Scientists awarded 1U4U Seed Grants

scientists awarded 1U4U Seed Grants

Above: Microbiolites at Bridger Bay on the northwest corner of Antelope Island. Credit: Utah Geological Survey. Biologists Jody Reimer and Michael Werner are part of a 1U4U team that study microbiolites.

Six College of Science faculty members are members of winning teams awarded seed grants of up to $50,000 as part of the 1U4U Seed Grant Program.

Six faculty members in the College of Science are members of winning teams awarded seed grants of up to $50,000 as part of the 1U4U Seed Grant Program.

The program supports cross-campus/cross-disciplinary research teams to solve some of the greatest challenges of our local, national, and global communities. College of Science faculty among the winning teams included Jon Wang, (biology), Colleen Farmer (biology), John Lin (atmospheric sciences), Jody Reimer (biology & mathematics), Michael Werner (biology) and Qilei Zhu (chemistry).

Bonderman Field Station at Rio Mesa (Photo courtesy of Zachary Lundeen)

The theme of the 2024-2025 program was “The Future of Sustainability.” Sustainability is a foundational goal that cuts across multiple intellectual topic areas (e.g., healthcare, water, energy, wildfire, critical minerals, education, food security) and can be interpreted widely.

At the University of Utah, faculty have engaged sustainability across a wide range of domains, including but not limited to environmental, social, communal, health, economic, technical, and legal.

Some of the topics of winning projects include the impact of air quality on elite athletic performance, study of suicide behaviors, and improving health by linking silos.

“It is exciting to fund so many teams working on sustainability projects,” said Dr. Jakob Jensen, associate vice president for research at the U. “The teams are considering sustainability across a wide range of topics from forest management and urban heat islands to physical therapy and mental health. These seed projects will drive significant innovation and impact communities throughout the region.”

Winning teams with College of Science faculty include the following:

Research Team: John Pearson (medicine) & Jonathan Wang (College of Science — biology)
Application Title: Heat and Healing: The Influence of Urban Heat Islands on Postoperative Outcomes

Research Team: Colleen Farmer (College of Science — biology), Ajla Asksamija (Architecture & Planning), Zach Lundeen (Bonderman Field Station), Jorg Rugemer (Architecture & Planning), Atsushi Yamamoto (Architecture & Planning)

Research Team: John Lin (College of Science — atmospheric sciences) & Tanya Halliday (Health)
Application Title: Impact of Air Quality on Elite Athletic Performance:  from Salt Lake to Beyond

Research Team: Jody Reimer (College of Science — biology and mathematics), Brigham Daniels (Law), Beth Parker (Law), Michael Werner (College of Science — biology)
Application Title: Understanding Great Salt Lake microbialite ecology to inform sustainable water management policy

Research Team: Qilei Zhu (College of Science — chemistry) & Tao Gao (Engineering)
Application Title: Ion-Conductive Membrane-Enabled Sustainable Industrial Electrochemical Production


For more information about the 1U4U Seed Grants and a complete list of this year's awardees click here.

New tools for peering into cell function.

New tools for peering into cell function.

Sep 9, 2024

U chemists discover how key contrast agent works, paving way to create markers needed for correlative microscopy.

Two labs at the University of Utah’s Department of Chemistry joined forces to improve imaging tools that may soon enable scientists to better observe signaling in functioning cells and other molecular-scale processes central to life.

The Noriega and Hammond labs, with complementary expertise in materials chemistry and chemical biology, made critical discoveries announced this month in the Journal of the American Chemical Society that could advance this goal. Their joint project was kickstarted through a team development grant from the U College of Science and the 3i Initiative to encourage faculty with different research interests to work together on big-picture problems.

“We’re trying to develop a new kind of imaging method, a way to look into cells and be able to see both their structural features, which are really intricate, while also capturing information about their activity,” said co-author Ming Hammond, a professor of chemistry. "Current methods provide high-resolution details on cellular structure but have a challenging ‘blind spot’ when it comes to function. In this paper, we study a tool that might be applied in electron microscopy to report on structure and function at the same time.”

Biological samples often need “markers,” or molecules that are the source of detectable signals, explained co-author Rodrigo Noriega, an assistant professor of chemistry. A widely used type of markers are flavoproteins which, when photoexcited, trigger a chemical reaction that yields metal-absorbing polymer particles whose high contrast in electron microscopy is easily seen.

Scientists had long assumed that a mechanism involving singlet oxygen generation, a special kind of reactive oxygen species, was at play. However, the U team found that electron transfer between the photoexcited marker and the polymer building blocks is the main contributor to the process.

You can read the full story by Brian Maffly in @TheU.


Cool Science Radio: Luisa Whittaker-Brooks

cool science on the Nanoscale

September 6, 2024
Above: Luisa Whittaker-Brooks

Our modern society faces many challenges, two of which being alternative energy sources and low cost electronics for daily use.

Solutions for these issues, and many others, can be found in the materials used in the products we create.

Luisa Whittaker-Brooks, assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Utah is on the leading edge of these technologies and developments.

Whittaker-Brooks' research group at the U focuses on the study and manufacture of ultra-thin electronics materials and nanoscale circuits, while she encourages women and minorities to choose careers in STEM disciplines.

Whittaker-Brooks was awarded the L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award for her work and was recently feature on KPCW's Cool Science Radio.

Listen to the podcast here.


Ron Perla, 2024 Distinguished Alumnus

Avalanche Escape Artist

September 4, 2024
Above: Ron Perla in the 1960s at a creep gage, built by U Geophysics' Bob Smith and team, ready to be covered with snow on a test slope next to the Alta Avalanche Study Center.

“I out-swam a size three avalanche down a gulley that had been artillery blasted,” reports Ron Perla to Wildsnow, a ski and snow reporting site. “It was my introduction to the post-control release.”

Ron Perla working on slab above Alta village, 1968. Credit: Charles Bradley, Montana State University

Recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Alumni award from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Perla graduated in 1971 with his PhD from the University of Utah in meteorology. As a snow scientist, he conducted research into avalanches and is well-known for discovering “the thirty-degree threshold,” where slopes of thirty degrees or more are much likelier to cause avalanches.

Perla worked at Alta Ski Resort as a member of the ski patrol and in 1966 became a part-time snow ranger and part-time research assistant at the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Alta Avalanche Study Center. As a research assistant to Ed LaChapelle, Perla researched slab properties, factors that contribute to an avalanche and rescue methods, among other things.

Early in the morning and during intense storms, snow rangers blast the mountain to reduce the risk of avalanches. Between these times, Ed LaChapelle allowed Perla to take classes at the U. From 1967 to 1971 Perla commuted between Alta and the university. He split his time between snow rangering and his PhD program supervised by Professor Shih-Kung Kao and included classes in meteorology and applied mechanics. These classes are fundamental disciplines for avalanche research.

Perla’s advisor, along with the Department of Meteorology's chair Don Dickson, understood the unique combination of university study and avalanche study. Kao was a world-class specialist in atmospheric dynamics, turbulence and diffusion while Dickson was a highly decorated World War II pilot with hands-on meteorology experience. He helped Perla obtain a research grant from the Rockefeller Foundation and arranged for the donation of an old Alta ski lifts building which was turned into a mountain meteorology lab.

Models of moving avalanches

Perla has also extensively researched snow structure as well as models of moving avalanches. His current research involves quasi-three-dimensional modeling of the internal structure of a moving avalanche, from start to stop and has modeled moving snow in many different ways. His first model (1980) followed the mass-center of moving snow, and in 1984 his model assumed the avalanche as a collection of starting particles. The current model assumes the avalanche consists of snow parcels moving turbulently in three layers.

Ron Perla, U.S. Forest Service, 1968.

Along with his research, Perla has spent a lifetime in the snow. An avid skier and mountaineer, he partnered with Tom Spencer (U alum in mathematics) in 1961 for the first ascent of Emperor Ridge on Mt. Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies. He also established a new route on the north face of the Grand Teton in Wyoming and a first ascent of the popular “Open Book” route on Lone Peak in the Wasatch Mountains.

“In 1967, I was working as a USFS Snow Ranger near the top of Mt. Baldy,” Perla says. “The cornice broke off prematurely, and I fell into a Baldy chute. The cornice blocks triggered a large avalanche. I was tumbled around with no chance of 'swimming,' and somehow I missed all of the rocks. Just before I lost consciousness under the snow, I managed to thrust an arm up to the surface. I was found quickly.”

Collective consciousness

Perla is an honorary member of the American Avalanche Association as well as a member of multiple different snow and ice committees, such as the Snow, Ice, and Permafrost committee for the American Geophysical Union.

After earning his PhD at the U, Perla moved to Fort Collins, Colorado as a research meteorologist for the USFS. In 1974, he moved to Alberta, Canada to work for the National Hydrology Research Institute. He has remained in Alberta since.

Perla is a significant reason why we understand snow science and avalanches and why backcountry education has improved to help keep those who recreate in areas with snowfall — skiers, mountaineers, snowshoers and ice climbers — safe.

“Despite the enormous increase in backcountry use, despite increasing behavior to ski and ride lines we could never imagine in the 1960s, avalanche fatalities are not increasing to match those trends,” Perla says in an interview with Wildsnow. "Surely, associations, centers, websites, and educators, in general, are responding to match those trends. Surely it’s also because today’s risk-takers are increasingly more skillful backcountry skiers, riders, and [,as in Perla's harrowing experience on Mt. Baldly,] escape artists."

He continues, adding that "[e]quipment is improving. ...But there’s something else: call it collective consciousness in the backcountry. An increasing number of backcountry users correlates with increasing observations and tests. Thus, safety can be enhanced by numbers if there is increased communication... ."

You can read Ron Perla's interview with Wildsnow here.

by CJ Siebeneck

How symbiosis helps define evolution

How symbiosis helps define evolution

September 3, 2024
Above: Colin Dale

“We’re looking at how deterministic the process of evolution is,” biologist Colin Dale says. “We’ve leveraged that question in this beautiful system, where we’ve got samples that have evolved under near identical conditions in nature.”

At the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Utah, the Dale Lab, along with U biologists Sarah Bush, Dale Clayton (Clayton/Bush Lab) and Robert Weiss U Human Genetics, in addition to collaborators from the University of Illinois (Kevin Johnson) and Virginia Commonwealth University (Bret Boyd) are exploiting an amazing biological system to study the relative contributions of stochasticity, contingency and determinism to evolution.

They do this using feather-feeding lice and their symbiotic bacteria that play a critical role in supplementing their host’s overly protein-rich diet of feather keratin. Their paper “Stochasticity, determinism, and contingency shape genome evolution of endosymbiotic bacteria” published this summer in Nature Communications.

“Keratin is a protein, and animals can’t live on protein alone,” says Dale. “The bacteria are producing B vitamins that are essential for these lice. Consequently, all feather-feeding lice have bacterial symbionts.”

The Clayton/Bush lab: Bacteriocytes in the abdomen of an adult female Columbicola columbae. Red and green colors show bacterial and louse cells, respectively. The bacteriocytes form conspicuous tissues called ovarial ampullae (oa) that are associated with developing eggs (mature oocytes: mo). Inset shows vertical transmission, with bacterial cells moving from the ovarial ampulla to the posterior pole of an oocyte through follicle cells. Credit: adapted from Fukatsu et al. 2007)

These bacteria are “endosymbiotic” which means they live (obligately) within the cells or bodies of a host animal. Remarkably, these bird lice have been collected from all over the globe, yet they have independently picked up the same species of bacteria to domesticate as vitamin “factories.” Dale recalls a question posed by the famous paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould: If we could see replays of the tape of life, taking place under near-identical conditions, would the process of evolution prove to be repeatable?

“What you have to worry about with Gould’s thought experiment,” Dale states, “is that distinct environmental conditions can induce distinct selection pressures. But since these lice are ectoparasites on birds, they’re buffered against variation in the environment and have no variation in diet. So, it’s one of the best examples of an evolutionary process that has evolved repeatedly under near-identical conditions.”

Symbiotic lifestyle

Mutations are randomly or “stochastically” generated but many do not survive the test of natural selection because they negatively impact fitness. However, upon transitioning to a symbiotic lifestyle, bacteria can withstand the mutational inactivation of many genes because those gene functions are supplanted by genes in their host. In this work, Dale and colleagues found that gene losses in the bacterial symbionts follow a decision tree-like structure that results in the minimization of their gene inventory, through the removal of redundant gene functions. In simple terms, if Gene A and B have redundant functions and the bacteria lose gene A, they are forced to maintain Gene B in order to survive (or vice versa). However, the loss of gene B might then facilitate the loss of genes X, Y and Z because the functions of those genes are uniquely dependent on gene B. Thus, cascading patterns of co-dependent gene loss and retention are initiated as a consequence of distinct stochastic losses in each symbiont genome.

“That’s the beautiful outcome of this paper,” says Dale. “It provides empirical evidence for this long-term trajectory and interplay between stochasticity, contingency and evolutionary determinism.” This has implications for the evolution of mitochondria and chloroplasts, which according to the theory of endosymbiosis, are organelles that used to be independent microbes that became symbiotic with eukaryotic cells in a similar way to these bacteria and the lice.

“Those organelles started off with big gene inventories,” Dale says. “When our cells provided them with an abundance of nutrients, they minimized their functions to retain only those that proved beneficial to their hosts, encompassing photosynthesis in the case of the chloroplast and aerobic energy generation in the case of the mitochondrion.

Notably, these very important traits originated through symbiosis and defined the evolution of plants and animals on Earth.

Cutting-edge of computational biology

The Dale Lab has a substantial focus on computational genomics and data science, catalyzed in large part by a very talented graduate student, Ian James, who obtained his bachelor’s degree in biology from the U and subsequently discovered that he had a talent for computer science.  “Ian is extraordinarily creative,” says Dale. “He starts out with biological questions and crafts complex data analysis pipelines, often using machine learning approaches, to obtain answers from big sets of data, ultimately producing some really psychedelic figures.”

Graduate student Ian James engrossed in “the silicon bubble of computational biology." Credit: courtesy of Colin Dale.

In combination with collaborators in Illinois and Virginia, who also utilize cutting-edge computational techniques to understand the patterns of louse and symbiont evolution, James uses pattern recognition and association rule mining to uncover hidden relationships between variables in large datasets to detect contingency in evolution.

“The resulting approaches are really novel and uncover striking and highly supported patterns” continues Dale. “Such approaches also have great potential for understanding the etiologies of diseases such as cancer, that often arise as a consequence of gene(s) becoming damaged.”

While Dale enjoys being trapped in what he calls “the silicon bubble of computational biology,” he also recognizes that field biologists, including Bush and Clayton, play a critical role in enabling this work to come to fruition. It requires specimens collected from all over the world to provide the genetic material for the cutting-edge data science and analysis. Bush and Clayton, along with many other collaborators, have been collecting and studying bird lice for decades, yielding a gift (to science) that literally keeps on giving.

The system has been used to answer many important questions in the field of evolutionary biology and serves as a model for the understanding of co-evolutionary interactions in biology textbooks. “In this case, in the context of symbiosis, this system is actually really interesting because it’s so boring” quips Dale. “Again, it’s the lack of variation in the underlying biology that makes it an excellent candidate for this type of study. I’ve always paid attention to the aphorism stating that ‘all that glitters is not gold.’ It’s also worth noting that sometimes the gold doesn’t glitter at all.”

by CJ Siebeneck

Is the Past the Key to Our Future Climate?

Is the Past the Key to Our Future Climate?

September 3, 2024
Above: forams under microscopic level

New research from U geologists links rapid climate change 50 million years ago to rising CO2 levels.

At the end of the Paleocene and beginning of the Eocene epochs, between 59 to 51 million years ago, Earth experienced dramatic warming periods, both gradual periods stretching millions of years and sudden warming events known as hyperthermals. Driving this planetary heat-up were massive emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, but other factors like tectonic activity may have also been at play.

Gabriel Bowen

New research led by University of Utah geoscientists pairs sea surface temperatures with levels of atmospheric COduring this period, showing the two were closely linked. The findings also provide case studies to test carbon cycle feedback mechanisms and sensitivities critical for predicting anthropogenic climate change as we continue pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere on an unprecedented scale in the planet’s history.

“The main reason we are interested in these global carbon release events is because they can provide analogs for future change,” said lead author Dustin Harper, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Geology & Geophysics. “We really don’t have a perfect analog event with the exact same background conditions and rate of carbon release.”

But the study published on 26th August'24 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS, suggests emissions during two ancient “thermal maxima” are similar enough to today’s anthropogenic climate change to help scientists forecast its consequences. The research team analyzed microscopic fossils—recovered in drilling cores taken from an undersea plateau in the Pacific—to characterize surface ocean chemistry at the time the shelled creatures were alive. The findings indicate that as atmospheric levels of COrose, so too did global temperatures.

“We have multiple ways that our planet, that our atmosphere is being influenced by CO2 additions, but in each case, regardless of the source of CO2, we’re seeing similar impacts on the climate system,” said co-author Gabriel Bowen, a U professor of geology & geophysics.

Read the full article by Brian Maffly @TheU.

New bioinformatics major

New bioinformatics major opens doors to thriving careers

August 28, 2024

Beginning fall 2024, the degree provides rigorous interdisciplinary training to help graduates thrive in rapidly growing sectors.

Tommaso De Fernex, Chair of the Department of Mathematics. Credit: Todd Anderson

Tommaso De Fernex, chair of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Utah, has announced a new bioinformatics bachelor's degree (BS) available beginning fall semester 2024. The degree provides rigorous interdisciplinary training to help graduates thrive in rapidly growing sectors.

At the nexus of data science and life and physical sciences, bioinformatics applies intensive computational methods to analyze and understand complex biological information related to health, biotechnology, genomics and more. Through a comprehensive curriculum, undergraduates at the U will gain expertise in a variety of areas that together form an inter-disciplinary, multi-semester laboratory with rich possibilities.

“This major represents a pivotal step in keeping our students at the forefront of biotechnology,” says De Fernex. “It embodies true interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing expertise from biology, chemistry, and computer science faculties. I'm grateful for the dedication of our faculty in developing this program and for our strong partnerships with the medical campus and Utah's thriving biotechnology sector.”

 The complexity of life

Another math professor at the U, Fred Adler, agrees. The “study of life” is decidedly complex, says Adler who has joint faculty appointments in biology and mathematics and is currently director of the U’s School of Biological Sciences. “Unraveling that complexity means combining the tools developed in the last century: ability to visualize and measure huge numbers of tiny things that used to be invisible, technology to store and analyze vast quantities of data, and the fundamental biological and mathematical knowledge to make sense of it all.”

Continues Adler: “A few years ago, we heard that biology is the science of the 21st century. But with all the excitement and innovation in AI and machine learning, it might seem that this prediction was premature. We think nothing could be further from the truth.” Clearly, with the advent of biostatistical modeling, machine learning for genetics, biological data mining, computer programming and computational techniques for biomedical research, he said, “the preeminent role of biology in the sciences” has arrived.

A busy intersection

Bioinformatics is a field that intersects virtually every STEM discipline, developing and utilizing methods and software tools for understanding biological data, especially when the data sets are large and complex. Mathematics, (including statistics), biology, chemistry, physics, computer science and programming and information engineering all constellate to analyze and interpret biological data. The subsequent process of analyzing and interpreting data is referred to as computational biology.

Historically, bioinformatics and computational biology have involved the analysis of biological data, particularly DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. The field experienced explosive growth starting in the mid-1990s, driven largely by the Human Genome Project and by rapid advances in DNA sequencing technology, including at the U.

The new bioinformatics bachelor’s degree also complements the University’s storied graduate program in biomedical informatics, run by the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the Spencer Fox School of Medicine.

High-growth career field

The field of bioinformatics is experiencing rapid growth, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting a 15% increase in related jobs over the next decade, outpacing many other occupations. Graduates with a bioinformatics degree can expect to find opportunities in diverse sectors, including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and research institutions. The interdisciplinary nature of this degree equips students with a unique skill set that combines biological knowledge with computational expertise. This blend of skills is increasingly valuable in today's data-driven economy, opening doors to a wide range of career paths and translating into higher earning potential for bioinformatics graduates.

"Students with quantitative expertise, like that offered in the new bioinformatics degree, are in high demand in the life sciences industry," says Peter Trapa, dean of the College of Science. "Recent data on U graduates highlights strong job placement and impressive salaries for graduates with such skills. This degree is designed to prepare students for success in these thriving job markets."

What students can expect

As a bioinformatics major, a student will learn from and collaborate with faculty pushing the boundaries of genomics, systems biology, biomedical informatics and more. Other universities and colleges offer a similar degree, but advantages to the U’s bioinformatics major include the following:

  • Hands-on research experiences in a student’s first year through the College’s celebrated Science Research Initiative
  • Core mathematical foundations through the renowned Department of Mathematics
  • Access to an R1 university with nationally ranked biomedical, health sciences and genomics programs
  • Internship opportunities with industry partners
  • Advisory support and career coaching

Concludes De Fernex, “Our bioinformatics curriculum promises a challenging yet immensely rewarding journey, equipping students for high-paying careers or further advanced studies. In today's world, where science and medicine increasingly rely on big data analysis, bioinformatics stands as a frontier of discovery.”

Students can learn more about the new bioinformatics major by visiting

By David Pace

Elevating Public Understanding of Geoscience

Elevating Public Understanding of Geoscience

August 26, 2024. Above: Marjorie Chan

Marjorie Chan, Distinguished Professor Emerita at the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Utah, is the 2024 recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to the Public Understanding of the Geosciences award.

The award is presented by the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) to a person, organization, or institution in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the public understanding of geoscience. "Dr. Chan has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to public outreach and community service throughout her career," according to the press release issued by AGI. "Her earliest efforts focused on inspiring and supporting young women in the geosciences, and over the decades her concerns expanded to promoting public awareness of environmental issues and the urgent need to conserve geological resources."

Chan has given hundreds of public lectures, served as a volunteer consultant on scores of ecological and preservation projects as well as art collaborations, advised and created instructive material for secondary teachers and oversaw major Earth science community initiatives. The U has Chan to thank for coordinating the design and construction of the first LEED-certified building on the academic campus which includes educational visual displays that have since inspired geoscience building designs across the nation.


Lobby of the Sutton Building, University of Utah

"I am very honored to be recognized by AGI for a career that has been so engaging and fulfilling,” says Chan who served as department chair during which time she appointed the U’s first Geology and Geophysics faculty coordinator of outreach. “Being a part of the Earth science community has been an experience beyond my expectations. I’ve learned from so many wonderful people and made connections across cultures and countries that I will never forget. This has inspired me to share my passion for Earth science with the public. “

That passion for sharing has led to Chan's being featured in documentaries including National Geographic and Discovery Channel television shows. Additionally, she has been a guest on National Public Radio’s Science Friday, and has served as a science advisor for PBS-Nova Science Now. Her NASA science and outreach activities include Endeavor 2016 Dynamic Mars Webinars for K-12 teachers, Mars for Earthlings webinars and short courses and development of teaching modules for higher education instructors.

As the 2014 Geological Society of America (GSA) Distinguished International Lecturer Chan has given 53 lectures spanning India, New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan, and South Korea. In addition to receiving two national meeting presentation awards from SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), she is the winner of the GSA Distinguished Service Award (2020) and the GSA Sloss Award for Lifetime Achievements in Sedimentary Geology (2019). She was also elected GSA Fellow in 1995. In her national committee work she has chaired the GSA Diversity Committee (2012-2013), the GSA Sedimentary Geology Division (2014-2015) and the U.S. National Committee for Geological Sciences (2022-2023).

Referring to the recent honor, Chan says “the award recognizes the impact of many important mentors and colleagues, and their investment in me. Being honored by AGI is an affirmation of the value in giving back to a profession that has brought me so much enrichment in my life.”

The Frederick Albert Sutton Building, the first LEED-certified building on U academic campus.

From Precambrian to Pleistocene

Chan earned a PhD in Geology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1982 and a BS in Geology from the University of California-Davis in 1977. During an academic career of more than 40 years at the U, she has authored or co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed articles on a range of sedimentary topics. Her work has spanned the Precambrian up to the Pleistocene with recent research that applied terrestrial examples to better understand Martian geology.

When it comes to outreach Chan knows that public engagement is often an afterthought or less valued than research and teaching. “I feel that spreading our knowledge more widely is a core principle of scholarship. Our societal future relies on public understanding of the complexities in the natural world.”

Chan, who retired this year, is being recognized for the award at the Friends of AGI Awards Reception during the GSA Connects conference in Anaheim, California, on September 24, 2024.


by David Pace

About The American Geosciences Institute, AGI is a federation of scientific and professional organizations representing over a quarter-million geoscientists, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving the geoscience community and addressing the needs of society. AGI headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia.

Scientists Find Hope in Cone Snail Venom

Scientists Find Hope in Cone Snail Venom

Aug 23, 2024
Above : Ho Yan Yeung, PhD (left) and Thomas Koch, PhD (right, also an author on the study) examine a freshly-collected batch of cone snails. Image credit: Safavi Lab.

Based on work by Toto Olivera, the father of research on cone snail venom, scientists are now finding clues for how to treat diabetes and hormone disorders in a toxin from one of the most venomous animals on the planet.

An international research team led by University of Utah scientists has identified a component within the venom of a predatory marine cone snail, the geography cone, that mimics a human hormone called somatostatin, which regulates the levels of blood sugar and various hormones in the body. The hormone-like toxin’s specific, long-lasting effects, which help the snail hunt its prey, could also help scientists design better drugs for people with diabetes or hormone disorders, conditions that can be serious and sometimes fatal.

The results were published Aug. 20 in the journal Nature Communications.

A blueprint for better drugs

Somatostatin acts like a brake pedal for many processes in the human body, preventing the levels of blood sugar, various hormones, and many other important molecules from rising dangerously high. The cone snail toxin, called consomatin, works similarly, the researchers found—but consomatin is more stable and specific than the human hormone, which makes it a promising blueprint for drug design.

By measuring how consomatin interacts with somatostatin’s targets in human cells in a dish, the researchers found that consomatin interacts with one of the same proteins that somatostatin does. But while somatostatin directly interacts with several proteins, consomatin only interacts with one. This fine-tuned targeting means that the cone snail toxin affects hormone levels and blood sugar levels but not the levels of many other molecules.

In fact, the cone snail toxin is more precisely targeted than the most specific synthetic drugs designed to regulate hormone levels, such as drugs that regulate growth hormone. Such drugs are an important therapy for people whose bodies overproduce growth hormones. Consomatin’s effects on blood sugar could make it dangerous to use as a therapeutic, but by studying its structure, researchers could start to design drugs for endocrine disorders that have fewer side effects.

Consomatin is more specific than top-of-the-line synthetic drugs—and it also lasts far longer in the body than the human hormone, thanks to the inclusion of an unusual amino acid that makes it difficult to break down. This is a useful feature for pharmaceutical researchers looking for ways to make drugs that will have long-lasting benefits.

Learning from cone snails

Finding better drugs by studying deadly venoms may seem unintuitive, but Helena Safavi, associate professor of biochemistry in the U’s Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine and the senior author on the study, explained that the toxins’ lethality is often aided by pinpoint targeting of specific molecules in the victim’s body. That same precision can be extraordinarily useful when treating disease.

“Venomous animals have, through evolution, fine-tuned venom components to hit a particular target in the prey and disrupt it,” Safavi said. “If you take one individual component out of the venom mixture and look at how it disrupts normal physiology, that pathway is often really relevant in disease.” For medicinal chemists, “it’s a bit of a shortcut.”

Among Safavi’s coauthors are faculty from the U’s School of Biological Sciences, including Baldomero Olivera and Samuel Espino. The U has been a hotspot for research into the venom’s pharmacological properties since Olivera arrived in Utah in 1970 from his native Philippines, bringing his interest in cone snails with him.

Read the full, original story by Sophia Friesen in UofU Health.
Read about Toto Olivera’s 2022 Golden Goose Award for early research in cone snails here.

Deep Beneath Our Feet: A Seismic Surprise

Deep Beneath Our Feet: A Seismic Surprise

Aug 20, 2024
Above: Earth’s interior. Credit: Michael Thorne

For the decades since their discovery, seismic signals known as PKP precursors have challenged scientists. Regions of Earth’s lower mantle scatter incoming seismic waves, which return to the surface as PKP waves at differing speeds.

The origin of the precursor signals, which arrive ahead of the main seismic waves that travel through Earth’s core, has remained unclear, but research led by University of Utah geophysicists sheds new light on this mysterious seismic energy.

PKP precursors appear to propagate from places deep below North America and the western Pacific and possibly bear an association with “ultra-low velocity zones,” thin layers in the mantle where seismic waves significantly slow down, according to research published in AGU Advances, the American Geophysical Union’s lead journal. (The AGU highlighted the research in its magazine Eos.)

“These are some of the most extreme features discovered on the planet. We legitimately do not know what they are,” said lead author Michael Thorne, a U associate professor of geology and geophysics. “But one thing we know is they seem to end up accumulating underneath hotspot volcanoes. They seem like they may be the root of whole mantle plumes giving rise to hotspot volcanoes.”

These plumes are responsible for the volcanism observed at Yellowstone, the Hawaiian Islands, Samoa, Iceland and the Galapagos Islands.

Thorne’s team, which included research assistant professor Surya Pachhai, devised a way to model waveforms to detect crucial effects that previously went unnoticed. Using a cutting-edge seismic array method and new theoretical observations from earthquake simulations, the researchers developed, they analyzed data from 58 earthquakes that occurred around New Guinea and were recorded in North America after passing through the planet.

Their new method allowed them to pinpoint where the scattering occurred along the boundary between the liquid metal outer core and the mantle, known as the core-mantle boundary, located 2,900 kilometers below Earth’s surface.

Read the full article by Brian Maffly @TheU.