
Paul Watkins

“Critical thinking skills are among the most important things you can get from your college education.”

Donor Impact

Thank you for your support of our vibrant community of scientists and mathematicians.

David T. Chuljian

David Chuljian, a self-described “quantum dentist,” knows all about “decay rates”

Donor Recognition

Thank you for your support of our vibrant community of scientists and mathematicians.

Jim Hanson

As a first-generation college student and graduate of the University of Utah, having a physics degree has been life changing.

Bert VanderHeiden

As a first-generation college student and graduate of the University of Utah, having a physics degree has been life changing.

Todd B. Alder

Patent lawyer Todd Alder hasn’t moved far geographically, but career-wise and developmentally it has been a galactic trip.

Nikhil Bhayani

Nikhil Bhayani (BS’98) reflects on the way his days were like at U Biology

Diana Montgomery

A Principal Scientist at Merck Pharmaceuticals, Diana Montgomery, BS’87, focuses on developing therapeutic proteins as new drugs.

T. Mitchell Aide

In Puerto Rico, biologist and U Distinguished Alumnus Mitch Aide gives 110% to tropical forest conservation.