Riley Peck BS’09 named new DWR director

Riley Peck BS'09 named new DWR director

January 13, 2025
Above: New DWR Director Riley Peck

Utah Department of Natural Resources Executive Director Joel Ferry named Riley Peck as the new director for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, effective Monday, Jan. 13.

A resident of Eagle Mountain, Utah County, Peck started working for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources in 2006 as a native aquatics technician. In 2009, he transitioned to working as a wildlife biologist before eventually being promoted to Central Region wildlife manager in 2016. He worked in that role until 2019, when he became the once-in-a-lifetime species coordinator. Peck has served as the division's legislative liaison from 2019 until now.

With a bachelor's in biology from the University of Utah and a master's degree in plant and wildlife science from Brigham Young University, Peck has always had a passion for the outdoors and wildlife conservation.

"I have always loved wildlife, fishing, hunting, camping and all things outdoors and always had a desire to operate in that space," Peck said. "Getting to do what I am passionate about as a living has been a great privilege, and I feel truly lucky that I have had the opportunity to work in wildlife management. At the DWR, we have made a lot of strides to gather some of the best wildlife data in the entire U.S. As director, I'd like us to continue to build on that and use that information to manage our wildlife species in Utah even more effectively."

"During his 19-year career with the DWR, Riley has garnered a lot of experience and knowledge and has also proven himself as an exceptional employee — he was recently named the 2024 DNR employee of the year. I feel confident in his ability to oversee the management of Utah's fish and wildlife," Ferry said.

Peck grew up in Riverton, and enjoys recreating in the outdoors hunting, fishing and camping with his wife and kids.

Peck replaces former DWR Director J Shirley, who retired Dec. 31, 2024.

In Detox: Woodrats use ‘quantity over quality’ as a plan

Woodrats use ‘quantity over quality’ as a Detox plan

January 9, 2025
Above: A woodrat (N. lepida) between two food staples; juniper (left, ancestral diet) and creosote bush (right, new diet for the species).

Woodrats are one of the only animals that can tolerate large quantities of creosote, a shrub with leaves coated in a chemical cocktail of poisonous resin.

Part of the team doing field work in California to capture wild woodrats.

The critter’s constitution has astounded biologists and represents a decades-long debate—over evolutionary time, how do animals adapt to a deadly diet? Do detoxification enzymes become more specialized or more abundant?

The study, led by University of Utah (U) biologists, is the first to pinpoint the specific genes and enzymes that allow woodrats to eat the near-lethal food without obvious harm. The scientists compared the detoxification pathways of two woodrat species that encountered creosote independently in their evolutionary histories to those who had never encountered creosote. Before creosote invaded parts of the Southwest, woodrat populations had a smaller number of genes that coded for enzymes that process creosote toxins. As creosote grew to dominate the landscape, natural selection drove a detox-gene duplication bonanza, resulting in massive increases in the numbers of genes that produce enzymes that eliminate creosote toxins. Curiously, these enzymes did not become more specialized to detoxify creosote—there was just much more of them.

The authors propose that gene duplication is an important mechanism by which animals initially adapt to new environmental pressures.

“These woodrats have only been exposed to creosote bush for about 15,000 years—in an evolutionary timescale, that’s very little time,” said Dylan Klure, postdoctoral researcher at the U and lead author of the study. “Some other changes may happen in the future, but right now, the duplication innovation is what’s allowed them to become so toxin-resistant so quickly.”

The study published on Jan. 10, 2025, in the journal Science.

There are two primary hypotheses for how animals evolve tolerance to toxic chemicals. The first is that new DNA mutations modify existing detoxification enzymes to metabolize toxins faster and more efficiently—a lower quantity, higher quality approach. The second is that detoxification genes and the enzymes they produce don’t change much, but duplicate in number over evolutionary time, allowing animals to produce more detoxification enzymes in response to toxin consumption—a greater quantity, lower quality approach. Previous research found that herbivorous insects process toxins using specialized enzymes that metabolize chemicals faster. Since the 1970s, biologists have favored this “enzyme quality over quantity” hypothesis. This study found the exact opposite.

“We discovered that creosote-feeding woodrats don’t have specialized enzymes to metabolize creosote toxins, just more—many more, and from a wide variety of existing detox enzymes,” said Denise Dearing, U biologist and senior author of the study. “These duplications of existing genes increase the quantity of detoxification enzymes produced, enabling more toxin to be eliminated.”

Read the full article by Lisa Potter in @TheU 
Read the story as featured on NSF Stories.

Coyote numbers are often higher in areas where they are hunted

Coyote numbers are often higher in areas where they are hunted

January 9, 2025
Above: Trap camera photo of a coyote recorded in the Wasatch Mountains in October 2019. Credit: Austin Green.

Counterintuitive findings are based on images from hundreds of trap cameras deployed in nationwide campaign to document wildlife.

Coyote populations across the United States are influenced by a number of factors, but surprisingly their abundance is found to be higher in areas that allow hunting of the predator, according to research by a University of Utah wildlife biologist and colleagues in other states.

As U.S. landscapes became increasingly plowed and paved over the past couple centuries, wildlife has become less abundant thanks to the loss and fragmentation of habitat. But not coyotes, North America’s most successful mid-sized predator, which have expanded their range despite eradication campaigns and rapid urbanization.

Coyotes are bold generalists, eating anything from seeds, trash, roadkill, rodents, deer fawn, even pets, and fill niches left vacant by the elimination of bears, wolves and cougars, according to co-author Austin Green, a researcher with the U’s Science Research Initiative and former graduate student in the School of Biological Sciences.

It is reasonable to expect hunting to reduce species abundance, especially in conjunction with other anthropogenic factors that spurred the wave of Holocene extinctions. Unregulated hunting, after all, resulted in the disappearance of the passenger pigeon, dodo and monk seal, and near-extinctions of many other now-rare species, including iconic megafauna such as the American bison and white rhinoceros.

Coyotes, on the other hand, have displayed a pronounced resiliency in regions, such as Utah where hunting and trapping these predators is heavily subsidized and barely regulated, according to the findings based on extensive camera surveys.

“This is corroborating a lot of other evidence that direct hunting and intervention is actually not a really good way to manage coyote populations, if the goal is to decrease their abundance,” Green said.

The new study, which was funded in part by the U’s Global Change and Sustainability Center, was led by the University of New Hampshire (UNH). It relied on data compiled by Snapshot USA, a sprawling collaborative campaign to sample wild mammal populations with motion-triggered trap cameras arrayed in transects each fall.

Read the full article by Ethan Hood in @TheU 

Alumnus Paul Keim, 2024 Lark Lecturer

2024 Lark Lecturer: Paul Keim


In October, Paul Keim, one of the longest-serving postdoctoral researchers in the lab run by the late K. Gordon Lark, was tapped to present the annual Lark Lecture at the School of Biological Sciences Science Retreat.

One of this year's distinguished alumni awardees, Keim was a natural pick for the distinction, not only because of his work with Lark in the 80s but because of his auspicious career in The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute (PMI), an impressive cross-disciplinary research unit at Northern Arizona University where, after graduating from NAU with a BS, he returned to and has been on the faculty for the past 36 years.

PMI is closely associated with TGen North, with whom the institute shares infrastructure to maximize Arizona’s investment in science.

At the U Keim studied everything from soybeans to kangaroo rats. “We did everything," he says about the lab’s variety. “It’s what I call either the Lark curse or the Lark blessing… Gordon was willing to work on any interesting biological problem.” This was before Keim found himself working in infectious diseases, in particular with the deadly bacterium anthrax and later cholera and more recently the SARS-COVID-19 coronavirus, among others. At one highly elevated juncture he would find himself on the world stage as, following the attacks on American soil September 11, 2001, letters laced with anthrax spores started showing up in people’s mail. Five individuals eventually died from it.

The "Father of the Dept. of Biology," now the School of Biological Sciences, K. Gordon Lark (1930-2020). The annual Lark Lecture is in his honor. Credit: Ben Okun

How the story played out during the era of the “Anthrax Letters,” the title of a recent Netflix docudrama in which Keim is prominently featured, has all of the intrigue you would expect of a compressed but harrowing era starting in October 2021. It was a time when the country was rattled to the bone and saw terrorists, it seemed, around every corner–and in every letter delivered by the postal service. It was through the use of genomic technology and evolutionary principles at PMI and TGen North that Keim and his team were able to trace the specific, professionally processed spores, used in the attacks to an American microbiologist, vaccinologist, Bruce Ivins, a professional acquaintance of Keim’s and a known expert in the handling of anthrax spores.

Keim was readying to testify in court when Ivins took his life. “Whether or not Bruce Ivins actually did it or not is still hotly debated. But the Justice Department is convinced that he did it and they shut the whole thing down and destroyed all the evidence. So all the evidence that we were analyzing, all the anthrax strains, all the letters,” he says with some disappointment if not bitterness “... it's gone.”

Being pressed into the harsh and sometimes unforgiving media light (and hype) has been a defining feature of Keim’s career, but it has always been unapologetically rooted in the ethic of scientific inquiry that relentlessly follows the facts, honors the data and reaches conclusions that counter sacred paradigms in different scientific fields. His mentor Gordon Lark would be proud.

By David Pace

This story originally appeared in Our DNA, the official magazine of the School of Biological Sciences at the U. Below you can watch the trailer for the Netflix original "Anthrax Murders."


SRI Stories

SRI Stories: Mutualistic Mentorship


Creating stepping stones for students and mentors alike

If there were a single word to describe the Science Research Initiative (SRI), “mutualistic” would rank among the best choices. Most are aware that the program uniquely allows undergraduate students to build a strong undergraduate resume, connect with expertise in the field, and ultimately learn if the career path is right for them far earlier and easier than what tradition entails. But did you know a similar benefit exists for the mentors? 

SRI mentors are able to build a resume of their own as they teach and foster their students’ growth, showing proof-positive results that they can help students thrive under their leadership. That’s useful in its own right, but they also get to “home-grow” a roster of assistants with tailor-made expertise to assist with their projects. These are assistants that then use that expertise as groundwork for projects of their own. It’s a system that benefits everyone involved

Kendra Autumn is a prime example.

Parasitic fungi adaptation

Kendra arrived at the U with a BA in Biology from Willamette University in tow and quickly became involved with SRI as a graduate student stream leader. Under the guidance of her PhD advisor Bryn Dentinger, she developed a research focus on how parasitic fungi adapt to their hosts and how they might adapt to switch to a new host. The study of parasitic relationships can lead to deeper understandings of the evolution and mechanism of parasitism and often leads to practical applications. 

“Say you’re trying to grow a crop plant and a pathogenic fungus attacks that plant,” Kendra explains, “you can get a different fungus that is a parasite of the crop-attacking fungus to deal with the issue, which is a potential pesticide-free approach to mitigating fungal crop pathogens.” She is currently studying the DNA of several mushroom specimens and their mold parasites, building evolutionary trees to better understand how these parasites have adapted to counter their hosts' defensive measures.

SRI's signature mutualism

This sort of adaptive specialization is a potential goldmine of breakthroughs as parasitism is all around us. Its utilization could affect everything from medicine to waste reduction. But as these parasitic studies built momentum, so, in tandem, did the new SRI with its signature mutualism. Now in its fifth year, the program for undergraduates is perfectly poised to place a handful of undergraduates under Kendra’s leadership, allowing them to adapt and grow together, often in ways you might not expect.

Kendra explains that “Many streams are able to create a lab culture, where fresh SRI students will go on to become learning assistants or TA’s in their stream to help mentor new students. There’s an actual sense of community. It’s something [where] I’m looking around and asking, ‘How do I develop this more in my stream?’” It becomes not just a project that students are invested in, but an environment, a place, where they feel comfortable enough to plant a few roots and start growing in turn. 

Even SRI's infancy, the benefits to both students and mentors, like Kendra, have been astounding. Now with her PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology awarded last spring, she gets to lead her upcoming students as a fully fledged SRI Fellow, to ask more ambitious questions and find new ways to expand student’s horizons as the program continues to evolve. 

Kendra Autumn  has big plans, ranging from introducing genomic studies in an accessible way, to creating and involving her students with outreach programs to build their science communication skills. And all the while they will be helping her lift her own projects towards new heights. It truly is a mutualistic relationship, as the years continue to pass it's no longer a question of if SRI will benefit students. Instead, it’s a question of what kind of extraordinary new heights both mentor and students together will be able to reach.

By Michael Jacobsen

SRI Stories is a series by the College of Science, intended to share transformative experiences from students, alums, postdocs and faculty of the Science Research Initiative. To read more stories, visit the SRI Stories page.

ACCESS Scholar: America Cox

ACCESS Scholar, America Cox

November 20, 2024
Above: America Cox

The start of college can be an uncertain time for many students, and the journey to discovering your passion is not always easy. America Cox, a senior at the U and an alumni of the ACCESS Scholars program, was no stranger to this feeling.

It was through the ACCESS’s supportive peer community, mentorship and unique research opportunities that she quickly found her footing and was off to the races. “I guess I always knew that I was going to go to college and that it was a big deal for me, and that science was my thing, but the ACCESS program really gave me the opportunity to affirm that for myself and to then be a part of a community of people that will support that,” she says.

America is pursuing an honors degree in biology with an emphasis in ecology, evolution and environment, alongside a second major in philosophy of science and minors in chemistry and media studies. Alongside her diverse collection of studies, she is also highly involved in research, thanks to her placement in the Dentinger Lab during her first year through ACCESS. There, she has been fascinated with the world of mycology, completing a nearly four-year study on the unique coevolutionary relationship of ant-fungus agricultural systems. “Mycology is such an emerging field because about 70 years ago, people still thought fungi were plants,” she explains. “So when I went to Mexico, we were out there just seeing what there is,” she explains. “Being able to see that at the ground level, and seeing the field [of mycology] start to move in new ways is really cool.”

The global level

Amanda Cox, taking her studies to the global level.

For the last three summers, America has taken her experience to the global level, traveling far and wide with her research. She has presented at conferences for the Mycological Society of America, searched for new species of mushrooms in Mexico, explored ecology with the honors integrated minor at Mpala Research Center in Kenya, and completed an REU studying E. muscae, (also known as “zombie” parasitic fungus) in the Elya lab at Harvard University. 

Throughout her unique experiences, America has learned the importance of going back to the basics when she feels overwhelmed or out of place. “I am not a stranger to imposter syndrome. So it’s very easy for me to think, ‘Is this even good enough for what I’m doing?’” she explains. “But then I can look at my data when it comes together, and I realize that I am doing something for the scientific community, and it is contributing to a wider set of knowledge.” 

Reflecting on her journey so far, America describes how several elements of her identity intertwined with her experience: “I am a first-generation college student. I’m a woman in STEM, and I’m also Hispanic, so the things that overlap there are not always represented in STEM.” As a kid dreaming of entering a field that felt like unfamiliar territory in many ways, she emphasizes how crucial it was to find a community of like-minded people who could offer guidance and compassion: “As the first person to go into STEM my family, it was a really unknown field, and so being able to have them say, ‘hey, let’s see what you’re interested in, and let’s get you going’ — that support was unparalleled and for sure got me to where I am right now,” she states. 

That 'aha' moment

Looking forward, America plans to attend graduate school in biology, incorporating outreach and advocacy with her work and one day she hopes to become a professor and researcher. “Teaching is a big thing for me. I love helping someone find that ‘aha’ moment, and also paying it forward. I am who I am because of great teachers who have come before me and inspired me. So I would love to be that for someone else,” she says.

America Cox has already begun her teaching journey, giving back to the ACCESS Scholars Program as a teaching assistant and a mentor for younger students, working to provide them with the representation and support they need to see themselves flourish in STEM and to find their passion, just like she did. 

By Julia St. Andre

The Next Antibiotic Revolution: Viruses to the Rescue

The Next Antibiotic Revolution: Viruses to the Rescue

Dec 09, 2024
Above: Talia Backman – Ph.D. student, School of Biological Sciences, shares a micrograph of tailocins.

From multicellular organisms, like us humans, to single-cell bacteria, living things are subject to attack by viruses. Plants, animals and even bacteria have evolved strategies to combat pathogens, including viruses that can threaten health and life.

Talia Backman, a University of Utah doctoral candidate wrapping up her final year in the School of Biological Sciences, found her project and niche in studying bacteria and the viruses that infect them.

She studies how bacteria create and use weapons, called “tailocins,” by repurposing genes from viruses.

“I’m especially interested in how bacteria have taken this a step further,” Backman said, “using remnants of past viral infections as a novel defense mechanism.”

“Phage” is the word that refers to the viruses that infect bacterial cells. While phages do not attack human cells, a lot can be learned from the strategies used by bacteria to survive a viral infection. Working with Talia Karasov, the principal investigator and assistant professor of biology (yes, they share the same first name), Backman recently helped make an unexpected discovery.

Repurposing viruses

“The bacterial strains (Pseudomonas) that I am studying are essentially repurposing the viruses that infect them,” Backman said, “retaining features from the infectious particles that ultimately help them to kill or co-exist with other strains of bacteria. These repurposed phage parts are called ‘tailocins.’ Understanding the role tailocins may be playing in shaping the prevalence, survival, and evolutionary success of certain bacterial strains is not well understood and is a major focus of the research in the Karasov lab.

Research on bacteria, and their unique viral pathogens, might just offer a novel solution to the antibiotic crisis. Beyond revealing how microbial communities combat infection, compete and evolve is the adjacent opportunity and potential to discover a new class of antibiotics.

Read the full article in @School of Biological Sciences.

Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Endangered Birds

Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Endangered Birds

Dec 02, 2024
Above: Kyle Kittelberger( a graduate student in the School of Biological Sciences) at a bird banding station in northeastern Turkey holding a steppe buzzard. Courtesy Kyle Kittelberger.

Looking to inform the conservation of critically endangered bird species, University of Utah biologists completed an analysis identifying traits that correlate with all 216 bird extinctions since 1500.

Species most likely to go extinct sooner were endemic to islands, lacked the ability to fly, had larger bodies and sharply angled wings, and occupied ecologically specific niches, according to research published this month.

While some of these findings mirror previous research on extinct birds, they are the first to correlate bird traits with the timing of extinctions, said lead author Kyle Kittelberger, a graduate student in the School of Biological Sciences.

“I’ve been very interested in extinctions and understanding the species that we’ve lost and trying to get a sense of how we can use the past to better inform the present and future,” said Kittelberger, who is completing his dissertation on how the bodies and wings of certain species of migratory songbirds have changed in response to climate change.

Connecting bird traits with species extinction

His team’s analysis tapped into BirdBase, a dataset of ecological traits for the world’s 11,600+ bird species compiled by U biology professor Çağan Şekercioğlu and the Biodiversity and Conservation Ecology Lab at the U. The team simultaneously analyzed a broad range of biogeographical, ecological and life history traits previously associated with extinction and extinction risk for bird species that have gone extinct as well as those that lack recent confirmed sightings and have therefore disappeared.

One in eight species is in peril

This timing coincides with the rise of scientific observation, resulting in a systematic documentation of plant and animal life. It is also the time when European exploration took off, leading to the disruption of ecosystems around the globe as a result of colonization and introduced species.

Today, 1,314 bird species are at risk of extinction, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, or about 12% of the total.

Many species, such as the ‘Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi), endemic to the Hawaiian island of Kauai, are so rare that they are functionally extinct. Kittelberger photographed the pictured ‘Akikiki, also called Kauai’s creeper, in the Alaka‘i Wilderness Preserve in 2022, when it was believed around 70 or so remained in the wild; today, only one individual remains.

As with many other Hawaiian bird species, the main threat to the ’Akikiki comes in the form of introduced species, principally malaria-carrying mosquitoes and habitat-wrecking livestock, according to Hawaii’s Division of Forestry and Wildlife.

Read the full article by Brian Maffly in @TheU.

Climate change fueling more severe wildfires in California

Climate change fueling more
severe wildfires in California

Nov 18, 2024

Wildfires continue to damage California’s forests as human-driven climate change amplifies their impacts.

A new Environmental Research Letters study reveals that the severity of the state’s wildfires has rapidly increased over the last several decades, contributing to greater forest loss than would have been expected from past increases in burned areas.

“Fire severity increased by 30% between the 1980s and 2010s,” said Jon Wang, an assistant professor at the University of Utah School of Biological Sciences and former postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Irvine Department of Earth System Science. This means that for every acre of forest scorched by fire, the damages to mature trees are considerably higher than what occurred in the average fire several decades ago.

Jon Wang conducting field research in Norway. Photo credit: Acacia England, U.S. Forest Service

“When fire moves through an area on the forest floor, often mature trees survive and, in some situations, they may thrive from fire effects on nutrient cycling,” said study co-author James Randerson, professor in the UC Irvine Department of Earth System Science. “The new research suggests more fire is jumping into the tree crowns, causing more damage and tree mortality.”

Randerson added that wildfires also have moved into new areas with denser and more vulnerable forests. Those areas include northern mountain and coastal regions that may have been protected in the past by cooler summers and higher levels of surface moisture.

“Forest exposure has increased 41% over the past four decades, suggesting denser forests are now more vulnerable to wildfire,” said Wang, who joined the U last year and is the principal investigator for the Dynamic Carbon and Ecosystems lab.

The question Wang and his team wanted to answer was how much-rising tree cover loss in California is due to increases in total area burned, how much of the loss is due to increasing wildfire severity, and how much is due to fire moving into new areas with denser forests.

“There’s a pretty shocking map of just how much these fires have expanded into northern California forests,” Wang said. “There’s just a lot more fire in these northern forests than there used to be. Climate change allows severe fires to affect forests that once tolerated milder fires.”

Read the full article by Brian Maffly in @TheU.

New Faculty: Eleinis Ávila-Lovera

New Faculty:  Eleinis Ávila-Lovera

September 25, 2024

Above: Eleinis Ávila-Lovera

Like all living things, plants have to respond and adapt to various stressors in their environment. But unlike most living things, plants must cope with these issues while being completely immobile.

In the field.

This stalwart resilience fascinated Eleinis Ávila-Lovera in her undergraduate years, an interest that has guided her entire educational journey as a plant ecophysiologist. Drawn to the deserts of the region, she has found her way here as an assistant professor of the School of Biological Sciences

Starting in Venezuela where she was born and raised, Ávila-Lovera was inspired by her grandparents to live her life to its fullest potential. Her grandmother Leonidas Guevera de Lovera taught her to read and write at the age of four. When combined with her grandfather Luis Lovera’s work ethic setting a perfect example, Ávila-Lovera was able to adapt and thrive as efficiently as the plants she would eventually study. Guided by the insightful teaching of her undergraduate mentor Wilmer Tezera, she was quickly drawn to the arid environments of the region. It’s hard enough to weather the world while immobile, exponentially more so in the scorching heat with no water. And yet, countless plants are able to adapt and thrive in these conditions.

“There’s a particular genus called Parkinsonia (palo verde),” Ávila-Lovera explains when asked for an example, “Whose bark is completely green. It’s a drought-deciduous plant, meaning that it loses its leaves during the dry season. In a desert this could lead to zero carbon gain, yet the palo verde is still able to withstand the arid heat, because the green stem helps them continue acquiring carbon despite the lack of leaves.”

Plants such as this are the focus of Ávila-Lovera’s research. Her lab is currently working on two projects: One, led by graduate student Osedipo Adegbeyeni, is comparing the water status regulation between leaves and photosynthetic stems in desert plants. The other, led by postdoctoral researcher Oranys Marin, is studying the link between hydraulic conductivity and stem photosynthesis in desert plants. Ultimately the former project aims to decipher differences in how stems and leaves tolerate drought conditions. The latter explores the potential coordination of traits that allow better performance of plants in drought conditions.

Ávila-Lovera also currently teaches BIOL 5460, Plant Ecology in a Changing World. Taking inspiration from the adaptations she has studied, she wishes to create a classroom environment that provides students all the tools and resources they need to thrive. Being over 3,000 miles from home herself, she’s well versed in the process of learning to flourish in unfamiliar soil. She aspires not just to transmit information, but to provide the basis that allows  students to master and apply their newfound knowledge in turn.

“It’s important to remember that ecology as a science has the same rigorous background as other sciences,” Ávila-Lovera explains. “I do consider myself an environmentalist. I do not eat red meat or poultry and try to reduce my carbon footprint. But ecology itself is a science; we’re testing hypotheses, and it’s critical to approach it with the organization and structure one would expect.”

Having been allowed to thrive by multiple mentors before her, Ávila-Lovera eagerly looks forward to providing a similar mentorship role to her current and future students.

By Michael Jacobsen

You can read more about Ávila-Lovera and her study of the chromatic story of plant survival here.

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