2024 U Science Fair Youth Compete Internationally

2024 U Science Fair Youth Compete Internationally


It’s never too early to get youth involved in science and technology, and for the past 70 years, the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) has been doing exactly that.


Sierra Sun

As stated by Barb Baker, the host of this year's global event, “Each year, millions of students around the world participate in a global network of local, regional, and national science fairs, where they are encouraged to explore their passion for scientific inquiry.” These pre-college students arrive from over 75 countries, regions, and territories to compete in various STEM fields, from animal sciences to systems software, behavioral and social sciences to physics and astronomy. Such a broad scope ensures that no matter where a student’s interest may lie, they have an avenue to ambitiously pursue their goals.

Sahil Shah

The University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair (USEF) has been preparing and sending students to this prestigious event since 2003, and this year was no exception. Students from five school districts as well as charter, private and parochial schools participated at USEF March 4-7 at the Crocker Science Center where the fair had 470 projects and 592 students. Five high school students were chosen to compete on the global stage in Los Angeles at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) May 11-17, granting these students the valuable experience of viewing and presenting their work to people across the world. In addition, five more high school students were selected to compete at the Genius Olympiad in Rochester, NY June 10-15. We celebrate that their hard work has been rewarded!

Mingchaun Cheng

USEF had three finalists walk away from ISEF with awards. Aadhi Umamageswaran, Sierra Sun, and Sahil Shah all placed 4th within their categories, Aadhi focusing on animal sciences, Sahil on translational medical science, and Sierra on behavioral and social sciences. In addition, Sierra received three special awards totaling $6,500 in cash for her efforts from the American Psychological Association, the National Security Agency Research Directorate and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Aadhi Umamageswara

All five USEF finalists won awards at the Genius Olympiad competition, where projects focus on environmental issues. Arianna Vasquez, Caroline Cook and Angelina Nguyen all received Honorable Mentions and Marina Peng and Krishnam Goel received Silver Awards.



“I am so proud of these students,” says Jody Oostema, USEF’s program director since 2005.  “They have each put a lot of time and hard work into their projects over the past year and it’s wonderful to see their efforts rewarded!”


Aidan Yu

Past USEF winners have gone on to attend institutions such as Princeton University, Harvard University, and our own University of Utah. Some have gotten NASA grants to develop prototype robots for exploration of Jupiter’s moon Europa, others lead biotech companies creating protein therapeutics, and others still have joined the hunt for the ever-elusive dark matter.

The 2025 University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair takes place March 10-14, again, at the Crocker Science Center. Visit the USEF website for more information.




By Michael Jacobsen

Two New Interim Department Chairs

Two New Interim Department Chairs

June 24, 2024
Above: Peter Armentrout (Credit: Matt Crawley) and Kip Solomon


Peter B. Armentrout has been appointed interim chair of the Department of Chemistry and Kip Solomon has been appointed interim chair of the Department of Geology & Geophysics at the University of Utah.

Peter Armentrout

A Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Armentrout was appointed the Henry Eyring Presidential Endowed Chair in 2018. He will begin his term on July 1, replacing Matt Sigman.

Earlier, Armentrout served as Department Chair from 2001 to 2007. During that time, he instituted several reforms regarding parental leave and secured funding for the David M. Grant NMR Center (Gaus House) and partial funding for the Thatcher extension to the South Chemistry Building.

Armentrout whose research spans thermochemistry, kinetics and the dynamics of simple and complex chemical reactions, early on invented and constructed the guided ion-beam tandem mass spectrometer which has provided highly accurate thermodynamic measurements on a multitude of chemical species. He says of the appointment to interim department chair, “I am honored to be asked to take the reins of this exceptional department for a couple more years. The research and teaching abilities and collegiality of this faculty are second to none and will enable us to collectively advance and lead within the U. I look forward to working with them as well as our supporters outside the university system in the near term.” 

Peter Trapa, dean of the College of Science, said of the appointment, "In addition to being a world-class chemist with a towering international reputation, Peter is also an exceptional teacher, mentor, and administrator. His appointment as interim chair will continue to advance Utah's Chemistry Department as one of the best in the world. I look forward to working with Peter as we continue to build on the department's strengths.”

Trapa continued, “I'm also deeply grateful to Distinguished Professor Matt Sigman for his outstanding leadership as chair over the past five years. Matt’s contributions to the department, especially his unwavering commitment to excellence, will be felt for many years to come.”

A member of the American Chemical Society, American Physical Society (fellow), American Society for Mass Spectrometry, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (fellow), Armentrout presently has over 560 research publications that have appeared in the literature. Forty-four students have received their PhDs with Professor Armentrout.

In 2011, he received the prestigious Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence from the U — the university’s highest honor awarded to a faculty member.

Kip Solomon

Solomon holds the Frank Brown Presidential Chair in the Department of Geology & Geophysics and will replace William Johnson as department chair also beginning July 1, 2024.

Solomon has a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Waterloo and BS and MS degrees from the U’s Department of Geology and Geophysics. He joined the department in 1993 and served as chair from 2009-2013.

His research includes the use of environmental tracers to evaluate groundwater flow and solute transport processes in local-to regional-scale aquifers. He has developed the use of dissolved gases including helium-3, CFCs and SF6 to evaluate groundwater travel times, location and rates of recharge, and the sustainability of groundwater resources. He constructed and operates one of only a few labs in the world that measures noble gases in groundwater. His research results have been documented in more than 120 journal articles, book chapters, and technical reports.

Outgoing chair Johnson said of his replacement, “Kip will be a steady lead as ... [recent] changes settle and as additional institutional changes occur.”

Solomon thanked his predecessors: “Geology and Geophysics is a great department and has been strengthened considerably by the hard work and dedication of previous chairs Thure Cerling and Bill Johnson. With new hires and academic programs, the future looks very bright.”

In September Solomon will receive the 2024 O.E Meinzer Annual Award by the Geological Society of America.

By David Pace and Ashley Herman

Restoring the GSL & Environmental Justice

THe social & Ecological IMPACTS of GSL REstoration

June 24, 2024
Above: Satellite image of the Great Salt Lake


Inland seas around the world are drying up due to increasing human water use and accelerating climate change, and their desiccation is releasing harmful dust that pollutes the surrounding areas during acute dust storms.

Using the Great Salt Lake in Utah as a case study, researchers show that dust exposure was highest among Pacific Islanders and Hispanic people and lower in white people compared to all other racial/ethnic groups, and higher for individuals without a high school diploma. Restoring the lake would benefit everyone in the vicinity by reducing dust exposure, and it would also decrease the disparities in exposure between different racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups. These results are reported June 21 in the journal One Earth, co-authored by University of Utah researchers in the College of Science and the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences. 

"People here in Utah are concerned about the lake for a variety of reasons -- the ski industry, the brine shrimp, the migratory birds, recreation -- and this study adds environmental justice and the equity implications of the drying lake to the conversation," says first author and sociologist Sara Grineski of the University of Utah. "If we can raise the levels of the lake via some coordinated policy responses, we can reduce our exposure to dust, which is good for everyone's health, and we can also reduce the disparity between groups."

The Great Salt Lake has been steadily drying since the mid-1980's, exposing its dry lakebed to atmospheric weathering and wind. Previous studies have shown that dust emissions from drying salt lakes produce fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which is associated with numerous health effects and is the leading environmental cause of human mortality worldwide.

"We know that the dust from these drying lakes is very unhealthy for us, so the question becomes, what does that mean in terms of people's exposure to the dust, and what does it mean in terms of inequalities in exposure to that dust," says Grineski. "Are some people more likely to have to suffer the consequences to a greater degree?"

To answer this question, Grineski teamed up with a multidisciplinary group including atmospheric scientists, geographers, and biologists.

You can read the full story in ScienceDaily. Read more of this research in @TheU

Life On Other Planets … and in a student’s mind

Life On Other Planets … and in a student’s mind

June 13, 2024
Above: Mary Fairbanks BS'23, biology

A DNA repair system known as the GO DNA repair system removes oxidized guanine. This helps protect the system from mutating, and while scientists understand how it works, the origin of this mechanism isn’t well understood.

That’s where the Martin Horvath Lab comes in and, in particular, Mary Fairbanks BS’23. She and her team in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Utah explore structural biology and biochemistry by researching microbes from the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, an area of marine alkaline hydrothermal vents located in the Atlantic Ocean. 

As with Fairbanks, who gained hands-on experience creating experiments and directly participating in research, other lab members worked on the project as undergraduates before graduating. They include Payton Utzman BS’22 and Briggs Miller BS’22 who along with Fairbanks and graduate student Vincent Mays researched microbes that live at the bottom of the ocean where there is little oxygen and even less sunlight. Because of the lack of oxygen in the environment where these microbes thrive, the fact that researchers found GO DNA repair genes is important: it shows a need for genes that repair DNA that has been put under stress from oxygen. Their research was recently published in PLOS

Acting like a scientist

"Working in Dr. Horvath’s lab has taught me how to be curious and be dedicated to a project,” says Fairbanks. “Being able to design my own experiments has given me the opportunity to act as a scientist. I have grown through research and it continues to expand my view of the possibilities of innovation.” 

Horvath first learned that one of the GO repair genes called MutY might be present at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field from a student in his Molecular Biology of DNA Lab course, Emily Dart HBS’16. Horvath knew that Dart was working with William Brazelton, a fellow biologist who had recently collected DNA from Lost City. Searching that Lost City DNA, Dart and her teammates found genes encoding at least portions of MutY.

“Since that first analysis,” says Horvath, “the sequence technology improved, more samples from another expedition generated metagenomes with better coverage, and we now have functional tests that show these MutYs from the bottom of the ocean actually work to prevent mutations in lab strains of bacteria.” That these discoveries stemmed from basic science research by undergraduates, he says, is “something that I am very proud to celebrate!”

How life might evolve on other planets

GO DNA repair genes are advantageous even in environments without much oxygen. Since hydrothermal fields like the Lost City Hydrothermal Field are similar to the environment of early Earth, this indicates that these repair systems evolved before the Great Oxidation Event.

Fig 5. LCHF MutY chemical motifs. (A) Conservation and diversity of MutY-defining chemical motifs are depicted with a sequence logo for the 160 LCHF MutYs. These motifs are associated with biochemical functions including DNA binding, enzyme catalysis, attachment of the iron-sulfur cofactor, and recognition of the damaged OG base.

Insights like this can help develop models of how life might evolve on other planets. Planets that lack the abundance of oxygen that modern Earth has may have life evolving in a similar way to microbes that live near hydrothermal vents. Since these microbes have repair systems that deal with oxidative stress, it’s reasonable to consider that life on other planets may as well.

The group also discovered the role that these repair genes, including MutY, play in hydrothermal microbes, by associating GO DNA repair with metabolic pathways. These pathways produce oxygen as a byproduct, so MutY may play a part in fixing DNA damage caused by metabolic processes.      

Life on other planets may take many different forms, and similarly, learning science also takes many forms beyond the classroom. “I’ve been encouraged to ask questions and explain findings to form a cohesive pattern that tells a story,” says Fairbanks. She credits the lab experience as helping her “see a project from start to finish. I have been able to improve my critical thinking skills and laboratory technique, as well as adapt to change.” 

That adaptation to change is a good lesson to learn as empirically observed far below the surface of the ocean but also on a personal level for Fairbanks and her young researcher cohorts. Findings such as these may show how DNA-based life forms rely on fixing damage caused by oxidation, even in environments without oxygen. And they give scientists a clue as to how life may look on other planets by forming models of life in environments unlike Earth’s. But the “findings” are clearly internal as well for young, developing scientists who will never forget their time examining and interpreting data in the Horvath Lab. 

As Martin Horvath intones of this research, “Life finds a way.” 

As do young minds like that found embodied in Mary Fairbanks who, now headed for a career in the medical field, concludes, “I believe my experience in research will make me a more open-minded thinker.”

by CJ Siebeneck

Meet Lokiceratops: Giant Blade-Wielding Dinosaur

Meet Lokiceratops:
A Giant Blade Wielding Dinosaur

June 21, 2024
Above: Reconstruction of Lokiceratops surprised by a crocodilian in the 78-million-year-old swamps of northern Montana, USA.
Image ©Andrey Atuchin for the Museum of Evolution in Maribo, Denmark.

A remarkable, new species of horned, plant-eating dinosaur is being unveiled at the Natural History Museum of Utah. The dinosaur, excavated from the badlands of northern Montana just a few miles from the USA-Canada border, is among the largest and most ornate ever found, with two huge blade-like horns on the back of its frill. The distinctive horn pattern inspired its name, Lokiceratops rangiformis, meaning “Loki’s horned face that looks like a caribou.” The study included the most complete analysis of horned dinosaur evolution ever conducted, and the new species was announced today in the scientific journal PeerJ.

More than 78 million years ago, Lokiceratops inhabited the swamps and floodplains along the eastern shore of Laramidia. This island continent represents what is now the western part of North America created when a great seaway divided the continent around 100 million years ago. Mountain building and dramatic changes in climate and sea level have since altered the hothouse world of Laramidia where Lokiceratops and other dinosaurs thrived. The behemoth is a member of the horned dinosaurs called ceratopsids, a group that evolved around 92 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous, diversified into a myriad of fantastically ornamented species, and survived until the end of the time of dinosaurs. Lokiceratops (lo-Kee-sare-a-tops) rangiformis (ran-ɡi-FOHR-mees) possesses several unique features, among them: the absence of a nose horn, huge, curving blade-like horns on the back of the frill—the largest ever found on a horned dinosaur—and a distinct, asymmetric spike in the middle of the frill. Lokiceratops rangiformis appeared at least 12 million years earlier than its famous cousin Triceratops and was the largest horned dinosaur of its time. The name Lokiceratops translates as “Loki’s horned face” honoring the blade-wielding Norse god Loki. The second name, rangiformis, refers to the differing horn lengths on each side of the frill, similar to the asymmetric antlers of caribou and reindeer.

Completed reconstruction of Lokiceratops mounted for display. Study authors Brock Sisson (left) and Mark Loewen (right) peer through the frill fenestrae (windows) of Lokiceratops.

Lokiceratops rangiformis is the fourth centrosaurine, and fifth horned dinosaur overall, identified from this single assemblage. While ceratopsian ancestors were widespread across the northern hemisphere throughout the Cretaceous period, their isolation on Laramidia led to the evolution of huge body sizes, and most characteristically, distinctive patterns of horns above their eyes and noses, on their cheeks and along the edges of their elongated head frills. Fossils recovered from this region suggest horned dinosaurs were living and evolving in a small geographic area—a high level of endemism that implies dinosaur diversity is underestimated.

“Previously, paleontologists thought a maximum of two species of horned dinosaurs could coexist at the same place and time. Incredibly, we have identified five living together at the same time,” said co-lead author Mark Loewen, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum of Utah and professor in the Department of Geology & Geophysics at the University of Utah. “The skull of Lokiceratops rangiformis is dramatically different from the other four animals it lived alongside.”

The fossil remains of Lokiceratops was discovered in 2019 and cleaned, restored and mounted by Brock Sisson, paleontologist and founder of Fossilogic, LLC in Pleasant Grove, Utah. “Reconstructing the skull of Lokiceratops from dozens of pieces was one of the most challenging projects my team and I have ever faced,” said Brock, “but the thrill of bringing a 78-million-year-old dinosaur to life for the first time was well worth the effort.”

Discover more about Lokiceratops by visiting the full article by Mark Loewen at @The U.
Read more about the story in Discover Magazine, ABC 4 News, KSL News, Science Daily, Science News.

Peter Armentrout Returns as Interim Chemistry Chair

Distinguished Professor Returns to Leadership

June 21, 2024
Above: Peter Armentrout (Credit: Matt Crawley)


Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Peter B. Armentrout has been appointed interim chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah.

Peter Armentrout. Credit: Matt Crawley

His term will commence July 1, 2024, following the completion of Matt Sigman’s term as chair which began in 2019.

Armentrout is a researcher in thermochemistry, kinetics and the dynamics of simple and complex chemical reactions. As a research professor, he invented and constructed the guided ion-beam tandem mass spectrometer, which has provided highly accurate thermodynamic measurements on a multitude of chemical species.

Upon his arrival at the U in 1987 from UC Berkeley, Armentrout was awarded a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Grant, secured tenure the following year and, in 1989, was promoted to full professor. He has since been recognized with the University-wide Distinguished Research Award (1994) and the Buck-Whitney Award from the American Chemical Society Eastern New York Section (1993), and in 1997, the graduate students at the Ohio State University Department of Chemistry selected Professor Armentrout as their Mack Memorial Award Lecturer.

In 1998, Armentrout was promoted to Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and named Cannon Fellow in 2003, and then, in 2018, was appointed the Henry Eyring Presidential Endowed Chair. He received the Biemann Medal from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry in 2001, the Utah Award of Chemistry from the Utah Sections of the American Chemical Society in 2003, the Field and Franklin Award for Outstanding Achievement in Mass Spectrometry from the American Chemical Society in 2009, the Governor's Medal for Science and Technology Award from the State of Utah in 2010 and, the following year, the prestigious Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence from the U — the university’s highest honor awarded to a faculty member.

In 2018, Armentrout received the Ron Hites Award from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry and the John B. Fenn Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry.

His teaching was recognized in 1989 with the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award and in 2011 with the R. W. Parry Teaching Award, both given by the Department of Chemistry.

Armentrout has served on the editorial advisory boards of the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, and formerly of the Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Organometallics and the Journal of Cluster Science (charter member).

He is a member of the American Chemical Society, American Physical Society (fellow), American Society for Mass Spectrometry, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (fellow). He presently has over 560 research publications that have appeared in the literature. Forty-four students have received their PhDs with Professor Armentrout.

Earlier, Armentrout served as Department Chair from 2001 to 2007. During that time, Armentrout instituted several reforms regarding parental leave and secured funding for the David M. Grant NMR Center (Gaus House) and partial funding for the Thatcher extension to the South Chemistry Building.

Armentrout says of the appointment: “I am honored to be asked to take the reins of this exceptional department for a couple more years. The research and teaching abilities and collegiality of this faculty are second to none and will enable us to collectively advance and lead within the U. I look forward to working with them as well as our supporters outside the university system in the near term.” 

"In addition to being a world-class chemist with a towering international reputation, Peter is also an exceptional teacher, mentor, and administrator,” said Peter Trapa, dean of the College of Science. “His appointment as interim chair will continue to advance Utah's Chemistry Department as one of the best in the world. I look forward to working with Peter as we continue to build on the department's strengths.”

Trapa continued, “I'm also deeply grateful to Distinguished Professor Matt Sigman for his outstanding leadership as chair over the past five years. Matt’s contributions to the department, especially his unwavering commitment to excellence, will be felt for many years to come.”

You can read a short autobiography of Peter Armentrout and his early career from 2013, here.

By David Pace

Utah’s fir trees at risk from balsam woolly adelgid

Utah's fir trees at risk from
balsam woolly adelgid

June 20, 2024
Above: A drone photograph in Farmington Canyon shows the several level of infestation of balsam woolly adelgid infesting subalpine fir.

A nonnative tree-killing insect is invading northern Utah, attacking subalpine fir and potentially triggering yet another die-off of the region’s long-stressed conifer forests.

Introduced from Europe into the Pacific Northwest about a century ago, the balsam woolly adelgid (BWA), or Adelges piceae, was first detected in Utah in 2017 and has been spreading around the Wasatch Mountains, visibly affecting many of the popular recreation canyons outside Salt Lake City.

New research from the University of Utah, conducted in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, has documented the current extent of the adelgid infestation and created a model for predicting its severity around the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest.

The study documented a clear relationship between the infestation’s severity and temperature, according to lead author Mickey Campbell, a research assistant professor in the Department of Geography (soon to be merged with the Environmental Studies program and renamed the School of Environment, Society, and Sustainability.)

PHOTO CREDIT: MICKEY CAMPBELL The crowns of infested fir trees exhibit crown deformities.

“We took that climate-to-severity relationship along with a series of climate projections and we were able to map current and future exposure to BWA damage at a high spatial resolution,” Campbell said. “The idea [is], in 2040, 2060, 2080 and 2100, based on these different climate projections, determining how exposed these areas are to the potentially damaging effects of BWA. And indeed, we find that for an insect that prefers warmer areas, a warming climate is going to provide it with more opportunity to cause damage.”

The role of climate change

The study appears this month in the journal Forest Ecology and Management. Co-authors include U Biology Professor William Anderegg, director of the Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy. [The center hosts its annual Climate Summit on May 14-15, where Anderegg will give opening remarks.]

According to Anderegg, the new study suggests climate change is playing a role in Utah’s adelgid infestation.

“The main pieces of evidence are how strongly temperature is related to the spread and severity of BWA,” said Anderegg, a specialist in forest ecology. “That tells us at the very least as temperatures go up, we should be concerned about more spread and higher severity infestation.” Covering the Wasatch, Uinta, Bear River and a few lesser mountain ranges in northern Utah, this national forest is among the nation’s busiest for recreation. It features five major ski areas that border several others and sees more visits than all of Utah’s national parks combined.

Read the full article by Brian Maffly at @TheU.

Hear the Interview of Dr. Mickey Campbell ( Lead Author and research assistant professor in the Department of Geography) with Ross Chambless on the spread of balsam woolly adelgid in Utah on The Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy page.

Backtracking Core: Earth’s Inner Dynamics Unveiled

Backtracking Core : Earth's Inner Dynamics Unveiled

June 18, 2024
Above: Banner Illustration by Edward Sotelo, courtesy of the University of Southern California.

For the past two decades, the movement of this solid yet searing hot metal sphere, suspended in the liquid outer core, has been studied closely and debated by the scientific community

For the past two decades, the movement of this solid yet searing hot metal sphere, suspended in the liquid outer core, has been studied closely and debated by the scientific community. Past research has shown that the inner core has been rotating slightly faster than the planet’s surface.

But a different picture is emerging under a study led by the University of Southern California and published this week in Nature. The research team, which includes U geology professor Keith Koper, verified with new evidence—built on analyses of seismographic data—that the inner core’s rotation began to ease and synced with Earth’s spin about 14 years ago.

Keith Koper, University of Utah

The inner core is a solid sphere composed of iron and nickel, surrounded by the liquid iron outer core. Roughly the size of Pluto at 2,442 kilometers in diameter, it accounts for only 1% of Earth’s mass, yet it influences the magnetic field enveloping the planet and the length of the day. But the core’s location, more than 3,000 miles below Earth’s surface, presents a challenge to researchers since it can’t be visited or viewed.

Past research into the inner core’s movement has relied on data from repeating earthquakes, which occur in the same location to produce identical seismograms. Differences in the time it takes for the waves to pass through Earth indicate how the core’s position changed during the period between two repeater quakes.

In the latest study, researchers analyzed seismic data associated with 121 earthquakes that occurred in the South Atlantic between 1991 and 2023.

“The inner core is just sitting in this fluid outer core, so it’s decoupled a little bit from the rest of the planet. It’s rotating at a different rate,” Koper said. “The angular momentum has to be conserved, so if it’s rotating differently, then that could affect the rotation observed at Earth’s surface. One of the big ideas in this paper is we have basically a new model or new observations about how the inner core is rotating slightly differently than the rest of the planet.”

Read the full article by Brian Maffly in @TheU.

Bacteriophages: Nature’s bacterial killers

Bacteriophages : Nature's bacterial killers

June 14, 2024
Above: Talia Karasov

Bacteriophages, viruses that attack and destroy bacteria, are everywhere in the natural world where they play a vital role in regulating microbe populations in ways that are not yet well understood.

New research led by the University of Utah and University College London (UCL) has found that plant bacterial pathogens are able to repurpose elements of their own bacteriophages, or phages, to wipe out competing microbes. These surprise findings suggest such phage-derived elements could someday be harnessed as an alternative to antibiotics, according to Talia Karasov, an assistant professor in the U’s School of Biological Sciences.

This result was hardly what she expected to find when she embarked on this research with an international team of scientists. Microbial pathogens are all around, but only a fraction of the time do they sicken humans, other animals or plants, according to Karasov, whose primary research interest is in interactions between plants and microbial pathogens. The Karasov lab is seeking to understand the factors that lead to sickness and epidemics versus keeping the pathogens in check.

“We see that no single lineage of bacteria can dominate. We wondered whether the phages, the pathogens of our bacterial pathogens, could prevent single lineages from spreading – maybe phages were killing some strains and not others. That’s where our study started, but that’s not where it ended up,” Karasov said. “We looked in the genomes of plant bacterial pathogens to see which phages were infecting them. But it wasn’t the phage we found that was interesting. The bacteria had taken a phage and repurposed it for warfare with other bacteria, now using it to kill competing bacteria.”

A thale cress specimen collected in 1866 in Germany and preserved in a herbarium in Tubingen. Credit: Burbano lab, University College London.

Mining herbarium specimens for their microbial DNA

Burbano has pioneered the use of herbarium specimens to explore the evolution of plants and their microbial pathogens. His lab sequences the genomes of both host plants and those of the microbes associated with the plant at the time of collection more than a century ago.

For the phage research, Burbano analyzed historical specimens of Arabidopsis thalianaa plant from the mustard family commonly called thale cress, collected in southwestern Germany, comparing them and the microbes they harbored to plants growing today in the same part of Germany. Lead author Talia Backman wonders if tailocins could help solve the impending crisis in antibiotic resistance seen in harmful bacteria that infect humans.

“We as a society are in dire need of new antibiotics, and tailocins have potential as new antimicrobial treatments,” said Backman, a graduate student in the Karasov lab. “While tailocins have been found previously in other bacterial genomes, and have been studied in lab settings, their impact and evolution in wild bacterial populations was not known. The fact that we found that these wild plant pathogens all have tailocins and these tailocins are evolving to kill neighboring bacteria shows how significant they may be in nature.”

Discover the full story behind bacteriophages and their antibiotic potential by Brian Maffly at @The U. More on this story at earth.com.

ACCESS: The Invisible Scaffolding

ACCESS: The INVISible scaffolding

June 13, 2024
Above: Audrey Glende

“I think teaching people that it’s okay to need breaks, to not know what’s next, to give room to learn and change is the most important thing to build an accepting environment like that.”

Transitioning from high school to college can be challenging in ideal circumstances but at the height of the Covid pandemic? Audrey Glende was forced to leap into the next chapter of her life by staying still, stuck at home. There were so many possible opportunities to pursue; her life had given her interests in everything from math and physics to visual arts and piano composition, just to name a few. But which to choose? 

And more importantly, how does one make an educated decision when all the information is funneled through a Zoom call?

Amid this chaos she was introduced to the ACCESS Scholars Program, a first-year community committed to providing students with all the help they need to make academic goals, connect to mentors, and develop the leadership skills they need to excel. Now instead of committing a semester to a path that she might regret later, a summer cohort could briefly introduce her to various fields. With any luck that should provide some deeper context for a wiser decision.

What she received was more than she could have ever hoped for.

A Broader Perspective

Like so many students Glende entered higher education after years of being asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The classic pressure of narrowing down your life goals before college begins. But ACCESS understands that this can be a challenging question to answer without real-world experience, and as such provides it in spades. 

Encouraged to start as broadly as possible Glende gravitated towards physics, treating it as a toolset that could be used in whatever field she ended up in. Working with the ACCESS team, who facilitated her placement in a physics research lab during her freshman year, she secured critical experience related to what a job in STEM looks. This before spending years pursuing it. She was brought into a cohort of dozens of students from all walks of life, all asking the same questions she was, and together they moved forward with confidence. For Glende, a math major would join physics, with a philosophy of science major following soon after.

Reflecting on her path, Glende describes, “It was like I’ve taken a winding road through college, where instead of feeling like I’m working towards something — realizing it’s not for me and being forced to turn back — I’m always moving forward. I could slowly ease from one area to the next because of that advice to stay broad and stay general while I explore. It makes me feel more confident. Now I can narrow things down going into grad school applications.”

And thanks to this approach, Glende is fast approaching the completion of a triple major with honors. She works in the Deemyad Lab studying condensed matter in regard to crystals. The social system her cohort provided still holds strong to this day. And looking back on it all, she is amazed by how many fantastic things she’s been able to experience thanks to the guidance she received in ACCESS. “It's like an invisible scaffolding, supporting students in ways they would never know they needed otherwise.” 

Audrey Glende, a 2023 Goldwater Scholar, now mentors in the ACCESS program herself, eager to give back however she can, to help future students feel that same support and to experience that same success that she did. 

By Michael Jacobsen