How snowflakes get their intricate shape

How snowflakes get their intricate shapes

January 13, 2025
Above: University of Utah researchers test instrumentation called Differential Emissivity Imaging Disdrometer, or DEID, which measures hydrometeor mass, size and density of snowflakes, at Red Butte Canyon. This equipment is used in groundbreaking snowflake research Utah’s mountains.

Snowflakes are like letters from the sky, each crystal a note describing the atmosphere as it falls to the ground. They float effortlessly, but their creation is one of nature’s most complicated physics feats.

From stars to needles to amorphous globs, scientists are demystifying a snowflake’s complex construction — showing how factors such as temperature can influence their shape. Some researchers have already observed how a warming world can drive structural changes, including flakes that melt quicker, fall faster and gravitate toward specific shapes.

“Snowflakes are far more varied and interesting than we had previously imagined,” said Tim Garrett, an atmospheric physicist at the University of Utah.

The science of snowflake shapes

Tim Garrett

The creation of all snowflakes begins with liquid water droplets in a cloud. As the temperature dips below freezing, some cloud droplets begin to freeze around dust particles in the sky and form hexagonal crystals. All snowflakes are six-sided because water molecules bond with one another in a hexagonal lattice.

A crystal begins to grow by absorbing water vapor from the surrounding air. Other liquid droplets evaporate, adding more water vapor that the crystals can tap into to grow larger. As the crystals get bigger and heavier, they start to fall.

In the 1930s, Japanese physicist Ukichiro Nakaya — who famously described snowflakes as “letters from heaven” — created the first artificial snowflake and found that different snowflakes form under different conditions.

But why do certain shapes appear at different temperatures? Growing snowflakes in his lab, Libbrecht uncovered processes that help explain this decades-long mystery.

For example, at different temperatures, flat, smooth surfaces — called facets — can appear around the crystal on certain sides. Imagine an even glossy surface like on a diamond face but on ice.

Water molecules have a hard time sticking to these flat surfaces because there are less available chemical bonds to connect to. As a result, these facets act like shields and prevent crystals from growing in certain directions.

If these smooth surfaces are on the top and bottom (called basal facets) of the crystal, the snowflake is more likely to grow as a column or needle. If they are set up around the sides of the hexagon (called prism facets), then the snowflake is more likely to grow as a plate.

But our warming world is also influencing how snowflakes — including the most common ones — form.

“That’s all going on at once. It takes about 100,000 droplets to make a good sized snowflake,” said Ken Libbrecht, a physics professor at the California Institute of Technology and snowflake consultant for the movie “Frozen.” The process can take about 30 to 45 minutes.

Read the full Washington Post article which features three-dimensional animations of snowflake architecture.

The Great Power of Nature

The great Power of Nature

October 28, 2024
Above: Thomas Gurbach

By Thomas Gurbach BMT’79

Growing up in Northern Ohio provided exposure to a wide variety of weather phenomena including summer squalls off Lake Erie and lake effect snows.

In this part of the country there is no such thing as persistence forecasts. Amongst all the changes in the weather when I was there, one day stands out. While sitting in the fork of a neighbor’s tree, as nine-year-olds will do, I recall the warm, still air being interrupted by a circling wind leading to the strong rustling of leaves. The sky had turned an eerie gray green followed by lightning and thunder. A tornado was passing nearby.

In that moment I felt the great power of nature.

Two-story barracks

The old meteorology building in WWII barracks on the campus of the University of Utah.

In the mid 70s I took the opportunity to pursue my fascination with the weather along with a desire to work as either a pilot or in aerospace by studying meteorology at the University of Utah. Although other universities were closer to home, the U provided a strong academic program and was more affordable.

I really enjoyed Utah and the U. In those days Salt Lake City still had a frontier feel to it. The Browning Building almost seemed new, and our weather forecast lab was in a building that appeared to be a two-story, WWII-era barracks. Instead of air conditioning it had a swamp cooler, and the weather maps came across on a thermal printer. Weather station data came by teletype machine.

The faculty in the department, now Atmospheric Sciences, was outstanding, a veritable international “who’s who” of meteorology. Shih Kung Kao was department chair joined by Jan and Julia Paegle and a visiting professor, Wilford Zdunkowski. Most impactful to me was Kuo Nan Liou, our professor for atmospheric physics. He provided me student work within his areas of research. These experiences reinforced my learning objectives while helping me with college expenses. I also benefitted from a quarterly grant from Kennecott Copper. (Yes, back in the 70s, the U was on a quarter schedule and the Department of Meteorology was part of the College of Mines and Earth Sciences).

An applied science

Meteorology truly is an applied science. In addition to the core calculus and physics courses, the weather classes directly apply the concepts from math and science coursework. For my career, the ability to add classes in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, computer science / numerical methods and statistics and probability enabled my career work in aerospace.

I hired on with Rockwell North American Aircraft, working modeling and simulation within the defense operations research group. My career path evolved to military aircraft requirements / effectiveness analysis, future aircraft design team participation and various project management / leadership roles in design and development. Subsequently, Rockwell Defense was acquired by The Boeing Company where my career culminated in leading the Advance Airlift and Tanker organization.

Our team designed aerodynamic fairings and rugged composite landing gear door upgrades for the C-17 transport. Our responsibilities also included development of concepts for future airlift and tanker aircraft and supporting technology maturation in lightweight, high strength structures and aerodynamic technologies. Highlights included our teams’ participation in the X-31 VECTOR and X-48B flight demonstration programs.

I have never regretted my decision to leave Ohio for the Mountain West to pursue my education which launched my career. For the past few years, I have been contributing to the U’s Atmospheric Sciences Department and, more recently, to the department’s new home, the L.S. Skaggs Applied Science Building, slated to open next year. It’s my way of paying back the support I received while attending the U.

The College of Science and the Department of Atmospheric Sciences thank Thomas Gurbach and all donors who have contributed to the completion of the Skaggs Applied Science Building. You can also donate to the new home of Atmospheric Sciences here.




Bringing together minds and resources for a greener tomorrow

Bringing together minds and resources for
a greener tomorrow

Oct 11, 2024
Above: Group picture from the visit to the Watershed.

From the headwaters of the Wasatch to the threatened Great Salt Lake, Utah is rich in beauty, environmental opportunities, and stories of sustainability innovation.

With an ever-growing population in city, suburban, and rural areas, the Beehive State and region’s economic potential is growing.

But the climate challenges Utah and neighboring states face pose dire consequences for the environment and the region’s residents and businesses. The exposed lakebed of the Great Salt Lake; droughts causing water shortages and shrinking lakes; and vast air pollution from wildfire smoke are just some of the challenges being seen.

The climate challenges Utah and the region face are a threat, but these challenges can also drive innovation and create a robust workforce.

Recently, the University of Utah hosted the Southwest Sustainability Innovation Engine (SWSIE) Site Visit highlighting the achievements of the first year of this project. SWSIE is a new National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded program which includes academic, community, nonprofit and industry partners across Arizona, Nevada and Utah to establish the region as a leader in water security, renewable energy, and carbon management, and develop a workforce to support those high-wage industries.

The multi-day site visit showcased Utah’s efforts to make the state and the region a hub of green innovation. Some of the highlights of the event included field trips that spanned the watershed, examples of regional collaboration, partner engagement, building an ecosystem throughout the region, and workforce development, among other topics.

A key component of the NSF Engines program is to leverage existing partnerships and coordinate efforts among researchers, industry, and government to accelerate the pace of sustainability innovation and prepare a regional workforce.

“With SWSIE, we are able to accelerate the speed that things are happening,” said Dr. Brenda Bowen, Co-PI on the SWSIE project and serves as the University of Utah lead. “Even though we are acting so fast, it needs to be faster. There’s this urgency to it, and that so aligns with the urgency of the issues that we’re facing around climate. That’s an exciting thing that SWSIE can bring, that additional incentive to really accelerate things.”

Read the full article by Xoel Cardenas in @The VPR.

New models shed light on sea ice dynamics

New models shed light on sea ice dynamics

Oct 1, 2024
Above: An upside-down sea ice slab showcasing brine channels that facilitate the drainage of liquid brine and support convection along the interface. CREDIT: Ken Golden, University of Utah.

Polar sea ice is ever-changing. It shrinks, expands, moves, breaks apart, reforms in response to changing seasons, and rapid climate change.

It is far from a homogenous layer of frozen water on the ocean’s surface, but rather a dynamic mix of water and ice, as well as minute pockets of air and brine encased in the ice.

New research led by University of Utah mathematicians and climate scientists is generating fresh models for understanding two critical processes in the sea ice system that have profound influences on global climate: the flux of heat through sea ice, thermally linking the ocean and atmosphere, and the dynamics of the marginal ice zone, or MIZ, a serpentine region of the Arctic sea ice cover that separates dense pack ice from open ocean.

In the last four decades since satellite imagery became widely available, the width of the MIZ has grown by 40% and its northern edge has migrated 1,600 kilometers northward, according to Court Strong, a professor of atmospheric sciences.

A tale of two studies, one north and one south

Ice covering both polar regions has sharply receded in recent decades thanks to human-driven global warming. Its disappearance is also driving a feed-back loop where more of the sun energy’s is absorbed by the open ocean, rather than getting reflected back to space by ice cover.

Utah mathematics professors Elena Cherkaev and Ken Golden, a leading sea ice researcher, are authors on both studies. The Arctic study led by Strong examines the macrostructures of sea ice, while the Antarctic study, led by former Utah postdoctoral researcher Noa Kraitzman, gets into its micro-scale aspects.

Read the full article by Brian Maffly in @TheU.

How Harmful is Great Salt Lake Dust? U Scientists Investigate

How Harmful is Great Salt Lake Dust?
U Scientists Investigate

September 17, 2024

As Utah’s Great Salt Lake shrinks, exposing more of its playa, concerns grow about the dust the dry lakebed emits. But scientists lack the data to fully understand what pollutants are present in these airborne sediments.

Researchers from the University of Utah, including atmospheric scientist Kevin Perry and biologist Michael Werner, are attempting to get a handle on this question and the latest findings are concerning.

Sediments in the lake’s exposed playa are potentially more harmful than other major dust sources affecting the Wasatch Front’s air quality, according to a study published online recently in the journal Atmospheric Environment.

NBC News Dust researcher Kevin Perry poses with his fat bike and a PI-SWERL machine, which can measure wind erosion and dust emission.
Photo credit: Evan Bush

“You’re talking about a very large dust source located next to a very large population, and you’ve got elevated levels of manganese, iron, copper and lead. Lead is a concern for developmental reasons,” said senior author Kerry Kelly, a professor of chemical engineering. “Manganese, iron and copper, these are transition metals and are known to be very irritating to your lungs. Once you get irritation, that can lead to this whole inflammatory response. And that’s part of the problem with particulate matter and it’s adverse health effects like asthma.”

Another recent study led by sociology professor Sara Grineski found dust from the lakebed disproportionately affects disadvantaged neighborhoods in Salt Lake County.

In a separate forthcoming study led by U biologist Michael Werner’s lab, another team of researchers characterized levels of toxic metals deposited in submerged lakebed sediments sampled during the lake’s record low-water year of 2021, noting how these levels have changed since the years of Utah’s mining era.

To conduct the published study, Kerry Kelly’s lab, which specializes in air quality, teamed up with researchers in the U’s College of Science. They examined previously collected sediment samples from the Great Salt Lake, comparing them with sediments from other dust sources in the Great Basin, namely Sevier Lake, Fish Springs Lake and West Desert in western Utah and Tule Lake in northeastern California. These places are known to contribute to dust pollution reaching Salt Lake City.

In recent years, co-author Kevin Perry, a professor of atmospheric sciences, has systematically gathered exposed lakebed sediments, logging hundreds of miles on a bike. His prior research has identified “hotspots” on the playa that appear to be enriched with potentially toxic elements.

Read the full article by Brian Maffly @TheU.

Scientists awarded 1U4U Seed Grants

scientists awarded 1U4U Seed Grants

Above: Microbiolites at Bridger Bay on the northwest corner of Antelope Island. Credit: Utah Geological Survey. Biologists Jody Reimer and Michael Werner are part of a 1U4U team that study microbiolites.

Six College of Science faculty members are members of winning teams awarded seed grants of up to $50,000 as part of the 1U4U Seed Grant Program.

Six faculty members in the College of Science are members of winning teams awarded seed grants of up to $50,000 as part of the 1U4U Seed Grant Program.

The program supports cross-campus/cross-disciplinary research teams to solve some of the greatest challenges of our local, national, and global communities. College of Science faculty among the winning teams included Jon Wang, (biology), Colleen Farmer (biology), John Lin (atmospheric sciences), Jody Reimer (biology & mathematics), Michael Werner (biology) and Qilei Zhu (chemistry).

Bonderman Field Station at Rio Mesa (Photo courtesy of Zachary Lundeen)

The theme of the 2024-2025 program was “The Future of Sustainability.” Sustainability is a foundational goal that cuts across multiple intellectual topic areas (e.g., healthcare, water, energy, wildfire, critical minerals, education, food security) and can be interpreted widely.

At the University of Utah, faculty have engaged sustainability across a wide range of domains, including but not limited to environmental, social, communal, health, economic, technical, and legal.

Some of the topics of winning projects include the impact of air quality on elite athletic performance, study of suicide behaviors, and improving health by linking silos.

“It is exciting to fund so many teams working on sustainability projects,” said Dr. Jakob Jensen, associate vice president for research at the U. “The teams are considering sustainability across a wide range of topics from forest management and urban heat islands to physical therapy and mental health. These seed projects will drive significant innovation and impact communities throughout the region.”

Winning teams with College of Science faculty include the following:

Research Team: John Pearson (medicine) & Jonathan Wang (College of Science — biology)
Application Title: Heat and Healing: The Influence of Urban Heat Islands on Postoperative Outcomes

Research Team: Colleen Farmer (College of Science — biology), Ajla Asksamija (Architecture & Planning), Zach Lundeen (Bonderman Field Station), Jorg Rugemer (Architecture & Planning), Atsushi Yamamoto (Architecture & Planning)

Research Team: John Lin (College of Science — atmospheric sciences) & Tanya Halliday (Health)
Application Title: Impact of Air Quality on Elite Athletic Performance:  from Salt Lake to Beyond

Research Team: Jody Reimer (College of Science — biology and mathematics), Brigham Daniels (Law), Beth Parker (Law), Michael Werner (College of Science — biology)
Application Title: Understanding Great Salt Lake microbialite ecology to inform sustainable water management policy

Research Team: Qilei Zhu (College of Science — chemistry) & Tao Gao (Engineering)
Application Title: Ion-Conductive Membrane-Enabled Sustainable Industrial Electrochemical Production


For more information about the 1U4U Seed Grants and a complete list of this year's awardees click here.

Ron Perla, 2024 Distinguished Alumnus

Avalanche Escape Artist

September 4, 2024
Above: Ron Perla in the 1960s at a creep gage, built by U Geophysics' Bob Smith and team, ready to be covered with snow on a test slope next to the Alta Avalanche Study Center.

“I out-swam a size three avalanche down a gulley that had been artillery blasted,” reports Ron Perla to Wildsnow, a ski and snow reporting site. “It was my introduction to the post-control release.”

Ron Perla working on slab above Alta village, 1968. Credit: Charles Bradley, Montana State University

Recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Alumni award from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Perla graduated in 1971 with his PhD from the University of Utah in meteorology. As a snow scientist, he conducted research into avalanches and is well-known for discovering “the thirty-degree threshold,” where slopes of thirty degrees or more are much likelier to cause avalanches.

Perla worked at Alta Ski Resort as a member of the ski patrol and in 1966 became a part-time snow ranger and part-time research assistant at the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Alta Avalanche Study Center. As a research assistant to Ed LaChapelle, Perla researched slab properties, factors that contribute to an avalanche and rescue methods, among other things.

Early in the morning and during intense storms, snow rangers blast the mountain to reduce the risk of avalanches. Between these times, Ed LaChapelle allowed Perla to take classes at the U. From 1967 to 1971 Perla commuted between Alta and the university. He split his time between snow rangering and his PhD program supervised by Professor Shih-Kung Kao and included classes in meteorology and applied mechanics. These classes are fundamental disciplines for avalanche research.

Perla’s advisor, along with the Department of Meteorology's chair Don Dickson, understood the unique combination of university study and avalanche study. Kao was a world-class specialist in atmospheric dynamics, turbulence and diffusion while Dickson was a highly decorated World War II pilot with hands-on meteorology experience. He helped Perla obtain a research grant from the Rockefeller Foundation and arranged for the donation of an old Alta ski lifts building which was turned into a mountain meteorology lab.

Models of moving avalanches

Perla has also extensively researched snow structure as well as models of moving avalanches. His current research involves quasi-three-dimensional modeling of the internal structure of a moving avalanche, from start to stop and has modeled moving snow in many different ways. His first model (1980) followed the mass-center of moving snow, and in 1984 his model assumed the avalanche as a collection of starting particles. The current model assumes the avalanche consists of snow parcels moving turbulently in three layers.

Ron Perla, U.S. Forest Service, 1968.

Along with his research, Perla has spent a lifetime in the snow. An avid skier and mountaineer, he partnered with Tom Spencer (U alum in mathematics) in 1961 for the first ascent of Emperor Ridge on Mt. Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies. He also established a new route on the north face of the Grand Teton in Wyoming and a first ascent of the popular “Open Book” route on Lone Peak in the Wasatch Mountains.

“In 1967, I was working as a USFS Snow Ranger near the top of Mt. Baldy,” Perla says. “The cornice broke off prematurely, and I fell into a Baldy chute. The cornice blocks triggered a large avalanche. I was tumbled around with no chance of 'swimming,' and somehow I missed all of the rocks. Just before I lost consciousness under the snow, I managed to thrust an arm up to the surface. I was found quickly.”

Collective consciousness

Perla is an honorary member of the American Avalanche Association as well as a member of multiple different snow and ice committees, such as the Snow, Ice, and Permafrost committee for the American Geophysical Union.

After earning his PhD at the U, Perla moved to Fort Collins, Colorado as a research meteorologist for the USFS. In 1974, he moved to Alberta, Canada to work for the National Hydrology Research Institute. He has remained in Alberta since.

Perla is a significant reason why we understand snow science and avalanches and why backcountry education has improved to help keep those who recreate in areas with snowfall — skiers, mountaineers, snowshoers and ice climbers — safe.

“Despite the enormous increase in backcountry use, despite increasing behavior to ski and ride lines we could never imagine in the 1960s, avalanche fatalities are not increasing to match those trends,” Perla says in an interview with Wildsnow. "Surely, associations, centers, websites, and educators, in general, are responding to match those trends. Surely it’s also because today’s risk-takers are increasingly more skillful backcountry skiers, riders, and [,as in Perla's harrowing experience on Mt. Baldly,] escape artists."

He continues, adding that "[e]quipment is improving. ...But there’s something else: call it collective consciousness in the backcountry. An increasing number of backcountry users correlates with increasing observations and tests. Thus, safety can be enhanced by numbers if there is increased communication... ."

You can read Ron Perla's interview with Wildsnow here.

by CJ Siebeneck

Urban ‘Cool Zones’

Urban 'Cool Zones'

August 14, 2024
Above: A poster created by Salt Lake County to promote cool zones. Credit: KSLNewsRadio

Daniel Mendoza brings science (and change) to the people.

Daniel Mendoza

A research associate professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Utah, Daniel Mendoza is not your typical academic scientist. With an impressive list of publications, averaging a new paper each month, academic scholarship is only one of his accomplishments. Mendoza has become an environmental social justice advocate, leveraging his research to get the attention of politicians and legislatures. The intersection between what’s happening in the atmosphere and what’s happening on the ground in people’s lives is where Mendoza readily enters.

This summer, Salt Lake has fallen victim to heat waves that mirror those throughout the United States. According to the CDC, extreme heat kills around a thousand people in the U.S. each year, more than any other natural-occurring factor. Effects from the heat are easily felt, but more insidious are the effects from increased concentrations of air pollutants, namely ozone. 

Mendoza explains in an interview with @theU’s Lisa Potter that “ozone is dangerous because it basically causes a sunburn in your lungs that impacts respiratory and cardiovascular health.”

In a recent study, Mendoza and his team asked the question, “can cool zones protect individuals from heat and poor air quality?” “Cool zones” are public buildings that serve as environmental refuges for vulnerable people during periods of extreme heat. Places like recreation centers or libraries are good examples of cool zones; Mendoza chose the Millcreek Library as the location for his case study. 

Obviously cool zones protect individuals from heat with the use of air conditioning, but the study found that the Millcreek Library also reduced exposure to atmospheric ozone by around 80%. 

Given their demonstrated efficacy, Mendoza is now critical of the current scope of cool zones. “We should be thinking about how to make these centers more accessible, for example, keeping them open for longer hours to protect people during the hottest parts of the day.” Many heat refuges close around 2-3 p.m. and aren’t open on weekends.

What people believe

Daniel Mendoza in the 2021 documentary "AWAiRE" that explores the impacts of air quality along the Wasatch Front. Credit: AWAIRE.

Mendoza understands that data alone is not convincing enough to enact change outside of the scientific community. “About 50% of people in the U.S. believe in climate change, but 100% believe in lung cancer, which is why I wanted to pivot from more climate drivers and greenhouse gas emissions and products towards more health criteria,” he says. Furthermore, he continues, “...150% of people believe in the dollar. I mean that’s ultimately what drives policy, what drives a lot of decision making.” 

It was during his Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship program at the U when Mendoza learned more about how to tie in the social and basic sciences with the health sciences. He finished the program in 2020 after completing a capstone project looking at the impact of air pollution on school absences. 

On “orange” or “red” air quality index (AQI) days, students are often still sent outside for recess, resulting in many children experiencing respiratory symptoms and needing to be sent home. Missing school every so often because the air quality is poor doesn’t sound like a huge issue, but it adds up to impact the student as well as the school, its district and the city where they live, he explains.

“When you have repeat absenteeism, then the potential to graduate is much lower, the potential to go to college is much lower, then your tax base is lower,” says Mendoza. Increased school absences cost the city around half a million dollars a year in terms of reduced workforce, education costs and healthcare costs. 

The solution to this pervasive issue of children being sent home because of the deleterious effects of bad air was surprisingly simple: emergency asthma inhalers in every classroom, right next to the Epinephrine Auto-Injectors branded “EpiPens” Says Mendoza, “I worked with Representative Mark Wheatley,” chair for the Utah Asthma Task Force, “and we passed a law…. Utah became the 14 (or 15th) state that has emergency asthma inhalers in every single school.” 

Now on bad air days, instead of sending a student home, students can use the rescue inhaler and remain at school, placing less of an economic burden on the city and giving themselves more time to learn. It’s a health-issue solution based on atmospheric data that changes policy and in turn saves taxpayer dollars. 

Empowering the Community 

Mendoza soon discovered what others had already discovered or at least suspected, that certain populations in the city were more endangered than others. What distinguished those populations was lower-income brackets and racial and ethnic inequities. When he first moved to Salt Lake City, Mendoza was excited about the buzz around air quality. “I thought, this is great. My research is going to be welcomed by the community,” he recalls. Instead, he discovered that these events were forgetting a key part of the problem: the people who are most impacted. 

Mendoza started attending community-based informational gatherings about climate change and the environment. “All of these events are held east of State Street. They were all in English. No one looked like me. Then at the end of the talk, the conclusion was ‘buy electric vehicles and solar panels and we’ll save the world together.’ Well that doesn’t work for everyone.” 

Not only is there a disparity in the communities affected by poor air quality, there is an inequality in accessible solutions to the problem. “For most of them, air quality is not a top priority… they don’t have the luxury of learning like we do,” says Mendoza of those who are most likely to be impacted by bad air quality. 

The first step in empowering the community and addressing this imbalance was to bring science to them. Mendoza began organizing outreach events, this time on the west side of State Street, held in both Spanish and English. 

“We provide them with actionable solutions. For example, we partnered with Utah Clean Energy, and we did an LED exchange where people bought in their normal light bulbs,” he says. Another switch he facilitated was to low-flow showerheads. 

And yet another initiative included furnace filter exchange with 100 homes in Salt Lake County. When indoor air was tested for 43 different potential problematic elements, researchers found elevated levels of uranium, lanthanides, arsenic and lead, “all the nasties.” 

Those “nasties” come from a variety of sources. “If you’re close to a highway, for example, you [breathe in] more of aluminum, associated with brake wear,” says Mendoza of the indoor air quality study, the first study of its kind. “When was the last time you sat outside for eight hours? You spend 90% of your time indoors and 60% of your time in your home, roughly speaking.” 

“The people that we really are very concerned about are, for example, the delivery drivers, who are constantly in that traffic, road construction workers as well. Those people are breathing [in] literally every single car’s tailpipe.” 

‘Run back inside’

Inequities in who breathes bad air requires that one looks closely at why and how bad air gets ingested. “Those with more and better resources can think about these issues involving bad air and what used to be only seasonal atmospheric inversions along the Wasatch Front, and then “just run back inside and we’re fine. But very few studies have been done on these concentrated pollution sources, again in conjunction with what they may be exposed to ‘naturally.’” 

From the 2021 documentary "AWAiRE." Credit: AWAIRE.

Those studies are being done by Mendoza and others and then made actionable on-the- ground initiatives involving switching out devices that are less effective and cost more money in populations who are most threatened by breathing bad air. 

These simple switches in affordable fixtures, for example, have tangible and meaningful impacts that inspire other actions, other policy decisions leading to better health outcomes. 

“Participants in these gatherings  soon became community leaders to help others improve their situation,” says Mendoza, another favorable result to his work. And then there is the financial incentive, that tongue-in-cheek statistic that 150% of people do in fact “believe in the dollar.” 

“These community members, they have to earn income to survive,” he reminds us. “They see their electric bills go down, they see their heating bills go down, they see their water bills go down, and they realize ‘Oh,okay, so it works. Let me tell all my friends about it.’”

Costs of inaction

Policy-makers and the public in general often look at the costs of solutions to problems that require action but sometimes they forget about the costs of inaction

Regardless of whether the focus of a study is cool zones, compounding wildfire emissions, or, most recently a recent study on the eBus project, a main tool for fine scale carbon emissions measurements in urban environements, Mendoza approaches each new inquiry with the same goal: “I want to make sure that my science gets understood by the general public. I want to write in as plain English as possible, because ultimately, I want to enact change, I want my work to do change.” 

Mendoza challenges the stereotypical ideal of a mad scientist locked away in a lab and detached from reality. Instead, he is present on campus, in the community, and at the state capitol building using science to advocate for justice.

Daniel Mendoza holds joint positions as research associate professor in atmospheric sciences; adjunct associate professor in internal medicine; and adjunct associate professor in City & Metropolitan Planning at the University of Utah.

by Lauren Wigod 

Read more on the 2021 documentary "AWAiRE," featuring Daniel Mendoza in @TheU


Solving the Puzzle of Utah’s Summer Ozone

Solving the Puzzle of Utah's Summer Ozone

July 29, 2024
Above: A view of Salt Lake City shot from NOAA’s research aircraft. Credit: NOAA.

The Salt Lake Valley’s summertime ozone pollution is a complicated puzzle because so many different kinds of emissions contribute to the problem, which in turn is affected by the time of day or year, the weather and many other factors.

Without knowing which emissions are most culpable or understanding the role of the region’s topography, solutions to Utah’s ozone mess will remain elusive. In collaboration with University of Utah faculty and funding from the state, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is helping find answers.

A team of NOAA scientists is in Salt Lake City for the next few weeks gathering masses of air quality data that is expected to yield new insights that could help bring relief. Building on a long record of air quality data compiled by U scientists and the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) over several years, this new snapshot data is hoped to illuminate what is driving elevated ozone levels along the Wasatch Front, according to Steven Brown, one of the NOAA research chemists leading the Utah Summer Ozone Study.

John Lin, professor of atmospheric sciences, on the roof of the Browning building where a phalanx of air quality monitoring instruments are stationed. Photo credit: Brian Maffly.

“Every city in the United States has an ozone problem, but every city is also different in terms of the sources that contribute to that ozone. And Salt Lake is no exception in that regard,” Brown said. “We’re certainly trying to understand the influence of wildfires. But then you’ve got this mix of industrial and urban sources in a valley with very unusual meteorology. We’re trying to characterize all those sources. What does that meteorology look like, and how do those things combine to produce the unique ozone problem that affects Salt Lake City?”

NOAA’s multi-platform study is being coordinated with the U’s Utah Atmospheric Trace Gas & Air Quality (UATAQ)) lab, headed by John Lin, a professor of atmospheric sciences. Also involved is Lin’s colleague Gannet Hallar, whose students are launching weather balloons and providing weather forecast briefings most days of the study to support NOAA’s regular overflights.While Utah has made strides reducing the severity of its particulate pollution-trapping winter inversions, summertime ozone has worsened to the point that Salt Lake City is out of attainment of the federal standard.

The primary ozone precursors are volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, which are emitted from countless sources—including oil refineries, gas stations, wildfire, paints, even personal care products, like deodorant—and nitrogen oxides, or NOx, a product of combustion.

Photons are needed to break up certain molecules, so the reactions typically will not happen without sunlight,” said John Lin, the associate director of the Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy. “It essentially chops up those chemical bonds. Then ozone reacts with other things and levels get lower at night.”

Read the full article by Brian Maffly in @TheU.

Satellite measurements of carbon emissions

Monitoring urban Carbon emissions at the global scale

July 30, 2024
Above: A map of the 77 cities at which the urban emissions monitoring framework was applied.

“We’re starting to see a globally consistent system to track [carbon] emission changes take shape,” says atmospheric scientist John Lin.

Faculty in the University of Utah's Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Lin is co-author of a paper in the journal Environmental Research Letters about a new satellite-based system for measuring CO2 emissions in support of global collective climate mitigation actions. As nations and cities continue to state their intentions to decarbonize for the purpose of becoming, in their activities, carbon-neutral, “we want to be able to see it happen from space.” 

Now we have a system to do so. 

That system is the culmination from standing on the shoulders of previous data scientists. It’s a story about how data is collected, interpreted and expanded through new technologies. It’s also about how this recursive process — now turbocharged with the advent of machine learning and AI — creates a space for potential application, innovation and policy that can change our world for the better, including mitigating carbon emissions that are warming our earth at a startling and deleterious rate.

But before any attempt can be made to save the planet, scientists have to secure a consistent measurement framework to better understand what’s happening as well as where it’s happening and how much.

The Backstory

John Lin

The backstory to this tale first begins in the Pacific Ocean. Tracking carbon emissions dates back decades to a single site in Hawai’i where, on a largely inactive volcano on the Big Island, instruments measured carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. At a high elevation, the site was very good at characterizing broad scale changes in carbon dioxide, globally, a “poster child for climate change because over time,” explains Lin who is also associate director of the Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy, “we know that from these Hawai’i  measurements, CO2 has this distinct cycle, seasonally, but then this upward trend due to all of us burning fossil fuels.”

Human-caused carbon emissions are not only leading to CO2 buildup everywhere in the atmosphere but the issue is widespread in public discourse. Whether it’s on the micro level of mitigating one’s personal “carbon footprint” by taking the bus, or on the meta level of international initiatives like the Kyoto Accords or the United Nations-brokered Paris Agreement, the effects of carbon emissions are on everyone’s mind. A cascade of cities and whole nations have established goals for mitigating emissions, but their estimates of carbon emissions have been relying on data that are inconsistent and sometimes missing altogether in parts of the world. 

That cities have singly established and even accelerated their carbon-neutral goals is a good thing, considering that over 70 percent of human-emitted CO2 into the atmosphere stems from cities around the globe.

Tracking progress toward city-scale emissions reduction targets is essential by providing “actionable information for policy makers,” the paper states. This while the authors acknowledge that earlier measurements and claims from municipal entities are based on “self-reported emissions inventories,” whose methodology and input data often differ from one another. These practices hamper “understanding of changes in both city-scale emissions and the global summation of urban emissions mitigation actions.”

Orbiting Carbon Observatory

This is where outer space in general comes into play and, in particular, the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO). The NASA mission is designed to make space-based observations of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere to better understand the characteristics of climate change. After a literal “failure to launch” in 2009, NASA successfully placed a satellite (OCO2) in 2014 with equipment measuring CO2 emissions from space. Satellite-transmitted data promised to be an independent way to calculate, globally, emissions from cities. Not surprisingly, it has taken a while to learn how to use the data. In 2020 a graduate student in Lin’s research group, Dien Wu, developing early methods, did exactly that, looking comprehensively at a total of twenty cities around the world.

Based on essentially the same data set used by Lin and Wilmot in their current paper, but with fewer years, Wu was able to get estimates of the amounts of human emitted CO2 from OCO2 satellite transmissions. Separating out what carbon human activity is emitting to the atmosphere versus those from urban vegetation has now been determined through an expansion of the analyses over the additional years by Lin’s team of researchers, including a later graduate student by the name of Kai Wilmot, co-author of the current study.

In this round, four times as many urban areas as Wu studied and distributed over six continents, have now been assessed. This plant/human conundrum is further complicated by vegetation outside the city which has very different characteristics from vegetation inside the city. The difference creates patterns of CO2  that have to be taken out to distill the human component.

Strangely beautiful animations

Kai Wilmot

In short, Lin and company’s findings, published in Environmental Research Letters, represents a new capacity based on recent developments in modeling. And the animations of the assembled and interpreted satellite CO2 data delivered by the team are startling, even strangely beautiful. In one chart the left side displays latitude vs CO2. “This narrow swath,” explains Lin, indicates “each time … [the satellite] orbits. There's this narrow slice of data that becomes available.”

Using that data, he continues, “the NASA scientists can construct this nice animation of CO2 change in each latitude band over time.” Lin points to what he calls “ridges and valleys” on the the chart that represent the seasonal cycle, and he personifies the entire Earth as if it is “breathing in the carbon dioxide through photosynthesis during the summer growing season and then releasing it in the winter. They have these very sharp ridges — high CO2, low CO2, higher CO2 [the breaths] — but overall, the rug is going up, because we're emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.”

Here, researchers are only looking at a small fraction of data points, the ones that intersect the targeted cities. They then do a more detailed look at whether they’re seeing a signal or not and whether they’re getting enough data.

“Personally,” says Wilmot, “I think the particularly neat aspect of this work is the capacity for global application. Leveraging satellite data and atmospheric modeling, we are able to gain some insight into urban emissions at cities around the world. We can see interactions between these emissions and socioeconomic factors, and we can identify large changes in emissions over time.”


The possibilities of creating more rigorous models, and more revealing data about how much cities emit carbon to the atmosphere are tantalizing. And so are the findings of the research. “This kind of information can be used by cities and the UN process,” Lin says. “But I’m pretty sure what they want is something more dynamic through time, how these emissions evolve. And also, probably more frequent updates.” As it was in this study, researchers had to aggregate multiple years of data to get enough points for each city. “So the challenge, I think, is to be able to track more dynamically these emissions over time.”

More to come

NASA’s next iteration of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory — OCO3 — has already been successfully docked on the International Space Station, although it was de-installed for a period of time recently to allow another instrument to carry out measurements. (It turns out that prime real estate on the crowded station is, well, at a premium.) But new data is forthcoming. 

Meantime, researchers have their work cut out for themselves in the data crunching/parsing/interpreting part of this saga. Scientists typically accrue data far faster than they are able to use and interpret them . . . and create cool animations for general consumption.

A log-log plot of the scaling relationship between direct emissions per capita and effective population density for all 77 cities.

“Naturally,” concludes Lin, “to bend the curve in terms of trying to reduce carbon emissions in cities is a primary focus. And there's a lot of excitement and social energy around reducing carbon emissions in cities, including here in Salt Lake. Many mayors have pledged carbon reduction plans, and the University of Utah has their own [pledge]. Lots of cities have very ambitious goals to reduce carbon.”

For Wilmot, this project will only add to the increased “social energy” around the issue of carbon emission mitigation. Satellite measuring will help identify a path toward monitoring urban emissions at the global scale in order to identify effective policy levers for emissions reductions. “Of course, realizing this monitoring ability is contingent on further development of the modeling, satellite observations, and a number of necessary input datasets,” he says. “So by no means am I saying that we are there already.” 

Clearly, this research has shown that the co-authors’ designed, multi-component satellite framework is capable of monitoring CO2 emissions across urban systems and identifying relevant driving factors. Their analysis not only pulled out data of the emissions from individual cities, but, because it is global, they could then do pattern analyses. In fact, the researchers, using an established relationship between emission-per-capita vs population density were able to plot from the data what happened, emissions-wise, during the COVID shutdown.

But, as co-author Kai Wilmot infers about work yet to be done, the ending to this story — from the Hawaiian Islands to outer space — is one of not-quite-yet “mission accomplished.”

“It’s more like mission half-accomplished,” John Lin concedes, “which is often the case in research.”

By David Pace

Read the complete paper in Environmental Research Letters.