at the University of Utah.
Eliza Diggins
Eliza Diggins is a sophomore working on a double major in applied mathematics and physics.