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Catalyst 2024

Catalyst 2024

Down to Earth 2024

The 2024 edition of Down to Earth, official magazine for the Dept of Geology & Geophysics.

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Our DNA 2024

The 2024 edition of Our DNA, official magazine for the U School of Biological Sciences.

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Air Currents 2024

The 2024 edition of Air Currents, magazine for the U Department of Atmospheric Sciences

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Synthesis 2024

SRI inaugural cohort, the U in biotech and stories from throughout the College of Science

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Aftermath 2024

The official magazine of the U Department of Mathematics.

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Spectrum 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Physics & Astronomy.

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Common Ground 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Mining Engineering.

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Down to Earth 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Geology & Geophysics.

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Our DNA 2023

The official magazine of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Utah.

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Catalyst 2023

The official magazine of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah.

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Synthesis 2023

Wilkes Center, Applied Science Project and stories from throughout the merged College.

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Aftermath Summer 2023

Anna Tang Fulbright Scholar, Tommaso de Fernex new chair, Goldwater Scholars, and more.

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Air Currents 2023

Celebrating 75 Years, The Great Salt Lake, Alumni Profiles, and more.

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Spectrum 2022

Explosive neutron stars, Utah meteor, fellows of APS, and more.

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Aftermath 2022

Arctic adventures, moiré magic, Christopher Hacon, and more.

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Our DNA 2022

Chan Yul Yoo, Sarmishta Diraviam Kannan, and more.

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Spectrum 2022

Black Holes, Student Awards, Research Awards, LGBT+ physicists, and more.

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Aftermath 2022

Student awards, Faculty Awards, Fellowships, and more.

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Our DNA 2022

Erik Jorgensen, Mark Nielsen, alumni George Seifert, new faculty, and more.

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Notebook 2022

Student stories, NAS members, alumni George Seifert, and Convocation 2022.

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Discover 2021

Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics Research, SRI Update, New Construction.

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Our DNA 2021

Multi-disciplinary research, graduate student success, and more.

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Aftermath 2021

Sound waves, student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Spectrum 2021

New science building, faculty awards, distinguished alumni, and more.

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Notebook 2021

Student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Spectrum 2021

Student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Aftermath 2021

Sound waves, student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Our DNA 2021

Plant pandemics, birdsong, retiring faculty, and more.

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Discover 2020

Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics Research, Overcoming Covid, Lab Safety.

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AfterMath 2020

50 Years of Math, Sea Ice, and Faculty and Staff recognition.

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Our DNA 2020

E-birders, retiring faculty, remote learning, and more.

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Spectrum 2020

3D maps of the Universe, Perovskite Photovoltaics, and Dynamic Structure in HIV.

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Notebook 2020

Convocation, Alumni, Student Success, and Rapid Response Research.

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Our DNA 2020

Stories on Fruit Flies, Forest Futures and Student Success.

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Catalyst 2020

Transition to Virtual, 2020 Convocation, Graduate Spotlights, and Awards.

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Spectrum 2020

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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Discover 2019

Science Research Initiative, College Rankings, Commutative Algebra, and more.

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Spectrum 2019

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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Notebook 2019

The New Faces of Utah Science, Churchill Scholars, and Convocation 2019.

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Catalyst 2019

Endowed Chairs of Chemistry, Curie Club, and alumnus: Victor Cee.

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Our DNA 2019

Ants of the World, CRISPR Scissors, and Alumni Profile - Nikhil Bhayani.

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Catalyst 2019

Methane-Eating Bacteria, Distinguished Alumni, Student and Alumni profiles.

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Spectrum 2019

Featured: Molecular Motors, Churchill Scholar, Dark Matter, and Black Holes.

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Our DNA 2019

Featured: The Startup Life, Monica Gandhi, Genomic Conflicts, and alumna Jeanne Novak.

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AfterMath 2018

Featured: A Love for Puzzles, Math & Neuroscience, Number Theory, and AMS Fellows.

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Discover 2018

The 2018 Research Report for the College of Science.

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Spectrum 2018

Featured: Dark Matter, Spintronics, Gamma Rays and Improving Physics Teaching.

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Catalyst 2018

Featured: Ming Hammond, Jack & Peg Simons Endowed Professors, Martha Hughes Cannon.

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A microscopic view of global challenges in chemical separations

Separation Issues

November 15, 2023
Above: Aurora Clark

In 'People vs. the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics' chemist Aurora Clark addresses a microscopic view of global challenges in chemical separations.

An illustration from Aurora Clark's Science at Breakfast lecture on the microscopic view of global challenges in chemical separations.

Our environment is filled with mixtures, whether it is the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the earth we walk on. Often, separating mixtures is key to human health - for example, creating clean water supplies or recycling materials. Understanding how mixtures are separated, and optimizing this process, is a challenging task - and this is exactly what University of Utah Chemistry Professor Aurora Clark is doing.

Clark was the featured presenter November 7th at the College of Science’s Science at Breakfast event staged at the Natural History Museum of Utah. 

“A major issue is that separating materials currently consumes a massive amount of energy,“ Clark explains, citing distillation as an easy example. “As such, chemists try to develop low-energy separation methods to create an environment where such isolation will happen spontaneously.” Achieving spontaneity means that chemists have to leverage the laws of thermodynamics, which include the energy stored in matter (called enthalpy) and entropy (which represents how energy is distributed in matter). Likening the reaction to a rock atop a hill, spontaneity means that that rock will begin rolling without the need of an extra push. 

Such a breakthrough would have monumental effects on the recycling of rare materials. For example, the palladium in mobile phone capacitors is sourced to just a handful of areas, with Russia producing roughly 40% of the world's supply. As geopolitical tensions rise, the incentive to recycle this palladium grows in turn, but such isolation is tricky. It is difficult to develop a separation system that selectively grabs palladium in the complex mixture found in cell phones while ignoring other metals. The question of how to remedy this, by using changes in entropy, is the focus of Clark’s research, which uses the power of the U’s supercomputer to simulate the separations process. Computational geometry and data science play a key role in this pursuit.

By studying the patterns of interactions in complex mixtures, Clark seeks to control the amount of entropy change, which in turn makes it favorable for molecules and metals to selectively move across a separating barrier. Although in its early stages, the idea of using entropy to improve the efficiency of separating mixtures is moving at a rapid pace because of the technological advances of supercomputers and data science. If mastered, the recycling of critical materials like palladium would be significantly simplified, massively reducing energy consumption and optimizing our own self-sufficiency. 

Aurora Clark is a relatively new addition to the U’s faculty, having joined in 2022. She completed a PhD at Indiana University, postdoctoral work at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and spent almost two decades as a professor of Washington State University’s Department of Chemistry.

By Michael Jacobsen

Science @ Breakfast is a lecture series that features U faculty sharing their latest, cutting-edge research — while enjoying a meal. If you would like to be invited to our next Science @ Breakfast, please consider a donation to the College of Science at

2023 Distinguished Alumni, Chemistry

2023 Distinguished Alumni, Chemistry

November 2023
Above: Roger Leach, Amy Barrios, Mitch Johnson and Zlatko Bačić


Four alumni have been honored as distinguished alumni for 2023 in the Department of Chemistry.

Zlatko Bačić:  Tectonic Science

“When two people limited to different ways of thinking come together, you have a synergy that couldn’t exist otherwise,” says Zlatko Bačić PhD’81, speaking on the vital importance of collaborating across the divisions of science. First-hand experience with this synergy is deeply embedded in his history, from serving as the inaugural director of the Simon Center for Computational Physical Chemistry to studying the quantum dynamics of molecules in Los Alamos

He compares the sciences to tectonic plates, constantly moving in varying directions, uncovering the most exciting discoveries where they collide at the edges. “It’s at those interfaces that the most interesting things happen!” he explains. And just as the Earth’s plates change the landscape, so too can the scientific landscape be terraformed in turn.

Bačić’s journey has not only taken him across the field of theoretical chemistry but across the world, studying everywhere from Croatia to Chicago to Jerusalem to Utah. He found a deep love of the culture and cuisine of New York and Philadelphia, while also delighting in the environment and people in the Four Corners area. He loves the town of Telluride,Colorado but also enjoys visiting his daughter in Seattle, creating a bewildering decision when considering a destination for a far-out retirement. He takes every opportunity he can to travel and experience every area to its fullest potential.

Bačić carries this attitude into his teaching as well. As a current professor at New York University, he has uplifted the lives of countless students and overseen the publication of over 150 papers. “Basic research is at the heart of everything,” he tells his students. “If you think you can guide it somehow, you’re missing the point. It is only unguided research that will illuminate the mysteries you know nothing about.” Championing the value of “unguided research,” he delights in providing opportunities for postdocs, creating an environment for them to prove their worth, opening every door for collaboration to let them show what they can do under optimal circumstances. ~ Michael Jacobsen

Amy Barrios: A world-class education

A Professor of Medicinal Chemistry in the College of Pharmacy, Amy Barrios’ passion for inorganic chemistry began at the University of Utah as a high schooler during a summer chemistry program and propelled her through a career in academia to Professor of Medicinal Chemistry in the U College of Pharmacy.

Barrios BS'95 grew up in Salt Lake City. During her time as an undergrad, she engaged in radiobiology research about Chernobyl victims with radiobiologist Scott Miller, now research professor emeritus at the U's School of Medicine.

Barrios ventured from Salt Lake to the East coast to earn her PhD in chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2000. There, she dove deeper into bio-inorganic chemistry with Steve Leopard. “My focus was on making molecules that would mimic the activity of metalloenzymes. And I specifically looked at urease, which was actually the first enzyme ever discovered,” says Barrios. “I was making dinuclear nickel complexes that hydrolyzed urea.”

After graduate school, Barrios returned to the west coast and spent some time in California, first in a postdoctoral position at University of California, San Francisco, and later as a professor at University of Southern California.

Finally, Barrios returned home to the U in 2007, this time as a professor. Throughout her education and career, Barrios has visited many institutions and says she’s “...continually impressed by the quality of education that I got here at the U.”

“Our chemistry department, particularly, does an amazing job of educating undergraduates and graduate students, helping us understand all the things we need to know, all the tools we need to go on to be successful in whatever career we go into. So that's something I think is important for our students to recognize: they really get a world class education here.”

Barrios is keen to deliver a message of belonging as she continues in academia. “It's so important, I think, for students to be able to feel like they belong here,” she says. “We need scientists from all backgrounds and with all kinds of different interests and all kinds of different skills. So, I think that's really important also for young people to recognize and for us as faculty and instructors to help them feel that this is a place for them, that we need their talents, and their talents are valued. I hope that they get that message here.”
~ Lauren Wigod

Roger Leach: lifelong learning and agility

Originally from Chicago, Roger Leach Phd'84 first journeyed to the University of Utah for a summer REU program while pursuing his undergraduate degree in chemistry from Augustana College in Illinois. The program allowed him to explore hands-on scientific research for the first time and, captivated by the unique outdoor access and balanced lifestyle he enjoyed in Salt Lake, City Leach returned to the U for graduate school.

Reflecting on his time here, Leach fondly remembers Joel Harris, a distinguished professor whose openly enthusiastic teaching style and love for science still inspire Leach today. “Everything about it was like, the door’s open, walk in, and let’s talk,’ he recalls. “My whole career after Utah, that was sort of my motto you know, ‘What would Joel do?’”

After finishing his graduate degree at the U, Leach began his career working as an analytical chemist in the textile fibers department at DuPont. Though he recalls the initial nerves he felt upon joining the company, Leach acknowledges the U for preparing him well: “[At Dupont], you could meet people who had really moved the bar in terms of technology development that made people’s lives better. So I felt intimidated a little bit, but there was never a time when I felt inferior in terms of my education and preparation.”

Since his days at DuPont, Leach’s career has led him to Viridos, a biotech company focused on algae-based biofuel. For the last few years, Leach has been helping to push the boundaries of renewable energy technology, hoping to create a more sustainable future. Currently a resident of Solana Beach, California, Leach emphasizes the importance of continuing to foster curiosity throughout his career: “The thing that strikes me is how many things we understand today and use today in our daily lives that didn't exist when I was at the University of Utah,” he remarks.

“And the process of keeping yourself relevant as a STEM contributor to society is an exercise in lifelong learning and agility.”
~Julia St. Andre

Mitch Johnson:  reinventing and modernizing formulations

Mitch Johnson first joined the University of Utah as a graduate student in 1994 after finishing his undergraduate degree from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. He knew he was interested in doing research and was drawn by the U’s outstanding research facilities and small university feel. During graduate school, Johnson worked in Joel Miller’s lab where he gained valuable skills in problem-solving and perseverance. “If I had like four or five ideas, Dr. Miller was very patient and listened to all of them,” Johnson recalls. “I learned that you have to put the work in. You really do have to spend the time and invest yourself completely into solving the problem.” 

For Johnson, chemistry truly runs in the family. His father, a chemical engineer, sparked his interest in the subject at a young age. Later, at the U, he met his wife, who was also pursuing a degree in chemistry. Their shared passion for the field often sparks discussion over dinner, and they even keep a whiteboard nearby for spontaneous problem-solving. Fascinated with creating things and solving problems, synthetic chemistry was the ideal path for Johnson. His career took him to General Plastics, developing specialized thermoplastic materials for use in aerospace engineering and satellite work. He started at the company in 2008 as a product development chemist, with the mission of reinventing and modernizing their formulations. Since then, the company has expanded significantly, and Johnson made his way through the ranks, eventually taking over the company as President and CEO in 2017. 

Looking back on his education, Johnson emphasizes the lasting impact of his time at the U: “The staff and faculty here are fantastic. They really do cultivate very good students and very well-trained professionals.” he says. “A lot of the success I’ve had over my career, it all started here at the U.”
~ Julia St. Andre


New tools for peering into cell function.

New tools for peering into cell function

Sep 9, 2024
Above: Ming Hammond, professor of chemistry. PHOTO CREDIT: Dave Titensor, University of Utah

U chemists discover how key contrast agent works, paving the way to create markers needed for correlative microscopy.

Two labs at the University of Utah’s Department of Chemistry joined forces to improve imaging tools that may soon enable scientists to better observe signaling in functioning cells and other molecular-scale processes central to life.

Rodrigo Noriega, assistant professor of chemistry and co-author of the study.

The Noriega and Hammond labs, with complementary expertise in materials chemistry and chemical biology, made critical discoveries announced this month in the Journal of the American Chemical Society that could advance this goal. Their joint project was kickstarted through a team development grant from the U College of Science and the 3i Initiative to encourage faculty with different research interests to work together on big-picture problems.

“We’re trying to develop a new kind of imaging method, a way to look into cells and be able to see both their structural features, which are really intricate, while also capturing information about their activity,” said co-author Ming Hammond, a professor of chemistry. "Current methods provide high-resolution details on cellular structure but have a challenging ‘blind spot’ when it comes to function. In this paper, we study a tool that might be applied in electron microscopy to report on structure and function at the same time.”

Biological samples often need “markers,” or molecules that are the source of detectable signals, explained co-author Rodrigo Noriega, an assistant professor of chemistry. A widely used type of markers are flavoproteins which, when photoexcited, trigger a chemical reaction that yields metal-absorbing polymer particles whose high contrast in electron microscopy is easily seen.

Scientists had long assumed that a mechanism involving singlet oxygen generation, a special kind of reactive oxygen species, was at play. However, the U team found that electron transfer between the photoexcited marker and the polymer building blocks is the main contributor to the process.

You can read the full story by Brian Maffly in @TheU.


Delve into the puzzle of ice crystallization and uncover its secrets.

Delve into the puzzle of ice crystallization and uncover its secrets

July 5, 2024
Above: A screen capture from a slow-motion movie covers mere nanoseconds — when water is tuned to a critical point called the liquid-liquid transition.

Making ice requires more than subzero temperatures. The unpredictable process takes microscopic scaffolding, random jiggling and often a little bit of bacteria.

We learn in grade school that water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, but that’s seldom true. In clouds, scientists have found supercooled water droplets as chilly as minus 40 C, and in a lab in 2014, they cooled water to a staggering minus 46 C before it froze. You can supercool water at home: Throw a bottle of distilled water in your freezer, and it’s unlikely to crystallize until you shake it.

Freezing usually doesn’t happen right at zero degrees for much the same reason that backyard wood piles don’t spontaneously combust. To get started, fire needs a spark. And ice needs a nucleus — a seed of ice around which more and more water molecules arrange themselves into a crystal structure.

Valeria Molinero, a physical chemist at the University of Utah, builds computer simulations of water to study ice nucleation.

The formation of these seeds is called ice nucleation. Nucleation is so slow for pure water at zero degrees that it might as well not happen at all. But in nature, impurities provide surfaces for nucleation, and these impurities can drastically change how quickly and at what temperature ice forms.

For a process that’s anything but exotic, ice nucleation remains surprisingly mysterious. Chemists can’t reliably predict the effect of a given impurity or surface, let alone design one to hinder or promote ice formation. But they’re chipping away at the problem. They’re building computer models that can accurately simulate water’s behavior, and they’re looking to nature for clues — proteins made by bacteria and fungi are the best ice makers scientists know of.

Understanding how ice forms is more than an academic exercise. Motes of material create ice seeds in clouds, which lead to most of the precipitation that falls to Earth as snow and rain. Several dry Western states use ice-nucleating materials to promote precipitation, and U.S. government agencies including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Air Force have experimented with ice nucleation for drought relief or as a war tactic. (Perhaps snowstorms could waylay the enemy.) And in some countries, hail-fighting planes dust clouds with silver iodide, a substance that helps small droplets to freeze, hindering the growth of large hailstones.

But there’s still much to learn. “Everyone agrees that ice forms,” said Valeria Molinero, a physical chemist at the University of Utah who builds computer simulations of water. “After that, there are questions.”

You can read the full story in Quanta magazine. Read the published research @PNAS.

Peter Armentrout Returns as Interim Chemistry Chair

Distinguished Professor Returns to Leadership

June 21, 2024
Above: Peter Armentrout (Credit: Matt Crawley)


Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Peter B. Armentrout has been appointed interim chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah.

Peter Armentrout. Credit: Matt Crawley

His term will commence July 1, 2024, following the completion of Matt Sigman’s term as chair which began in 2019.

Armentrout is a researcher in thermochemistry, kinetics and the dynamics of simple and complex chemical reactions. As a research professor, he invented and constructed the guided ion-beam tandem mass spectrometer, which has provided highly accurate thermodynamic measurements on a multitude of chemical species.

Upon his arrival at the U in 1987 from UC Berkeley, Armentrout was awarded a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Grant, secured tenure the following year and, in 1989, was promoted to full professor. He has since been recognized with the University-wide Distinguished Research Award (1994) and the Buck-Whitney Award from the American Chemical Society Eastern New York Section (1993), and in 1997, the graduate students at the Ohio State University Department of Chemistry selected Professor Armentrout as their Mack Memorial Award Lecturer.

In 1998, Armentrout was promoted to Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and named Cannon Fellow in 2003, and then, in 2018, was appointed the Henry Eyring Presidential Endowed Chair. He received the Biemann Medal from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry in 2001, the Utah Award of Chemistry from the Utah Sections of the American Chemical Society in 2003, the Field and Franklin Award for Outstanding Achievement in Mass Spectrometry from the American Chemical Society in 2009, the Governor's Medal for Science and Technology Award from the State of Utah in 2010 and, the following year, the prestigious Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence from the U — the university’s highest honor awarded to a faculty member.

In 2018, Armentrout received the Ron Hites Award from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry and the John B. Fenn Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry.

His teaching was recognized in 1989 with the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award and in 2011 with the R. W. Parry Teaching Award, both given by the Department of Chemistry.

Armentrout has served on the editorial advisory boards of the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, and formerly of the Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Organometallics and the Journal of Cluster Science (charter member).

He is a member of the American Chemical Society, American Physical Society (fellow), American Society for Mass Spectrometry, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (fellow). He presently has over 560 research publications that have appeared in the literature. Forty-four students have received their PhDs with Professor Armentrout.

Earlier, Armentrout served as Department Chair from 2001 to 2007. During that time, Armentrout instituted several reforms regarding parental leave and secured funding for the David M. Grant NMR Center (Gaus House) and partial funding for the Thatcher extension to the South Chemistry Building.

Armentrout says of the appointment: “I am honored to be asked to take the reins of this exceptional department for a couple more years. The research and teaching abilities and collegiality of this faculty are second to none and will enable us to collectively advance and lead within the U. I look forward to working with them as well as our supporters outside the university system in the near term.” 

"In addition to being a world-class chemist with a towering international reputation, Peter is also an exceptional teacher, mentor, and administrator,” said Peter Trapa, dean of the College of Science. “His appointment as interim chair will continue to advance Utah's Chemistry Department as one of the best in the world. I look forward to working with Peter as we continue to build on the department's strengths.”

Trapa continued, “I'm also deeply grateful to Distinguished Professor Matt Sigman for his outstanding leadership as chair over the past five years. Matt’s contributions to the department, especially his unwavering commitment to excellence, will be felt for many years to come.”

You can read a short autobiography of Peter Armentrout and his early career from 2013, here.

By David Pace

Chemist Aaron Puri Receives Simons Foundation Early Career Award

Chemist Aaron Puri Receives Simons Foundation Early Career Award


“I am honored to receive this award and excited to join the community of researchers supported by the Simons Foundation to answer fundamental questions about microbial ecology and evolution.” says Aaron Puri, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Henry Eyring Center for Cell and Genome Science and one of five awardees for 2024.
The Simons Foundation Early Career Investigator in Aquatic Microbial Ecology and Evolution Award recognizes outstanding researchers in the fields of microbial ecology, microbial biogeochemistry, and microbial evolution in marine or natural freshwater systems. Its purpose is to promote the careers of investigators who contribute to understanding these areas.

Puri joined the College of Science faculty in 2019 after working as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemical and Systems Biology from Stanford University in 2013, and his B.S. from the University of Chicago in 2008. Puri has also received the NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award and the NSF CAREER Award. 

“This award will enable our research group to work at the interface of biology and chemistry to decipher the molecular details of interactions in methane-oxidizing bacterial communities,” says Puri. His research aims to solve big problems with microscopic solutions. “These communities provide a biotic sink for the potent greenhouse gas methane, and are a useful system for understanding how bacteria interact with each other and their environment while performing critical ecosystem functions.” The Simons Award is an indicator that this is only the beginning of Puri’s research successes.


by Lauren Wigod


Goldwater Scholars 2024

Goldwater Scholars 2024

Two College of Science students awarded the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship for 2024-25

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship is a prestigious award given to undergraduate sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers. Goldwater Scholars often go on to hold distinguished research and leadership positions across many disciplines. For the 2024-2025 academic year, 438 scholarships were awarded to college students across the country. At the University of Utah, two undergraduate students have earned the honor of becoming Goldwater Scholars: Muskan Walia and Nathan Patchen.

Nathen Patchen

“Biochemistry was a great way for me to combine my love of biology and chemistry and understand not only how things work, but why,” says Nathan Patchen about what motivated him to pursue research in that field. Patchen was awarded the Goldwater Scholarship for his work in Yang Liu’s lab, an assistant professor of biochemistry at the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine

Patchen describes his research as broadly being focused on DNA damage repair. He says “[w]e have access to revolutionary gene editing tools that, when used in conjunction with advanced imaging techniques, allow us to explore how cancer cells undergo DNA damage repair as never seen before. Personally, I am doing this by implementing a modified CRISPR-Cas9 that allows us to capture time-resolved images after damage and then produce data about the kinetics of repair.” 

After graduating from the U, Patchen hopes to pursue an MD/PhD to practice medicine while continuing his research on gene editing and aging. Outside of his time in the lab, he enjoys being active through swimming, biking, and running as he trains for an IRONMAN 70.3 in St. George, Utah in May. 


Muskan Walia

“Mathematics is at the cusp of interdisciplinary research” says Muskan Walia. During the College of Science ACCESS Scholars research program, she reflected on her academic interests and goals. She explains, "I wasn’t interested in studying any discipline in a vacuum or in isolation. Rather, I wanted to work on mathematics research that centered justice and informed public policy.”

The majority of Walia’s undergraduate research sprouted from her time in ACCESS where with the help of Fred Adler in the mathematics department at the College of Science, she began to adapt an epidemiological SIR model to predict the number of cells infected with SARS-CoV-2. Since then, she has created other models to further answer her questions about disease. These include a “... model of disease progression within an infected individual, a model of an antigen test, and a model of symptoms to evaluate how testing can be used to limit the spread of infection.”

“Ultimately, I want to lead a team that utilizes mathematical principles to tackle the most pressing social justice related questions of our time.” Walia is one of 57 awardees honored this year who intend to pursue research in mathematics or computer science. Besides innovating mathematical models, Walia enjoys spending time outside bird watching with her mom and gardening with her grandmother.



By Lauren Wigod
Science Writer Intern