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Meeting of the Mines

Meeting of the MINES

February 6, 2025
Above: Left to right: Aaron Young, Trey Robison, Munkhbat (Mike) Batmunkh, Alexander Carhart, Pratt Rogers, Ethan Arbuckle, Ian Sutcliff, Michael Gough, Ethan Johnson, underground in the Oyu Tolgoi Mine, Mongolia

For Pratt Rogers, the new chair of the Mining Engineering Department at the University of Utah, the future of our technological and information-driven society as we are living it now and imagining it in the future is going to require a meeting of the minds.

Pratt Rogers

His term, which began in January replaces Charles Kocsis who saw the department through the pandemic, a merger and a resurgence in recruitment of undergraduates to the department now in the College of Science. But the issues surrounding the shortage of mined critical minerals and materials (CMM) required for society’s vaulting demand for technological devices and the power to run them persist. 

To meet the demand, humans will need to mine the same amount of copper between now and 2030/40 as we have in all of humanity. And, in terms of power transmission and distribution, the need for which will only continue to exponentially grow —whether from coal or a green energy source—copper will continue to be required along with a whole host of other critical minerals. To put a finer point on it: More than half of the periodic table goes into producing and running a smartphone, and anything in the periodic table must be extracted from the Earth.

Meeting that demand through mining is something Rogers calls our generation’s “moon shot” referring to NASA’s Apollo 11 program in the 1960s to get humans from the Earth to the moon and back safely. The technology around safe mining and mineral extraction has been the bread-and-butter of the department since it was first established in 1901, and that work continues. But today there are more cooks in the kitchen, not just mining professionals but environmentalists, government and tribal officials and other policy-makers … even cultural anthropologists who look at social and cultural impacts of mineral development. 

These stakeholders, many in non-governmental organizations (NGOs, often referred to as “non-profits”), have traditionally been left to their own insulated silos which can turn into an echo-chamber. The result: hard conversations about pressing issues like the permitting of mines either don’t happen or are at intractable cross-purposes. In short, building consensus about how to move forward securing our energy and mineral future responsibly is a daunting task. Moon shot, indeed.

Three 'D's

“In the United States,”  says Rogers from his office in the William Browning Building, “we have strong institutions with great environmental and human protections. And that’s phenomenal; it’s a mark of progress. But with institutions that strong, when trying to create industrial projects [new and retrofitted historical mines], the easy path to a 'no' is usually taken and the much more difficult path to a conditional 'yes' is passed over in litigation.”

U mining students (Aaron Young, Ethan Johnson, Trey Robison) with Pratt Rogers (far right) at the Oyu Tolgoi Mine, Mongolia, a joint venture between the Government of Mongolia, Rio Tinto Group, and Turquoise Hill Resources.

The hard conversations about complex issues society needs to have, Rogers believes, are not just about traditional mining. While they include extraction work, more broadly they involve the “three D’s” of this energy future moonshot: density —  “a lot of output from little input, like nuclear power”; development and processing of CMM for purer, more concentrated material; and distribution — renewable energy sources like a wind and solar that require larger inputs, or “more stuff connecting all those things together.” 

Finding consensus among various stakeholders is essential. “There are different paths you can take to get to carbon-free/neutral future and each of those paths break down minerals differently.”

Wider optimization algorithms

As department chair, Rogers knows that these conversations are not just between the three D’s but among stakeholders who need to arrive at a consensus — sooner rather than later. “It’s hard to break them [different constituents] out of being [animated by] a single issue. It’s hard for anyone to be able to appreciate that there are wider optimization algorithms that society has to take on when you're trying to solve for some sort of equilibrium for development or distribution.” 

The university setting, he believes, is the best place for these formal debates in place of the silo-ed arguments staged on social media or even traditional media. As a first-generation college student from Arizona , Rogers remembers as a student working on a proposal with someone from anthropology. “I just went over to his office, and we had such a phenomenal discussion. The conversation was so cool. He was working on some stuff down in Mexico… and I realized that there were so many ways his perspectives could benefit, say, complex mineral development projects impacts on changing social cohesion and power dynamics.”

For mining engineers, there’s also collaboration to be done at the college level with mineral processing, and metallurgy and geological characterization all while making sure that students get full access to these educational moments, either formally or informally around shared social spaces. Sustaining this kind of educational nexus with a premium on student success is a priority for Rogers. 


Speaking of students, recruitment has been up year-over-year for the past several years, especially since Covid restrictions have lifted. The department’s import of pit mining into the popular Minecraft sandbox video game has helped in that area. So too have recent open houses for high school students who not only need to know that a mining department exists but that mining has played and will continue to play an important if not critical role in deploying a sustainable green economy for future generations, including their own.  So too has recent funding for student experiences. The Wallie Rasmussen Student Experience endowment supports international field trips for mining engineering students. (See picture from Oyu Tolgoi/Rio Tinto mine in Mongolia) 

As for administrative work, Rogers hopes to grow the faculty endowed chairs, funding from industry, government and individual donors, especially the departments’ valued alumni. Students will always be at the center of these growth opportunities as the mining contribution to a more sustainable and growth-oriented future. “It’s a great time to work on growing the mining engineering department,” says Rogers. “There is significant interest from the state and federal governments along with  university leadership and our industrial stakeholders on the importance of critical minerals.  The time is now to focus and grow this strategic workforce for a more sustainable future.” 

In all, Rogers says, “working with folks from different backgrounds and trying to solve complex problems . . . I think we just need to not lose sight of that.”  Moonshots, after all, are by definition aspirational, but how we actualize a decidedly Earth-bound “program” this ambitious is left to visionaries, technicians and consensus-builders like Pratt Rogers. 

And a higher education setting like that at the U is quite literally ground zero.

by David Pace

Read more about Pratt Rogers who received the Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award from the College of Mines and Earth Sciences in 2023 here.

Immersive VR: A New Era in Mining Safety

Immersive VR : A New Era in Mining Safety

June 11, 2024
Above: Students trying out the VR mining module at the Department of Mining Engineering open house. The students are in the Newmont classroom, on which an education model was based.

It’s the end of a shift in an underground mine, and you’re midway through a safety checklist. Suddenly, smoke fills the cavern and emergency lights flash. Your co-workers yell and chaos ensues. What do you do?

Before you panic, remember that this is a practice scenario in an innovative simulation that prepares for the worst in a virtual world.

The Center for Mine Safety and Health at the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Utah, in collaboration with the Chile-based company Minverso, has developed the initial phase of a first-ever metaverse platform that includes a mining training program using virtual reality (VR). This collaborative initiative blends cutting-edge technology with academic expertise for the benefits of both students and the mining industry.

“This mining metaverse is not just technological innovation,” said mining department chair Charles Kocsis. “It is, most importantly, a product of shared experience and dedication to providing students and the mining industry a holistic and immersive learning experience.”

Screenshot of a module to learn safety techniques in an underground mine. PHOTO CREDIT: MINVERSO/UNIVERSITY OF UTAH.

Qualified faculty and research assistants from the U and Minverso, a VR training company, created a team to build, test and validate the innovative health and safety program to be coupled with an evacuation training system for mine workers. The initial phase of the system was made available to the public in early February of 2024. It provides real-time guidance to underground mine workers in case of emergency. The goals are to save lives while establishing a far-reaching culture of health and safety in mines around the world.“The technology promises to deliver ‘training without risks,’” said Minverso commercial director Dallin Wood.

For the next phase, the research team will include experts in psychology, education, and health sciences from the U.

This collaborative initiative will next add the immersive mine evacuation training module to the metaverse platform. This will help model and understand workers’ behavior during emergencies while increasing the miners’ confidence to reach the closest refuge station or exit the mine.

“This metaverse platform maximizes educational efficiency by offering a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical mining applications,” explained Kocsis. In addition, the simulated space for high-complexity mining operations prepares students for the dynamic challenges offered by the mining industry.

Read the Full Article By David Pace @The U.

Read more about this story in EDScoop.


Immersive VR & Mine Safety

Immersive VR & Mine Safety

March 4, 2024

Above: students attending the Department of Mining Engineering's Open House in 2023 try out the new Mining Metaverse virtual reality experience designed by Minverso. The app is currently being readied for download worldwide. 

The Center for Mine Safety and Health at the Department of Mining Engineering, University of Utah in collaboration with Minverso has developed the initial phase of a first-ever metaverse platform which includes a Health & Safety training program for the mining industry developed by using virtual reality (VR) technology.

This collaborative initiative blends cutting-edge technology with academic expertise for both students and the mining industry. 

“This mining metaverse is not just technological innovation,” says Department Chair Charles Koscis. “It is, most importantly, a product of shared experience and dedication to providing students and the mining industry a holistic and immersive learning experience.”

Above and below: Stills from VR experience teaching real world health and safety protocols. Credit: Minverso

To achieve this, qualified faculty and research assistants in the department, the U and the company Minverso, a VR training company headquartered in Chile, created a research team to build, test with industry partners, and validate an innovative health and safety training program to be coupled later with a mine evacuation training system for mine workers. 

The initial phase of the system which was made available to the public in late February 2024 provides real-time guidance to underground mine workers in case of emergency and saves lives while establishing a far-reaching culture of safety & health at underground mines in the US and worldwide. 

At the department’s open house this past October, students and visitors were given the opportunity to don the required ocular headsets and experience VR first-hand by entering two portals: one to a classroom modeled after one in the FASB, and another leading to a mine in which they could traverse and handle the controls of underground equipment. 

VR technology promises not only to serve future mining companies which can customize the VR experience to their own sites, but will also serve as a recruitment tool for the department and other mining programs, says Minverso commercial director Dallin Wood. With the launch of the technology “people [are now] experimenting with technology and what it’s like to be a miner. Hopefully, we can bring in students excited to learn about mining. For example, a recent feature includes operating a drilling rig from start to finish and learning how to lead.’” 

For the next phase, the research team will include experts in psychology, education, and health sciences from the U.

Safety First

Of course, improving safety records in mines–for current operators and future mining engineers—is always foremost in the industry’s mind. “The initial phase of this metaverse platform includes an immersive Mine Rescue simulation scenario in which underground miners work together to neutralize a fire that started in the engine compartment of a load-haul-dump (LHD) machine,” explains Kocsis. “This real-world scenario demands critical thinking and swift collaboration between mine workers to perform tasks in the right sequence from de-energizing the mining equipment, extinguishing the fire, followed by ramping up the auxiliary ventilation system to dilute the gasses generated by the fire below each of their threshold limit value.” Wood says that the technology promises to deliver “training without risks.”

Eventually, the next iteration of VR will be to include augmented reality (AR) technology, which allows real-time experiences with other users superimposed, not unlike what some games such as the popular Pokémon Go currently deploys. The possibilities of AR oculi are immeasurable, eventually using not only the built-in headset cameras but exterior cameras in spaces where other real persons actually exist but appear as avatars. Remote operation of real automated equipment particularly in hazardous mine areas are also in the offing. 

“It’s possible that with AR you can be looking at the ball mill [the rotation of which grinds material, reducing its particle size], but then you see blinking lights above it, and you touch one of the lights, and the last maintenance schedule pops up right in front of your eyes,” says Wood, referring to future components in the works. Users can immediately see that “this grease zerk was last greased on this date. A red flashing light indicates that ‘hey, this needs to be done and then this needs to be done,’ and so on.”  

Next Phase

The next phase of this collaborative initiative will add the immersive Mine Evacuation training module to the metaverse platform. This will help model and understand workers’ behavior in case of emergency while increasing the confidence of miners in reaching the closest refuge station or exit the mine in case of an underground fire or other emergency.

“This collaborative metaverse platform maximizes educational efficiency by offering a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical mining applications,” explains Kocsis. In addition, the simulated space for high-complexity mining operations prepares students for the dynamic challenges offered by the mining industry.

For the U the Miverso collaboration is a journey and a commitment to shaping the future of mining education that also includes a need to transfer in the years to come as miners age-out a vast amount of institutional and site-specific knowledge and early virtual experience to new mining engineers. 

Currently in MetaLab, you can "sideload" Minverso's Mining Metverse app for your device here.

Amanda Smith, Distinguished Alumna

AmandA Smith, Distinguished Alumna


February 22, 2024

Above: AutoHaul®, shipping a load in Australia. Courtesy of Rio Tinto

The John E. Willson Distinguished Alumnus Award was established in 2000 to recognize graduates of the University of Utah’s Mining Engineering Program who have set high standards by their professional accomplishments and service to the mining industry. The 2023 distinguished alumna is Amanda Smith BS’01 and MS’02. She was awarded in April of last year.

Amanda Smith (left) with Denee Hayes at the Department of Mining Awards Ceremony, 2023.

Currently owner and manager of SmithWengel Consulting LLC, she has accumulated over 20 years of global professional experience in mining, manufacturing, rail, logistics, technical studies, and supply chain management.

Originally from Provo, Smith decided to become a mining engineer at age 12 after a mining engineer visited her 6th grade class. She worked hard to graduate with high honors a year early from Provo High School. Her courses included AP calculus, AP chemistry, and AP US history along with English, biology and French. Her English Instructor describes Amanda as a “goal-setter” and “one who sets her mind to a task and then does all in her power to accomplish it.”

 In 1997, Smith applied for and received a Browning Scholarship to pursue her degree in mining engineering. A year later, her scholarship was upgraded to the Distinguished Browning Scholar Award. Her interest in, and ability to apply computer technology was recognized and she was hired as a teaching assistant for the department’s ACAD course, following her first year. Subsequently, she was old enough (18 being the required age to work in a mine) to accept summer internships with the Bridger Coal Company in Rock Springs, Wyoming and Newmont Gold in Elko,Nevada. She also worked for the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining while attending school.

Upon completing her MS Smith accepted a position at Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper as a mine planning engineer. In part due to her graduate work in blasting, she was considered and offered a job the day of her site interview. This was the beginning of a highly successful career with Rio Tinto. While at Bingham, Smith progressed through various engineering and supervisor roles, ultimately becoming superintendent — mine monitoring and control where she established a team and successfully implemented a new operating system for the mine. Typically, superintendents at the mine had been male. Achieving this promotion as a young, capable woman was particularly significant.

down under

In 2010, Smith moved to Australia to work as the mine operations superintendent at Rio Tinto Gove. The attractions to this position were an opportunity to experience a different culture and increased responsibilities. As mine superintendent, Smith was responsible for over 100 employees across the operations, maintenance, and technical teams. She initiated step-change improvements in safety, mine planning, reporting, reconciliation, and leadership, resulting in zero recordable injuries along with record equipment utilization. From there, she advanced to acting mine manager where her span of control increased over materials handling and a full port operation.

Smith’s next move was working fly-in fly-out in Perth, Australia for Rio Tinto Iron Ore as mine services manager. She was responsible for site health and safety, training, business improvement, infrastructure, village and dewatering teams with her team setting new operational records. After another stint as a mine manager, in 2013, Smith’s mine services role transitioned to cover two sites and more than doubled in size. This enabled her to lead significant transformation, resulting in a greater than 10 percent reduction in department operating costs and an introduction of various cross-site synergies.

Lead Train Control

In 2015, Smith transitioned to lead train control of the largest rail network in Australia and one of the most complex logistics chains inside Rio Tinto. Her leadership was instrumental in the introduction of an electronic train control system, and commissioning of AutoHaul®, the world’s first fully autonomous heavy haul rail network. She also focused on improving team engagement, resulting in decreased operational costs.

Next, Smith became a business executive to the managing director, productivity and technical support for Rio Tinto globally. In this role, she was exposed to all of Rio Tinto’s operations, traveled extensively, and supported some of the key global initiatives that have contributed to Rio Tinto’s success. It also honed her interest for what she would tackle next. After nearly nine years in Australia, it was time to return to the US where she led a digital transformation project across the Rio Tinto Kennecott value chain.

In 2019, she accepted the operations general manager role for Rio Tinto’s California Operations. Here she led a team of more than 900 people with great care through the Covid-19 pandemic, while also navigating the politics of mining in California, supporting local communities, being an active member on the California Chamber of Commerce, and yielding record site performance.

Highlights of her time leading this team were the delivery of the first battery grade lithium from thesite’s pilot plant and the success and genuine care displayed by her team.

In early 2022, and after over 19 years with Rio Tinto, Smith decided to transition into consulting where she saw she could make a positive impact across a diverse range of fields and organizations. SmithWengel Consulting has supported global clients and a targeted project in Ghana, Africa. The change has also provided her more time and space to pursue personal interests and support the community through volunteering.

Smith and her husband and partner Craig Wengel have settled in St. Petersburg, Florida, where Smith enjoys fitness, investing and data analysis, cooking, traveling, and spending time with friends, Persian cats, or at the beach.


By Kim McCarter, Professor Emeritus


About the Award

John E. Willson (1912-2002), former chair of the department of mining engineering, led a distinguished career as an engineer in industry, as a teacher, and as an advisor and consultant. In 2000 the award named after him was established to recognize distinguished alumni and deserving students in the department.

Mining friends along the way

Friends along the way


The real mining was the friends we made along the way.

February 22, 2024
^ Ian Sutcliffe (left) and Alex Carhart at the Mining Dept. Open House, 2023.

Alex Carhart at work, Kennecott Utah Copper.

The Mining Open House last fall was an introduction to the public, including students looking for a major, but for two seniors in the University of Utah's Department of Mining Engineering, it was the final year of a harrowing undergraduate career. Harrowing not because of the rigorous training in Vulcan and Python software; or the upper-division math that (with one additional class) would have given them a minor; and it wasn't because of the summer internships in various cool mining environments simpatico with the on-boarding to mining engineering they were more than eager to engage.

No. It was because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We only had one mining class in-person the first semester," says Ian Sutcliffe. "It was rough." It took two years before his cohort was able to go on their first field trip to a mine, which usually happens as a second semester experiential.

For Alex Carhart, who is also a senior, getting ready to graduate this year, it was not only the pandemic that proved to be a hurdle but changing from one major in the College of Engineering to mining engineering in the College of Science. It was in their introductory mining class that the two became fast friends, a friendship that has taken them the distance through summer internships that proved, as it seems to for undergraduates, to seal the deal.

Ian Sutcliffe at work, TATA Chemicals North America (Green River, WY)

In the case of Sutcliffe, who grew up in Murray, his first-year internship found him driving a water truck on site. This "baptism by fire" for both (Carhart also got hands-on experience driving trucks and heavy equipment) gave them on-the-ground experience that complemented their classroom training.

"I was driving the old trucks and the water truck for a good half of summer," says Sutcliffe, and I'm really glad I did because the more mining classes I've taken, the more I've enjoyed it. My first internship really got me involved."

For Carhart, who is from Anchorage, the chance to work in long-range strategic mine planning gave him experience on the other end of operations—the big picture planning and logistics. Both credit these internships, as well as the travel opportunities with the department, for cementing their passion for the field.

The chance to visit Greenland as sophomores was a pivotal experience, recalls Sutcliffe. "I was kind of bouncing around chemical engineering and then I heard about mining and decided to try that instead." For Carhart, who also traveled to a trona mine in Wyoming and a coal mine in Utah, the field trips finally happened in his junior year when pandemic restrictions began to lift.

Now, with graduation looming, both have secured jobs in their field. Sutcliffe will return to the trona mine where he interned, while Carhart has accepted a position in the graduate development program at Rio Tinto Kennecott in Salt Lake City. There he will rotate through different areas of the operation over two years to find the right fit before settling into a permanent role. But before they start work they will travel with the department to Mongolia to visit one of the largest copper mines in the world.

Their undergraduate journeys, while filled with pandemic headaches, gave them technical knowledge through software, math and geology classes, as well as critical field experience at mines and with companies. Perhaps most importantly, it allowed them to forge a lasting friendship that helped motivate them through to graduation. They also earned perspective on the industry they will soon lead.

"It's an interesting thing that might be in my lifetime—space mining," says Sutcliffe, on innovations that may come out of demand for finite resources. Both see a path forward for mining, even with increased environmental regulations, through better technology, safer autonomous equipment, and reclamation plans built into project costs. But most of all, through educated young professionals like themselves entering the field with openness, optimism and care for the planet we call home.

Outside of classes and labs, Sutcliffe and Carhart find time for fun and adventure. Sutcliffe is an avid mountain biker who has explored trails all over the state. "I have a problem. I have three bikes," he jokes. Carhart prefers downhill skiing in the winter and swimming as cross-training for an active lifestyle. Hiking and anything outdoors are passions they share.

These hobbies align with their appreciation for the natural world, and reinforce their commitment to finding the right balance of resource development and conservation as future leaders in the mining industry.



by David Pace

Common Ground 2023

Common Ground 2023

Down to Earth 2024

The 2024 edition of Down to Earth, official magazine for the Dept of Geology & Geophysics.

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Our DNA 2024

The 2024 edition of Our DNA, official magazine for the U School of Biological Sciences.

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Catalyst 2024

The 2024 edition of Catalyst, official magazine for the U Department of Chemistry

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Air Currents 2024

The 2024 edition of Air Currents, magazine for the U Department of Atmospheric Sciences

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Synthesis 2024

SRI inaugural cohort, the U in biotech and stories from throughout the College of Science

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Aftermath 2024

The official magazine of the U Department of Mathematics.

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Spectrum 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Physics & Astronomy.

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Down to Earth 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Geology & Geophysics.

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Our DNA 2023

The official magazine of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Utah.

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Catalyst 2023

The official magazine of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah.

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Synthesis 2023

Wilkes Center, Applied Science Project and stories from throughout the merged College.

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Aftermath Summer 2023

Anna Tang Fulbright Scholar, Tommaso de Fernex new chair, Goldwater Scholars, and more.

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Air Currents 2023

Celebrating 75 Years, The Great Salt Lake, Alumni Profiles, and more.

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Spectrum 2022

Explosive neutron stars, Utah meteor, fellows of APS, and more.

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Aftermath 2022

Arctic adventures, moiré magic, Christopher Hacon, and more.

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Our DNA 2022

Chan Yul Yoo, Sarmishta Diraviam Kannan, and more.

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Spectrum 2022

Black Holes, Student Awards, Research Awards, LGBT+ physicists, and more.

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Aftermath 2022

Student awards, Faculty Awards, Fellowships, and more.

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Our DNA 2022

Erik Jorgensen, Mark Nielsen, alumni George Seifert, new faculty, and more.

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Notebook 2022

Student stories, NAS members, alumni George Seifert, and Convocation 2022.

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Discover 2021

Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics Research, SRI Update, New Construction.

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Our DNA 2021

Multi-disciplinary research, graduate student success, and more.

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Aftermath 2021

Sound waves, student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Spectrum 2021

New science building, faculty awards, distinguished alumni, and more.

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Notebook 2021

Student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Spectrum 2021

Student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Aftermath 2021

Sound waves, student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Our DNA 2021

Plant pandemics, birdsong, retiring faculty, and more.

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Discover 2020

Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics Research, Overcoming Covid, Lab Safety.

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AfterMath 2020

50 Years of Math, Sea Ice, and Faculty and Staff recognition.

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Our DNA 2020

E-birders, retiring faculty, remote learning, and more.

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Spectrum 2020

3D maps of the Universe, Perovskite Photovoltaics, and Dynamic Structure in HIV.

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Notebook 2020

Convocation, Alumni, Student Success, and Rapid Response Research.

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Our DNA 2020

Stories on Fruit Flies, Forest Futures and Student Success.

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Catalyst 2020

Transition to Virtual, 2020 Convocation, Graduate Spotlights, and Awards.

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Spectrum 2020

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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Discover 2019

Science Research Initiative, College Rankings, Commutative Algebra, and more.

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Spectrum 2019

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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Notebook 2019

The New Faces of Utah Science, Churchill Scholars, and Convocation 2019.

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Catalyst 2019

Endowed Chairs of Chemistry, Curie Club, and alumnus: Victor Cee.

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Our DNA 2019

Ants of the World, CRISPR Scissors, and Alumni Profile - Nikhil Bhayani.

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Catalyst 2019

Methane-Eating Bacteria, Distinguished Alumni, Student and Alumni profiles.

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Spectrum 2019

Featured: Molecular Motors, Churchill Scholar, Dark Matter, and Black Holes.

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Our DNA 2019

Featured: The Startup Life, Monica Gandhi, Genomic Conflicts, and alumna Jeanne Novak.

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AfterMath 2018

Featured: A Love for Puzzles, Math & Neuroscience, Number Theory, and AMS Fellows.

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Discover 2018

The 2018 Research Report for the College of Science.

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Spectrum 2018

Featured: Dark Matter, Spintronics, Gamma Rays and Improving Physics Teaching.

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Catalyst 2018

Featured: Ming Hammond, Jack & Peg Simons Endowed Professors, Martha Hughes Cannon.

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A Moonshot for Our Age

A MoonShot for OUr age


Reconciling mining with the effort to make the 21st century more sustainable is necessary yet difficult, but mining faculty member Pratt Rogers is focused on the challenge.

“The magnitude is equivalent to going to the moon,” Rogers says of this reconciliation. “We’re going to have to find ways to come together and compromise.”

The main difficulties lie in the societal challenges: onboarding new mines, determining the number of mines and the safety of mining and securing locations with the smallest environmental footprint. These are the logistical issues with being able to ethically and sustainably extract the critical minerals needed to maintain our modern-day lifestyle.

“We have to overcome the ‘not in my backyard’ mentality with the ‘I want to have electric cars.’ It’s a balance we have to strike,” says Rogers. “We need to pull people from different disciplines to address this and we need to be willing to come to the table and find solutions.”

A substantial number of mines are needed in order to meet technological and economic demands. Getting permits for large, industrial projects is difficult — for wind and solar farms, or even mines.

“In the United States, we have strong institutions with great environmental and human protections,” Rogers says. “And that’s phenomenal; it’s a mark of progress. But with institutions that strong, when trying to create industrial projects, the easy path to a 'no' is usually taken and the much more difficult path to a conditional 'yes' is passed over in litigation.”

This creates a significant problem, according to Rogers. When we’re always saying no to mines in the US, this forces mining to be relocated to areas without the strong institutions that the US has. This means we get our resources from places without environmental protections or human right protections such as workers’ rights.

The Role of Higher Ed

“That’s the role of higher education,” Rogers states. “Addressing the complicated challenges and working through them. We need to be better at hosting debates and not losing focus on the importance of higher education in transforming people’s lives, as well as the directions of nations.” The challenges are clearly daunting, but Rogers is optimistic.

Rogers grew up in a small town in Eastern Arizona. In college, he became interested in a mining engineering program, excited about a career path that meant he’d be spending a lot of time outdoors and which offered a lot of scholarship opportunities. He got his bachelor’s in mining engineering at the University of Arizona and worked in east Texas as a mining engineer for two years.

In graduate school Rogers helped his advisor start a technology company which developed technology platforms for mining companies. Rogers got his PhD in mining engineering from the University of Arizona in 2015 then took a job at the University of Utah in 2016, working on various projects with the Bureau of Land Management, the Department of Energy and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

One of these projects included working with mining companies on managing operator fatigue. Mines have large mining equipment and twelve-hour shifts, so operator fatigue is a risk that must be mitigated.

“We created a FitBit app that helps track reaction time,” Rogers says. “As well as some other modeling to predict fatigue and manage it to create better shift scheduling that’s responsive to the needs of the operator.”

Rogers’ work also focuses on critical minerals necessary for civilization, especially for technology. There’s a large effort to find, geologically, where these minerals occur and then find out how to process them.

“The middle part, between those two steps,” Rogers says, “is the mining part, which tends to be skipped over from funding agencies. Politically, it’s easier to focus on geology and processing rather than the actual mining.”

Rogers states that we need to update our mining approaches in order to reduce environmental impacts but also to focus on the actual process of mining which includes locating sites, extracting the ore, refining the ore and sending it to market. One of the challenges when mines are outsourced overseas is that certain regions or countries have a large market share of a commodity.

“Dictating the price of critical minerals can price people out of the market,” says Rogers. “It’s geopolitics, and we need to be aware of it in mineral economics and be able to respond accordingly.”

“Conflict minerals” is the name given to critical minerals sourced from areas with conflicts, either politically or that don’t follow similar ethical guidelines as the US. Sourcing minerals from these areas could finance terrorism or other crimes such as human trafficking. One of the more well-known examples of this are “blood diamonds” which are mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, an invading army's war efforts, terrorism, or a warlord's activity.

“The problem is you can track individual pieces of diamonds,” Rogers explains, “but with metals like copper and cobalt, they get blended in smelters and manufacturing pieces.”

Rogers and a student of his, Ishaan Kapoor, looked into the idea of using web technologies like blockchains. Database tracking systems can be used to better trace minerals through the supply chain, thus giving insight as to where minerals are sourced from. This way, consumers can be smarter about where we’re sourcing our materials. (A link to this paper is here.)

Faculty Award

Pratt Rogers received the Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award from the College of Mines and Earth Sciences in 2023. He teaches many classes, including Introduction to Mining.

“With that, I try to get students excited about mining engineering,” Rogers says of the class. “I try to make it interactive, taking the students on field trips.” He also teaches an underground mining methods class, as well as a health and safety class, where he talks about mining hazards as well as engineering controls and approaches to manage risks. His favorite class to teach is an internship class where he mentors students.

“It’s the most rewarding thing to be able to help students navigate and build a network industry,” he states, “getting jobs and helping them decide what path they should take, because there’s a lot of paths to take in the mining industry.”

Within mining engineering, however, there’s a crisis in recruitment. Rogers chalks that up to people not knowing the many different types of jobs within the mining industry.

“You can do traditional coding,” says Rogers. “Along with cutting edge computer science. You can take your degree internationally or locally, you can do anything with technology as well as mechanical engineering. There are so many options, and there’s a lot of opportunities to be able to do something really important for society.”

And if the challenges of sustainable mining and securing critical minerals, especially for the needs of technology, is a moon shot, we’ll need all the help we can get.

by CJ Siebeneck

Dr. Rogers is the featured speaker in the upcoming Science at Breakfast hosted by the College of Science in March. He will be addressing the topic "Material World, Material People: Navigating Human Needs and Mineral Realities."

Coal Miner’s Daughter

Coal miner's Daughter


Spotlight on the first woman chair of the Mining Engineering Department’s Industrial Advisory Board — Denee Hayes.

Denee Hayes with her father at the Mining Engineering Department's award ceremony 2023.

“The work I’ve done both within and outside of the mining industry has helped me understand what the outside community thinks about mining,” says Denee Hayes BSME’02. She explains that there is a misunderstanding about how mining contributes to green energy, sustainability and the environment. Through her diverse work experience, she developed the talking points and negotiating skills to be a moderator and mediator between mining and environmental groups. “It really shaped the work that I’m doing today in mining, manufacturing as well as utilities and other sectors.”  

While not on the trajectory of the late Loretta Lynn, whose 1971 Grammy-winning song “Coal Miner’s Daughter (and later, the Academy Award-winning bio-pic starring Sissy Spacek) told the story of the country singer’s upbringing in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky and her elevation into stardom, Hayes’ journey is no less auspicious. In fact, Hayes’ career may end up having a profound impact on the defining issues of our times. Arguably, it already has.  

Hayes was raised in Farmington, NM by parents who owned an oil and gas business. Her father was from Carbon County, Utah and not only worked in oil and gas as well as in mining sales. He also drove a truck for the coal mines in Wyoming. Both of her grandfathers also worked in oil/gas, construction and mining in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. Even before high school graduation, Hayes showed an interest in getting a degree in mining engineering. Poised to swoop in, the University of Utah offered a full-ride scholarship and, critically, the industry offered internships and industry experiences starting the summer before she arrived on campus in 1994.  


Thought leader 

Since graduation in 2002 Hayes has become a thought leader in the necessary convergence of mining and the new green economy. This, while working for nine years in-house with Utah’s Kennecott Copper until 2020 when she pivoted to private consulting, which she continues to this day.  On the academic side, she was the first woman chair of the Mining Engineering department’s industrial advisory board. 

 The stakes right now in reimagining the mining sector as it relates to a green economy could not be higher. Regarding the climate challenge at large, we really only have one chance to get it right, according to New York Times David Wallace-Wells. In a recent Tanner Humanities Lecture at the U, the climate journalist reported that half of all carbon emissions have come about in just the last 25 years. Even more startling, the weight of that carbon (yes, there are methods of measuring it), is more than the total mass of everything ever built by humans and still standing on earth.  

 Hayes and her colleagues and collaborators may well be up to the herculean task as they look more closely at the complexity of the mining/environment conundrum, and to find allies. “I like the ability to pull together — the interdisciplinary approach — to solving these problems and issues,” she says.  “Diversity of thought and mining engineering gave me the technical knowledge and the language to work between the parties.” She views her training at the U as forging her into a “jack of all trades,” earning a degree that crosses various kinds of engineering — mechanical, civil, electrical — with the pure sciences of physics, chemistry and high-level mathematics. This interdisciplinary approach has threaded through her training and work experience via software development, utilities, manufacturing, architecture, mining engineering, integrated operations, and corporate leadership, all while deploying her signature bridge-building skills.  

 The span between mining and the environmental ethic is not a small one, and it is by dint of Hayes’ experience in a variety of sectors that she has forged her current work as a consultant. “The work I think I did [at Kennecott and elsewhere] gave me a view of two sides, really seeing how the industry has a PR problem and that mining [professionals] have really pitted themselves against environmentalists and other industries, and how we really need to show that if you are pro-green energy you have to be pro-mining.”  

At first blush, such a statement seems counterintuitive, but she continues. “If you think about the trajectory society is currently on “there are ebbs and flows in everything for green energy” whether it’s photovoltaic materials to convert sunlight into electric energy or other sources of renewable energy, like wind and hydro power.  

The greening of America 

To keep up with green economy demands, Hayes explains that the world “will need to mine the same amount of copper between now and 2030/40 as we have in all of humanity,” And that is an example of just one metal. “Because there’s that much copper that goes into those things [i.e., green technologies, coupled] with population growth, even power transmission — from coal or a green energy source —  you still utilize copper and a whole host of other critical minerals within that energy transmission and distribution.”   

Do you rely on a mobile phone? Hayes is quick to remind us that more than half of the periodical table goes into producing and running your cell phone. Furthermore, “anything in the periodic table needs to be mined.” 

The challenge of greening America is not just about extraction of critical metals from new as well as historical mines (known as brownfield sites) which are being re-opened and are using new technologies to re-mine, for example, tailings. It’s also about water use, of particular concern to those of us in the West. Part of building a consensus between two opposing sides is to hold a space for both without papering over reality, on either side.  

“I think that we now have an opportunity to right some of the wrongs of mining in the past and some of the ways that we didn’t understand how we were harming the Earth,” she says, not only referencing Environmental Protection Agency-designated superfund sites of mines but seeing the sector from the view of digital optimization of the entire value chain. These involve standards, both enforced by governmental regulations as well as industry best practices that don’t exist outside the U.S. which is why Americans have relied on questionable extraction services outside the country, something that Hayes finds unacceptable. “If we want to continue leading the lives we are leading, we have to do our own extraction operations of critical materials ethically.” 

Ethical practices extend as well to current mining employees and can only add to efficiencies that stakeholders demand. Hayes values “helping connect the executive level strategy to the front line, figuring out how to get the front line activated to enact that strategy.” In other words, it's not just about getting employee “buy-in” but demonstrating the “how,” to all of them — operators, maintainers, samplers and surveyors on site — of deploying lofty executive team decisions. “You’re leading people and focused on their safety and well-being and not just managing the tasks at hand,” she says.  

It's all part of Hayes’ “holistic” approach to the issues, of thinking outside the blast hole, as it were, and through the “muck” (a general term in the industry of blasted rock that is ready to be loaded). A thoughtful intervention characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole is how “defining problems” of our age get solved . . . or at least managed.   

Moving the needle 

In the field.

And clearly for Hayes, it’s not just about operations, safety and profit — or even of financial stakeholders for that matter. It’s about moving the needle in the industry towards not only a greener way of doing things, but a more just and equitable way of doing those things as well.  

 The systemic reimagining of mining is a daunting proposition, and it requires bringing in diverse voices to inform, what Hayes calls, the “broader topics of that broader conversation.” She well remembers being an undergraduate — one of only three or four women in the department. That hasn’t changed much in the last 30 years with most mining organizations reporting only 7-10 percent of a work force made up of women.  

 “The real work needs to be for everyone to understand that a career in mining is a career for the environment, for green energy, and having that will be an attraction for people to come in. [We need to] make it psychologically safe to work in this industry, which it hasn’t always been. It’s work that we all have to do . . . .When you’re trying to tackle these large problems in industry you really need the diversity of thought that comes out of these different mining programs.”  

 The U’s program is no different. As with other institutions of higher education, its metrics of success are research, funding, student enrollment, and student success. “Industry needs to do its part to help create a pipeline of students to the U as well as look to the university to do some of their important research.” “The same holds true in reverse, universities need to be asking industry what will be most impactful for mining of the future.” If things don’t change, mining engineering departments across the country like the U’s will dwindle and die. “We’ve seen that in West Virginia,” she says, referencing beleaguered West Virginia University. In August the flagship Morgantown campus proposed eliminating nine percent of the majors and seven percent of its full-time faculty members.  

Critical materials, critical thought 

Fewer and fewer programs in all academic fields means less and less diversity of thought, which is critically needed. Hayes intends to advocate for better associations between industry and the university for this very reason. It’s a personally held mission that might have not only a macro difference but a micro one as well in these challenging times. She and her husband are the proud parents of another proverbial “miner’s daughter,” and her daughter is likely to be better positioned to consider a degree and a career in mining engineering because of her mother’s continuing hard work in the sector.  

When Denee Hayes recently won an honorary alumna award at the department’s most recent awards ceremony, the coal miner’s daughter had her dad in the room. “He was ecstatic to come and see me.” she says with a smile.  

by David Pace

Underground Hazards & Safety in Mining

Underground Hazards & Safety in Mining


An educational collaboration between the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (RMCOEH) and the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Utah will bring new perspectives to tackle tough problems in mining safety.

W. Pratt Rogers

Mining technology in the United States has advanced immeasurably from minecarts and “jack-legs” (very large jackhammers), but working in or around mines still presents unique and serious hazards, says W. Pratt Rogers, PhD, associate professor in mining engineering. He describes the dangers of mining labor in terms of “high-energy zones”: regions where large and powerful machinery or heavy objects have the potential to exert massive amounts of force. “If you make one snap decision wrong in a high-energy zone, you can lose a leg, or your life,” he says. “We’ve made a lot of progress, but there are still fatalities. There are still massive injuries.”


Addressing these hazards will take the best minds from across a wide variety of disciplines. One of the biggest strengths of the program, Rogers says, is that it will tap into that variety. Classes in the Mining Safety program will be taught by faculty members from the Department of Mining Engineering. But unlike standard engineering courses, these will be geared toward a broad spectrum of students within RMCOEH, with backgrounds ranging from industrial hygiene and emergency management to psychology and public health.

Charles Kocsis, PhD, chair of the Department of Mining Engineering and director of the Center for Mining Safety and Health Excellence, says that the collaboration will be a new development for the department. “We’re very excited, because it’s the first time that mining engineering steps out of the box.” The program is expected to begin accepting students in March 2024.

Read the full article by Sophia Friesen at U Health.

On Naps, Carbs & Motivation: Annika Edwards, BMG

As I’ve thought back on the past four years and wondered what life lessons I learned, the lesson that stands out the most to me is simple yet profound. I found this quote by an Anonymous source I felt fit perfectly, it goes like this, in life “Sometimes you need motivation, sometimes you just need carbs” and a nap.

By Annika Edwards, Valedictorian
College of Mines & Earth Sciences Convocation
11 April 2022

I added that last part about naps. Over the past four years we’ve all been through typical and atypical experiences. Of course, there’s the typical freshman 15 that we all lost from walking up and down hills motivated to make it to class on time, or the freshman 15 we all gained from a healthy diet of pizza and ramen every week. Now, I don’t have a degree in mathematics nor a degree in health sciences but to me those two seem to cancel each other out. We all experienced the atypical covid years where self-motivation became essential more than anyone could have ever imagined, and the carb intake skyrocketed. We experienced the usual snow days and the unusual earthquakes that cancelled classes and saved us from our lack of motivation to complete homework or study for that day’s tests and provided extra time to sneak in another nap. 

What motivates us

Although naps, carbs, and motivation — not necessarily in that order — are important to achieving goals, more is required to be successful. We’ve just reflected on some of our experiences with motivation, but we didn’t talk about what is motivating us. As freshmen our motivation to get to class on time may have been to get good grades or to try to start off our college careers strong. Motivation to continue to work through school while being forced to stay home and take classes online may have been the money invested in tuition for that semester, to continue to progress in our degree programs or to simply have something to do while stuck at home.

Fortunately for us there are no grades in industry and the tests are the projects we spend our time on. Unfortunately, the grades and the tests were motivators. As we start, or continue our careers, we need to set goals and have dreams both work related and personal to keep us motivated. Reba McEntire stated, “to succeed in life you must have three things, a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.” Discover your motivator a.k.a. wishbone. 

Motivators often lead to action which brings us to our next bone, the backbone. The backbone is often used as a symbol of strong character, which is necessary to be successful, but today I would like to broaden the meaning of having a backbone. As both scientists and engineers, we all took math, chemistry, and physics. Often these were classes that we were the least excited about but somehow took all of our time. The work we put into these classes built the foundation needed to continue our education in each of our degree programs. We have worked hard, countless hours to get where we are today; the same is true to get to where we want to go, to achieve our goals. Today, right now, to have a backbone means to put in the honest work.

Build your backbone. 

Light bulbs

To introduce the final bone to a successful life I would like to share a joke:

How many PhD candidates do you need to change a single light bulb?

You actually only need one, but it may take more than four years.

Some of you find these kinds of jokes funny, and some of you don’t. We all have a different sense of humor, but be sure not to lose your funny bone along the way. Think back on the four plus years it has taken for you to get here. The things I remember the most are the late nights and hard work because they were truly scary, but I also remember the fun times I had laughing and joking with my classmates. I know it’s the same for you. Being able to laugh and have a good time is what makes life enjoyable. Don’t let yourself become the old person in the room who regrets taking life too seriously and spending too much time at work. 

To conclude my speech, I would like to take a minute to say thank you. Thank you to the partners, spouses and significant others who dealt with the countless hours and late nights we spent away from you working on homework and projects in the computer labs. Thank you to the parents and family who have supported us through our journey. Thank you to the advisors, industry professionals, and other supporters of our students’ groups who helped us raise money and gain valuable experiences. Thank you to the professors for passing on your knowledge and wisdom related and unrelated to school. Thank you to the classmates who became lifelong friends.

As we start this new chapter in our lives, let’s not forget that success is what you make it: discover your wishbone, build your backbone and never lose your funny bones.

To the College of Mines and Earth Sciences Class of 2022, ∫ We did it!