Student Research

Josh Carroll

Veteran To Janitor To Physicist, Via YouTube.

Vignesh Iyer

I always gravitated toward STEM subjects in elementary school. In college, I discovered that the common language each subject used was math.

Kyle Kazemini

Kyle Kazemini chose mathematics because he had an exceptional math teacher in high school.

Women in Mathematics

UofU chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics receives scientific excellence award.

Explore the SRI

At many universities undergraduates have the opportunity to engage in scientific research […]

Jordan Herman

Stuck between a toucan and a pit viper? Follow this biology post doc.

HIV Microscopy

Ipsita Saha, graduate research assistant at the Department of Physics & Astronomy uses electron microscopy to reveal the dynamic structure in HIV.

Beckman Scholars

Bridget Phillips

As one of the University of Utah College of Science’s Ambassadors, sophomore Bridget […]

Cameron Owen 2018 Churchill Scholar

2019 Churchill Scholar

Cameron Owen of Boise, Idaho, a senior honors student majoring in chemistry […]