Pace Yourself: Episode 1

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 David Pace 0:02

Hi, I’m David Pace. 


Alex Barilec 0:04

And I’m Alex Barilec and this is Pace Yourself, a podcast from the University of Utah College of Science on Wellness. 


David Pace 0:16

And we are talking about the eight dimensions of wellness for our friends and family and you, whoever you are. So today we’re going to talk about physical wellness. And I want Alex to start out here because he’s got a pretty interesting story to tell us about a 50K race. Take it away Alex. 


Alex Barilec 0:38

Yeah, Thanks, David. Talk about a big physical feat of wellness. I finished a 50K for the first time about three weeks ago and I think when I think of the definition of physical wellness, being caring for your body to stay healthy, now and in the future, my hope is really to use this opportunity as a way to practice that and then also make it tangible. And I learned some really cool things throughout it that, you know, hopefully we can weave in through this podcast. The first being that I like to see physical wellness as a door to other areas of wellness. So I started on this journey running and being consistently moving my body. It opened me up to other dimensions of wellness that we’re going to talk about through the series. And that was something that was really interesting and eye opening to me. 


David Pace 1:27

So it was very concrete. It was embodied, literally wellness embodied. 


Alex Barilec 1:32

Yeah, that’s a great word to use. It’s like the physical wellness and the physical component of running brought on the emotional, the mental side of it, and also the spiritual well-being, as well.


David Pace 1:44



Alex Barilec 1:44

But it also ties into, you know, my occupation and ways in which I was able to make time to focus on physical well-being. 


David Pace 1:54

Why don’t you talk about that, occupational. Because we’re going to talk about occupational next time. But what do you mean by occupational wellness? 


Alex Barilec 2:02

Yeah. So another dimension of wellness that we’ll cover through the series is occupational wellness, which is really about preparing for and participating in work that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment. 


David Pace 2:14

So how did this race dovetail into that? That’s interesting. 


Alex Barilec 2:18

Yeah. Well, I think what I found was that through committing to physical wellness, I had more energy. So one of the most counterintuitive experiences I found was that people think that through running and exercising, you’ll be tired or you’ll be a bit groggy. And one of the most surprise aspects was that the more physical effort I put in, the more energy that I had, the more clearly that I could think, the more time I could spend working on projects or spending with students. And that positively affected pretty much everything in my life. 


David Pace 2:55

So you’re talking about during the actual race as well as afterwards, correct? 


Alex Barilec 2:59



David Pace 3:00

So it had residual effects, obviously, which is why we’re doing it. But let’s talk about your experience actually running. What do you mean you had different you kind of visited different dimensions of wellness. 


Alex Barilec 3:13

Yeah. So the first place we go through is the movement, right? That’s the physical aspect. So, you know, 50K is just over 30 miles. So I was running for around 5 hours. So moving and moving for a little while. But very quickly, those voices that pop up, like the mental voices popped up for me, like, why are you doing this? This doesn’t feel nice. This is painful. Like, all of those started to come online. And then it started to become emotionally taxing, like, you know, 


David Pace 3:44

How did that feel? What do you mean, emotional? Did you start crying? 


Alex Barilec 3:49

I know my feet were, but I held strong. It’s more of a willpower. Like there is this emotional side of me and mental side that was really challenged to a degree that I’d never experienced before. And I think pushing through that helps. You know, just I learned like that I’m strong and capable in the face of these challenges physically. And I think that gives me confidence to approach other challenges in other areas of life, to say like, if I can do that, well, maybe I can do this too. So I think that goes back to this metaphor or this idea that it is a doorway to other areas of wellness, but maybe we can talk a little bit specifically about like what is what is physical wellness, right? So like, what are some ways that you practice? 


David Pace 4:39

Well, first off, I have to say I will never be running a 50 K and for my exercise, which is just one aspect of physical wellness actually, but for my exercise I do like to swim and I basically return to that after swimming competitively when I was in high school. And that’s been really gratifying. People ask me how fast I swim. I say, as slow as possible without drowning. So I don’t see myself as a performance athlete at all. But yeah, so that’s my physical as the, you know, the actual exercise part of physical wellness. But, you know, there are different at least the definitions that I’ve looked up are that this is about performance of your heart and lungs if you want to get right down to it as well as the muscles in your body. And what I found interesting, what I’m finding interesting as I get older is that muscle strength isn’t the same thing as muscle endurance. So I’m working on muscle endurance right now. When I get to the second floor of the Crocker Science Center and my legs are giving out, it’s not because I don’t have the strength to do it. It’s because I don’t do it long enough to be able to endure basic tasks like getting to work. So anyway, that’s what I think of when I think of exercise, which is part of physical or physical wellness. 


Alex Barilec 6:10

Yeah, I think it’s the most relatable piece. And there’s a physician, Dr. Peter Attia, who I’ve heard describe exercise as the most potent longevity drug, which is a really interesting way of framing it. But just he talks about how really it helps our human body to perform and to be better over a longer period of time in pretty much every way. And the metaphor that’s coming to mind as you’re talking about how it helps you like get up the stairs is like if you think of a car that sits in a garage, like everybody kind of looks at that car and it’s like, Oh man, we’ve got to get that thing out in the road this summer. Got to get it, move in. We got to get, you know, the oil and the gas pumping through it. And I think exercise is the same way, right? Like it helps to improve our cognitive function in our memory. It helps to improve cardiovascular function that you’re talking about. It helps us in energy production. And these are just like three small little aspects that moving really helps us to make the the machine, if you will, operate a little bit better. And I think that the challenge with that and I’d love to hear how you approach this, the challenge is we live in an environment that really tilts towards comfort and convenience and being sedentary. We have to like, intentionally think about moving. So what are some ways that you approach that maybe it’s swimming or how do you think about intentionally moving in the environment we live in? 


David Pace 7:33

Yeah, well, I mean, I, I figured out fairly recently that if I want to get the exercise that I think I need, that I have to fold it into my day. I can’t do it. I’m not going to go to the gym. I can barely make it to the swimming pool. So don’t tell me to go to the gym as well to do resistance training. So I take the stairs. You know, I do a lot of the wellness activities. Actually, the College of Science is developing, like walking around with my team looking for the trees that were… It’s a tree scavenger hunt and we should probably talk about that briefly. And it again, folds into this whole idea of the whole person in terms of wellness. It’s not just about getting outside into the sunshine and looking for trees. University of Utah is the original arboretum of the state of Utah. So there are a lot of trees and I think there’s 90 that we have to find and take a selfie of ourselves there. And what we find out is that the conversation and just moving around this very large campus is not only physically demanding to me, I have to wear my orthopedic shoes, which I am holding up for the studio to see. But, you know, we talk a lot and we joke around a lot. And doing a selfie in the right way means that you have to stretch a little bit. So anyway, it’s a lot of fun. I think you have to find ways to have fun doing physical things. And I think that’s kind of the the approach that I’m trying to take. How about you?


Alex Barilec 9:08

Yeah, I love that. I love how you fold that into your day. I think that’s a really important aspect that, you know, like my story relates to that too, right? Like, not everyone needs to go out and run a 50k I think what we’re trying to do is give people tools to think about moving or to think about nutrition or sleep and folding into their day to day life. So that might look like, I like to block out some time either in the morning or for lunch. And I will walk around campus as well some days if I can, you know, remember to get my gym bag together. I’ll go for a run too. But I think like building that into a part of my day, knowing that when I come back from whatever that physical activity is, I’m going to have more energy. I want to be clearer in thought, especially if I know I have big things in the afternoon. I’ll really try and prioritize that during the lunch hour because I really think that making it easy and fun is something that maybe we don’t give enough time and credit to. And it can be just that. And it can be it can be like small, right? We can start with small steps consistently that might be like the secret is is consistency rather than making these big drastic moves in that direction. 


David Pace 10:16

Right. Because there are you know, we’re all subject to habits we’re all subject to self-regulation and not self-regulating. And we have to remember that that’s part of this. And I think the key to this is intentionality. I think we have to be intentional about, especially at first, you know, about going to pick up my prescription up at University Health, why not walk? Why do I have to take the train for that? And also not being too hard on yourself? You know, that’s a big hike for me some days when I’ve got a lot going on in my mind and so, yeah, I think that intentionality is really important. And I was going to mention something else. Maybe we could pivot a little bit from the actual exercise component of this, but I guess weight management is really related to exercise, but it’s different, I think. I think it’s useful to kind of think about that as separate from exercise. What experience do you have with weight management? Has that ever been an issue for you? 


Alex Barilec 11:18

You know, it’s interesting you bring that up. It actually has. You know, we started off talking about, you know, this great exploit that’s doing this 50K, But the truth is for much of my twenties, I had a really hard time. I was a college athlete and when I stopped playing hockey, I didn’t know ow to take care of my my body. I thought that I could continue to live and eat and sleep in the way that I was when I was an athlete. But that didn’t translate to, you know, my early days working.


David Pace 11:48

Swimming is the same way I ate anything I ever wanted to right up until I, you know, got into college. I had no problem with that because I swim five miles a day. 


Alex Barilec 12:00

Yeah so, like, that’s a place that we’ve, you know, found ourselves at today and we’ve got there, but it’s not the place that I started. And to relate this to what we’re talking about, the onramp for me was actually sleep. When we think about weight management and we think about fundamental pillars of physical well-being. I started with sleep. I was very erratic in my sleep and I found it really hard to exercise. And so the thing I focused on to get me to the gym was actually sleeping for trying to be the same amount of hours every night and having something routine that could set my circadian rhythm in a way that I would have the energy to get to the gym. Because if I didn’t have the energy to get there, I wasn’t going to go. And then I, you know, I moved into nutrition as well. So I think those are the three pillars here. We think of physical well-being. We have like sleep, diet, nutrition. But finding the onramp for you is going to be most important. For some, it might be exercise, for some it might be diet, others it might be sleep. But I think all of those relate to this pillar and they can all be approaches to weight management, the one that maybe you struggle with the most might be a clue to the door that is calling your name. What about you? 


David Pace 13:11

Well, before we move out from sleep, I just have to say I am a big fan and a big advocate of taking lots of naps. In fact, one of the funny things that have happened since I’ve come into an office with many young people and I’m a boomer, is that other than trying to figure out the music that they’re listening to and all of that, I have to say that when people say, Oh yeah, well, we went to Spain or we did this or we did that, and then we took the kids out to a concert and then went down camping and rivering, I guess they say, And what did you do? And I said, I took a nap. And I have no problem saying that because that to me is probably the most foundational aspect of keeping centered and keeping my energy up. So there you go. 


Alex Barilec 14:04

I love that. I’m also a big nap fan and I think it’s, you know, I use it as my onramp, but I think it’s maybe the most overlooked and like low hanging fruit in terms of being effective to help you with physical wellness and whether it’s a nap or or you know, getting your sleep schedule on track can be hard, right? If you’re working long hours or you’ve got to commute or you have kids, you know, life happens, you’re traveling, it can be challenging. And so like maybe a nap falls in there as a tool. There’s this great tool that Dr. Andrew Huberman talks about called non-sleep deep rest. 


David Pace 14:38

Hmm. Tell me about. 


Alex Barilec 14:39

Yeah, it’s a technique to essentially bring your body into a rest-like state over, you know, 20 minutes or so. You can find all kinds of tools and YouTube to guide you through this, but it just brings you in touch with your body and it helps you kind of bring on that, like parasympathetic response to calm you down. So it mimics a nap, but it’s a little bit more of like a guided way. If you sometimes have a hard time turning your brain off in the afternoon. But you know this would benefit you it might be a practice to explore. But some people like you and I, we can probably just put our heads on the pillow and we can be out. I don’t think everyone’s like that. 


David Pace 15:18

I could definitely see that I drop into bed like a sack of sand very, very quickly. But yeah, I think the idea to be intentional about that, especially at first and to be aware of I think downtime is part of that too. You know, for me I don’t always just take a nap, but I think downtime is like, do you know what I do when I do downtime? I go out into the garage and I just putter and it’s very restorative. So I don’t think that you have to have a garage to do that. But, you know, one of the things that I’ve also made an intentional point of doing, which I think is related to this, is that I refused to power through lunch at my desk. I will go into this really cool reading room that we have next door with all the books and the, you know, the lighting is low and I’ll eat my lunch and that’s all I’ll do. I won’t even take my phone in there. And it’s been really helpful. And it doesn’t mean that I have to stay until that brutal 5:00 hour, but it’s worth it to have that one hour of just intentionally eating good food. Maybe we should talk about food. 


Alex Barilec 16:30

I think we should but before we do that. I want to say that if, you know, we’ve shared a lot of ideas for people at all different levels of their physical wellness journey. But if people take nothing else from this, they want the lowest, most effective hanging fruit. I think what you just said is gold, like taking some time to step away from your desk, whether it’s during lunch or at home. I think it can be so challenging to do, but so overlooked as a tool to restore your physical wellness, your vitality and your energy throughout the day to continue to do your best work. I think that’s awesome. And food plays a role in that, right? So food is our fuel. There’s a framework from Michael Pollan that I use. It’s really simple and it’s like eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. 


David Pace 17:19



Alex Barilec 18:53

And I think in that framework that I shared that first piece of eating food often gets super overlooked. And I think that’s what you’re talking about, right. Like if you go into a 7-Eleven or you go into the, you know, the aisle of the grocery store, what you have around you is like food, like substances. There are these sweet treats and candy and it’s all highly processed. Right. Sounds like what you guys have done is prioritizing real food and you’ve had a really profound impact. And, you know, I use that metaphor earlier. I don’t like to to make us like machines, but it can be relatable. Right? We’re not cars we’re more than that, but the food that we’re eating is like the fuel. And it’s like if you’re a Ferrari, you’re a sports car, which I think every human being is. And you put regular fuel and it’s just not going to run as well. Right. But if you’re Ferrari and you put top notch fuel in it, now we’re talking about it running optimally. And it seems like that’s the experience that you guys have. 


David Pace 19:51

Yeah, it’s been really transformative. 


Alex Barilec 19:53

That’s awesome. 


David Pace 19:54

I was going to say just a couple other things about just so that we hit all the buckets here on physical health. There’s also a concern about disease and disease prevention they have to be aware of. And coming out of the pandemic, I think we’ve been very cognizant of that, whether it’s, you know, vaccines or care of spreading diseases, I think that we’re probably going to be wearing masks for quite a while. And it’s actually been a good audition for carefully, you know, preventing disease by not sharing germs. So I wanted to mention that. And then one other thing is tobacco and alcohol use. I think that’s a big issue for all of us, societally and otherwise. I think tobacco, we’ve had a pretty successful, you know, campaign in this country to protect our youth, especially from that. What do you think about that and alcohol use? 


Alex Barilec 20:54

Yeah, well, I think that I would group those in with all of these because it’s a part of our culture. But these are substances that do negatively impact our health and we all know that. But they’re so culturally normalized it can be hard to step out of them. Personally, I’m actually in experimentation phase right now of cutting alcohol out of my life. I haven’t drank in almost six months. Yeah, It’s to my water here, my kombucha, whatever it is. But I think that the decision for me was around why, right? What type of person do I want to become? And I think that underpins all of these aspects of physical wellness and deciding who we want to be, whether that’s a healthier person. For me, that’s somebody I know this is going to sound long off, but that someone who wants to be able to pick up his grandkids and I think starting early and often is the way to do that, because I can see and I’ve heard that it only gets harder as you go. So I think that, you know, whether it’s reducing, how much you’re consuming alcohol or you’re reducing how much you’re consuming processed foods, the decision that underpins it is why, right. Why is this important to you? Because I do think it can be really hard to swim upstream at a social event when other people are drinking around you and that why is going to help you stick to it consistently. And that’s what’s really going to make the effect here, right? We can talk about what to do, but how are we going to make it actionable? That’s really the challenge that we have here in this dimension. And all of them for that matter. 


David Pace 22:28

Yeah, and I think that having that conversation with yourself internally is really critical to that. I like to use the conversation on model with all that we do with when it comes to wellness, whether it’s talking to other people or talking to yourself, beating back those voices when you’re running that 50K that’s telling you yeah, why are you doing this? I think you came up with the reasons why you were doing it, and I think we’ve been talking about that. 


Alex Barilec 22:54

Yeah, for me it looks like I want to live a long, healthy life and I want to be able to, you know, move and explore and take part in all the experiences. And it takes some time to develop that answer. And maybe that’s a good place for us to to wrap up. What’s that why for you, when you think of why you want to focus on these physical pillars of swimming and changing your diet. 


David Pace 23:16

I do it mostly because it it tells me it again tells me who I am and it tells me that I love myself. And that has to be that’s something that I had to learn as an adult, was that, you know, I used to beat myself up about a lot of things, do a lot of guilt. Basically, it was because I didn’t think I deserved a good life. And so, again, this goes back to a psychological, mental and emotional place. But that’s really where, you know, and yeah, it’s great to look in the mirror and see that you’ve got a little definition, but it’s even better that you can go pick up your grandkids, you know, without losing your breath, you know, or that you can go take them to the pool or do whatever you do normally, you know, without it making you feel ugly or making you feel embarrassed about who you are and that maybe you don’t love yourself as much. So, yeah, this is a good place to end. And another good place to end is ergonomics, which we haven’t really talked about, which is physical, but we’re going to talk about that next session when we talk about vocational wellness. So I’m going to give you the signoff here. 


Alex Barilec 24:31

Yeah, I want to sign off on that self-love piece. Actually, I think that just ties everything up so well, that is the door that I was talking about in the very beginning when I talked about how physical wellness is really the kind of like door to all these other areas of wellness. Because when you can commit to the physical and we started with this dimension because it’s relatable to people, right? It’s what people think of when they think of wellness. But if you can decide to act in a way that you care and you love yourself, you can notice other areas that need your attention as well. And so hopefully you find something today that was useful to relate and to take with you and to put into action in your life when it relates to physical wellness. And we’re going to continue to talk in depth about these other elements and how they all relate to one another. 


David Pace 25:20

Yeah, so we went through this door, dWe’re going to close it now, but we’ll be back opening another one. 


Alex Barilec 25:25

Thanks, David. 


David Pace 25:25

And thank you, Alex. 


Anke Friedrich inducted into Crimson Club Hall of Fame

Anke Friedrich Inductee, Crimson CLUB Hall of Fame


It's not every day that an esteemed scientist is recognized by the University of Utah's Athletic Department's Crimson Club Hall of Fame.

With ski coaches – Thor Kallerud (left) former head coach Alpine Ski Team, now with The Youth Sports Alliance in Park City, Fundraiser and Donor, Anke in center, and Fredrik Landstedt (right) Director of the U of U Ski Team, former Nordic racer at New Mexico at the time Anke was racing. Banner photo above: With dignitaries – Mark Harlin Athletics Director (left), Anke in center, and Pres. Taylor Randall (right)

World-class skier Anke Friedrich, BS'90, MS'93 is indeed, no ordinary inductee. During a dominant two-year career with the Utes the alpine skier won three of the four NCAA Championship races she entered.  In March of this year she was also awarded the U's Founders Day Distinguished Alumni Award.

Friedrich grew up in Germany and made her way to the U to study geology. Once she was awarded an athletics scholarship, she captured the giant slalom title her first year in 1989. She swept the downhill races by winning both the slalom and giant slalom in 1990.

Currently an adjunct professor at the U's Department of Geology & Geophysics where she was once an undergraduate and graduate student, Friedrich is an endowed professor of geology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich where she established a Master's degree program in geology, led international student field trips involving U students, and set up student exchange programs with several international institutions, including the U.

"I benefited enormously from the vibrant and collegial environment at the University of Utah,” she says, “both as a student-athlete and a geology major. Therefore, I am very grateful to my former ski coaches, faculty mentors, and fellow students for their tremendous support and friendship over the years."

Friedrich received the department’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2019. She played a crucial role in establishing one of the world's first continuously operating space-geodetic networks which served to monitor the tectonic activity around Yucca Mountain, the then-proposed nuclear waste repository site.

The Hall of Fame event, held September 22 at the Jon M. Huntsman Center also honored its all-time best teams and five other outstanding individuals as part of its 2023 Hall of Fame Class.  Utah's 2008 Sugar Bowl football team and 2006 NCAA Elite Eight women's basketball team were officially enshrined along with former athletics director Dr. Chris Hill, women's basketball player Soni Adams, gymnast Annabeth Eberle, distance runner Amanda Mergaert, and men's basketball player Hanno Möttölä.

The 2023 class of inductees were also honored and recognized at Utah's football game against UCLA the following day.


Epiphytes face growing threats

Epiphytes face growing threats


Orchids, mosses, ferns—or epiphytes, defined as nonparasitic plants that grow on other plants—are crucial for Earth’s biodiversity and play essential roles in forests around the world, building habitat in trees for myriad other life forms, from bacteria and insects to birds and reptiles.

However, the very attributes that have enabled epiphytes to thrive in forest canopies are now making them vulnerable to both natural and human-caused disturbances, according to Nalini Nadkarni, the University of Utah biologist renowned for her pioneering work studying and conserving treetop ecosystems.

Nalini Nadkarni, professor emerita of biology

In a study published this month, Nadkarni found these vital plants are under more and more pressure as a result of rapid environmental change, and proposes specific actions for preserving these fascinating plants.

“This synthesis revealed the exceptional vulnerability to the increasing levels of disturbances—such as climate change and deforestation—on the abundance diversity and connectivity of canopy-dwelling plants around the globe,” she said. “Although we categorize the disturbances with greatest negative effects on canopy plants as ‘natural,’ as hurricanes and wildfire, human activities are increasing the severity and frequency of those in the USA and around the world.”

Nadkarni’s latest paper reviews the available science on epiphyte communities and categorizes the drivers and consequences of and societal responses to drought, wind, insects, wildfire, logging and other disturbances. Her findings should serve as a wake-up call to land managers and others interested in preserving the health of the world’s woodlands.

Read the full story by Brian Maffly in @TheU.

Retroviral Symposium

Developing HIV Anti-virals

The annual Retroviral Symposium held at Snowbird convened a wide-variety of scientists from many disciplines ... along with troupe of actors, a playwright and a dramaturge.

October 10, 2023

Infectious viral cores in the nuclei of infected cells are largely intact and uncoat near their integration sites just before integration. Illustration: The Animation Lab.

In September of 2023 the Department of Physics and Astronomy hosted the 12th International Retroviral Symposium at Snowbird Utah. The retroviral symposium is held bi-annually and is hosted alternatively in US or Europe. This symposium originally initiated from a group of NIH researchers which had strong collaborations with European scientists beginning in 1990’s.  

Fundamental mechanisms that ensure proper assembly, maturation and uncoating of retroviruses remain unclear. Understanding these mechanisms is critical for development of effective antivirals. While HIV antivirals now exists, the rapid evolution of HIV under antiviral selection requires new targets. The 12th Retroviral Symposium was focused on Assembly, Maturation and Uncoating and highlight fundamental biochemical, virological and biophysical mechanisms involved in these processes.

In a novel turn, this year’s symposium also featured a staged reading of an original play, “Emergence” by playwright Gretchen A. Case, professor at the U’s Department of Theatre and Associate Professor in the Division of Medical Ethics and Humanities at the U’s School of Medicine. Set “in the future, but not so far that it is unrecognizable,” the one-act has four characters: three scientists and an “AI,” as in artificial intelligence. The cast includes “Liv” who is saving her reproductive eggs in jars in a futuristic world where retroviral therapy in human reproduction is the norm. (Retroviruses, it turns out, are critical to the formation of the placenta.) The script is based on the book Discovering Retroviruses by Anna Marie Skalka, professor emerita at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. Skalka attended the symposium in a post-play discussion. 



Taking the leap

Also on-hand during the post-play discussion was Sydney Cheek-O’Donnell, chair of the U’s theater department, a long-time collaborator with symposium organizer and U professor of physics Saveez  Saffarian. Cheek-O’Donnell said that the project is an on-going attempt to understand and develop a way to work across multiple disciplines between science and arts /  humanities “so that others can take the leap… . Stories,” she says, “are one of the best ways to teach people complicated new ideas.” The Play was partially supported by a 1U4U award to Professors Case, Cheek-O’Donnell and Saffarian.


By David Pace

You can watch a video of the staged reading of “Emergence” below.


Putting the ‘fun’ in commutative algebra

the ‘fun’ in commutative algebra


The word “fun” is a subjective one, but that is how Anne Fayolle describes mathematics as a discipline.

A graduate student in mathematics at the University of Utah, Fayolle is a recent recipient of a multi-year scholarship from The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council  (NSERC) which is Canada’s equivalent of the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Student Fellowship in the U.S.

Math credentials

As a Ph.D. student working with Professor Karl Schwede, Fayolle, who was born in France and grew up in Canada, clearly has her mathematics credentials. Before coming to the U, she studied first at McGill University, one of Canada's best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading universities in the world. There, she quickly developed an affinity for the independent learning model in which one is paired with a professor in a one-on-one setting and in which both determine together what textbooks and papers they will study together. This conversational model of learning proved to be better than the lecture-and-classroom-style model for Fayolle and helped solidify her desire to go to graduate school.

Following her bachelor’s degree, Fayolle returned to Europe at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), one of the most celebrated public universities in Europe. As a master’s student, Fayolle studied with Dr. Carvajal-Rojas in commutative algebra. This involves working in modular arithmetic, a type of arithmetic in which addition works similar to time on a clock: 5 + 10 = 3. “The numbers working differently,” she says, “means one cannot use the traditional tools of calculus to study polynomial equations and the shapes they define. "For instance, since the numbers work differently, we can't draw graphs exactly like we would over the real numbers. So our intuition derived from those graphs doesn't always work here. One has to rely on the underlying algebraic structures."

This algebraic abstraction and the understanding it brings is one of Fayolle’s favorite parts of doing math, and it may speak to what Fayolle identifies as the “weird” aspect in commutative algebra, followed closely by the feeling of it being “fun.” The appeal is also philosophical “You can get to the heart of why something works the way it does. I really enjoy the abstraction that comes with [commutative algebra]––trying to find the structure in abstract things.”

Part of her enjoyment in doing math is that singular moment when someone (or “some ones”) in the math sector solves a persistent problem. “It’s [only] ‘hard’ until someone comes along and finds the right object or point of view of how things are working,” she says of breakthrough findings. “It’s suddenly less ‘weird’ because it makes more sense.” She explains that she’s been working in this positive characteristic realm for the past few years and is now used to it. Fayolle is especially interested in studying singularity theory, she says, in positive and mixed characteristics and, fortunately, in Schwede has found a principal investigator/mentor at the U who “does cool math.” 

Everyone can do math

The multi-year NSERC fellowship will free up more of Fayolle’s time for research. ​​Her ambition is to continue in academics as a post-doctoral researcher and then as a faculty, if possible. “I like having stuff that has more world impact independent from [just the study of] math. I think that pure math is intrinsically valuable, hard to justify by linking it to real world applications, but still necessary. ” This includes teaching.  

“I think math is very scary to a lot of people.  I personally think that everyone can do math. Everyone struggles, and I think that’s very important to emphasize when you’re teaching. I struggle in math. I don’t think struggling in math should be a barrier to doing math.”

 In the meantime, Anne Fayolle continues in graduate school, sharing mathematics by organizing BIKES, the student commutative algebra seminar here at the U as well as co-organizing an Association for Women in Mathematics conference later this year. She also skis on the weekends. “I was skeptical,” the Montreal native says, “when I first saw the [Utah “Greatest Snow on Earth”] license plates. But after I went skiing, I agreed.” It helps, she says, that it doesn’t get too cold and is not too icy. 

“I think the license plates might be right.”

by David Pace

‘Roving sentinels’ discover new air pollution sources

‘Roving sentinels’


In 2019, University of Utah atmospheric scientists, the Environmental Defense Fund and other partners added a new tool to their quiver of air quality monitors—two Google Street View cars, Salt Lake Valley’s roving sentinels that would detect hyper-local air pollution hotspots.

Jon Lin. Banner Photo: A Google Street Car loaded with air quality instrumentation. Credit: Logan Mitchell

In the ensuing months John Lin, professor of atmospheric sciences at the U, developed a new modeling approach that used modeled wind patterns and statistical analysis to trace pollution back to its source location to a scale previously missed by coarser scale monitoring projects that have traditionally characterized air quality averaged over an entire urban airshed.

In a U- and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)-led study that was published in the October 2023 issue of the journal Atmospheric Environment, the results are in.

“With mobile vehicles, you can literally send them anywhere that they could drive to map out pollution, including sources that are off the road that previous monitoring missed,” said Lin, who also serves as associate director of the Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy. “I think the roving sentinel idea would be quite doable for a lot of cities.”

The researchers loaded the vehicles with air quality instrumentation and directed drivers to trawl through neighborhoods street by street, taking one air sample per second to create a massive dataset of air pollutant concentrations in the Salt Lake Valley from May 2019 to March 2020. The observations yielded the highest-resolution map yet of pollution hotspots at fine scales—the data captured variability within 200 meters or about two football fields.

“The big takeaway is that there is a lot of spatial variability of air pollution from one end of a block to another. There can be big differences in what people are breathing, and that scale is not captured by the typical regulatory monitors and the policy that the U.S. EPA uses to control air pollution,” said Tammy Thompson, senior air quality scientist for EDF and co-author of the study.

Read the full story by Lisa Potter in @TheU. 


Ring-of-fire eclipse: How to see it

Ring of Fire Eclipse


“It’s like when you make a circle with your fingers and close one
eye. When you move your hand closer to your face, the circle gets bigger. Move it away, and it appears smaller.”

Paul RIcketts. Credit: Sara Tabin/Park Record

This is what Paul Ricketts has to say about the upcoming eclipse on Saturday October 14. “This will be a cool event. You’ll still see the surroundings get darker, you’ll feel it get colder, but you won’t be able to look at the eclipse without protective glasses,” continued  Ricketts, the director of the University of Utah’s South Physics Observatory. “Plus, this will last way longer than the total eclipse.”

This is a front row seat for Utahns to an annular eclipse the morning of the 14th. The so-called ring-of-fire eclipse is different than the total eclipse of 2017 but will still be spectacular.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon’s orbit moves between the sun and the earth so that it blocks out the sun’s light and casts a shadow on Earth’s surface. During an annular eclipse, the moon is at a farther distance from the Earth. The distance makes the moon appear smaller, and it fails to block out the entire sun. The moon looks like a large black disk in front of the bright sun disk. This results in a ‘ring of fire’ around the moon’s silhouette.

Every year the moon drifts slowly farther away from the Earth—around one inch farther per year. Ricketts said that’s one reason to take advantage of these astronomical events while you can.

“Right now, our Earth position with the moon and the sun, they appear the same size in the sky, which is why we can enjoy total eclipses. A few billion years down the road, the moon will appear too small and we’d only get these types of annular eclipses.” Ricketts said. “We’re lucky to be alive right now. In the future, we’d only able to see annular eclipses that look like a much smaller black dot crossing the sun’s surface.”

While many will enjoy viewing the solar spectacle, the event is sacred to local Indigenous tribes. For some Indigenous tribes, an eclipse is a time of renewal and reflection through cultural practices that include fasting and meditation. Diné (Navajo) and Ute Indian Tribes do not watch, or even look at images of the eclipse. When posting images on social media, be mindful of people who want to avoid such images. Consider using a filter so your followers can opt-in to view any multimedia of the eclipse.


Learn how to see the eclipse by reading the rest of the story by Lisa Potter in @TheU.

Fall’s flamboyance: The science of autumn leaves

Fall's Flamboyance


To many, Utah’s fall leaves are a dazzling display of nature’s beauty. To Eleinis Ávila-Lovera, the autumnal switch to reds, yellows, oranges and purples tells a chromatic story of survival.

Eleinis Ávila-Lovera. Banner photo: Archie enjoys the fall leaves changing in Millcreek Canyon. Credit: Jessica Taylor

“Whenever I see plants outside, I’m always thinking what’s going on at a cellular level and why they’re doing what they’re doing. It always goes back to what’s best for the plant through evolutionary time,” said Ávila-Lovera, assistant professor in the School of Biological Sciences. “We might think that they just want to put on a show for us, but the changing fall colors are part of a strategy that allows these plants to survive the climate they experience in their natural habitat.”

Ávila-Lovera is a plant ecophysiologist who researches how plants respond to and tolerate drought. She figures out the mechanisms and traits underlying plant strategies that allow vegetation to cope with extreme water limitations. For example, some desert plants drop their leaves during the hottest and driest months to preserve moisture. In the mountains, the psychedelic foliage works in much the same way—trees that are deciduous drop their leaves to preserve nutrients and prevent freezing over harsh cold winter months.

The science of autumn leaves

Fall officially begins after the autumnal equinox, when the Northern Hemisphere begins to slowly tilt away from the sun. The shortening daylight triggers the beginning of the changing colors.

“Deciduous trees want to drop their leaves in a controlled way to preserve some of their nutrients and sugars. This process is called leaf senescence,” Ávila-Lovera said.

Read the rest of the story by Lisa Poster on @TheU.

Mining and rare earth mineral extraction

Mining & rare earth mineral extraction


The growth in high-tech products, cell phones, computers, and electric vehicles brings with it the necessity for rare earth minerals, which requires more mining and extraction. Although mining can come with a high environmental price tag, consumers are increasing their demand for these products.

What exactly are rare earth minerals, and can their extraction become more efficient and less damaging? Featured on KPCW's COOL SCIENCE RADIO podcast, Pratt Rogers, assistant professor of mining engineering at the University of Utah, answers these questions and many others.

Listen to the podcast at KPCW.