
George Seifert

The winningest coach in San Francisco 49er’s history, and a U Biology alumni.

Patrick Newman

It tasted just like black licorice, which he loved. “I remember being struck at that moment as an 8-year-old boy,

Audrey Brown

One of the biggest things that helped me was connecting with my loved ones.

Jan Mccleery

I learned to design investigations and troubleshoot various lab protocols to gather data and test the hypothesis.

April Christofferson

I love the process of writing, but I write because I’m trying to make a difference.

Charles Sorenson

My best trait is the ability to hang out with people who are far more capable than I am.

Noriene Jee

There are so many jobs that require a mathematics or a STEM degree.

Sarmishta Kannan

I learned to design investigations and troubleshoot various lab protocols to gather data and test the hypothesis.

Ray Greer

A math professor convinced me that if I majored in mathematics I could get as much work in computer science as I wanted.

Paul Watkins

“Critical thinking skills are among the most important things you can get from your college education.”