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Humans of the U: Megan DuVal

Humans of the U: Megan DuVal

January 29, 2025
Above: Megan Duval in the Longino lab, School of Biological Sciences

“Through research, I’ve been able to find a community at the U, build relationships with mentors, learn valuable research skills and I’ve worked with some really amazing ants in some really cool places!

Army ant (Labidus praedator) viewed through a dissecting scope. Photo credit: Todd Anderson

I first became interested in ants when I was matched with the Longino lab through the University of Utah ACCESS Scholars program my freshman year of college. I started working on a project investigating the flight seasonality of male army ants, comparing sites in Costa Rica, Ecuador and southern Brazil. As with insects in general, ants are fascinating. There are many questions to be explored about their evolution, how they’ve spread geographically and their social behaviors.

Working with army ants has made me appreciate their value as indicators of ecosystem health by virtue of their presence, absence or abundance. With large, predatory and nomadic colonies, army ants need intact habitat and are some of the first ant species to disappear when an area becomes too degraded or fragmented to support them. This makes them a strong indicator species of ecosystem health, which could help us identify areas in need of conservation.

I have been able to make real contributions to research on ants by working on projects led by John (Jack) Longino, a professor of biology, and Rodolfo Probst, a biology alum and postdoctoral researcher for the Science Research Initiative (SRI). I never imagined science would take me beyond the borders of Utah to  Brazil, Canada and Oregon, where I have presented at scientific conferences. Nor did I imagine ever working alongside scientists collecting and studying ants and insects in New Mexico, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, at the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo in São Paulo and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia in Manaus, also in Brazil.

I am autistic and a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout high school, I often felt isolated and different from my peers. Being a part of ACCESS ScholarsSACNAS and the myrmecology community has helped me feel I belong and have the support needed to succeed in my field. As an undergraduate researcher, the College of Science–SRI learning assistant and a teaching assistant for entomology, I’ve seen my peers and I grow a lot through these unique experiences.

Undergraduate Megan DuVal working with one of the many ant specimen collections in the Longino lab. Photo credit: Todd Anderson

My goal is to become a professor at a top R1 research university or a scientist at a natural history museum so that I can pursue research in ant systematics and taxonomy. I’m planning to take a fifth year to finish my classes and undergraduate research before I move on to graduate school. I’ve learned that I would rather go at a slower pace and have more time to process and do my best work.”

—Megan DuVal is a senior honors student from Salt Lake City majoring in biology, with an emphasis in ecology, evolution and environment, and a minor in mathematics

I am autistic and a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout high school, I often felt isolated and different from my peers. Being a part of ACCESS ScholarsSACNAS and the myrmecology community has helped me feel I belong and have the support needed to succeed in my field. As an undergraduate researcher, the College of Science–SRI learning assistant and a teaching assistant for entomology, I’ve seen my peers and I grow a lot through these unique experiences.

My goal is to become a professor at a top R1 research university or a scientist at a natural history museum so that I can pursue research in ant systematics and taxonomy. I’m planning to take a fifth year to finish my classes and undergraduate research before I move on to graduate school. I’ve learned that I would rather go at a slower pace and have more time to process and do my best work.”

By Megan DuVal

—Megan DuVal is a senior honors student from Salt Lake City majoring in biology, with an emphasis in ecology, evolution and environment, and a minor in mathematics

Another story based on Megan's first-person account appeared in Salt Lake City Hoodline

ACCESS Scholar: Jackie Timothy

ACCESS SCHOLARS: Breaking Tradition

January 27, 2025
Above: Jackie Timothy with friends in ice cave, Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska

Picture a college student. What comes to mind? Tradition paints a picture of a teenager fresh out of high school, eagerly taking their next step forward in life.

In the lab. Getting out the otoliths

A picture of a striking new horizon, balancing a rambunctious social life with academic goals, and likely not sleeping as much as they should!

But reality often paints a very different picture, as many students are forced to take a more complicated route in the pursuit of higher education. Some of them are older, others working long hours alongside online classes, many with dependents that rely on them for care. These aspects of life construct obstacles that can seem impossible to hurdle, which makes those that rise to the challenge that much more impressive.

And of stories such as these, Jackie Timothy's (BS’95, biology) is one of the most inspiring.

As a single mother of four children, Timothy was not in a position where most would consider an education feasible to pursue—doubly so given the rare liver disease of her youngest (9 months) and the developmental disability of another. But while she was working as a babysitter to support her family she met a friend named Susan Gudmundsen, another single mother who was currently taking science classes at the U. Reminiscing about that time Timothy explains, “I remember just thinking, why would anybody want to go to school at this point in their life, you know? I just thought it was so bizarre! But eventually, I had this epiphany that the only person who could change my life—and when I would do so— was me. And so I followed my friend’s lead.”

That path would lead both women into the ACCESS Scholars program, providing critical support to finance their educational journeys while their shared experiences helped lift each other up. To say Timothy made the most of the opportunity would be an understatement. “I took a full course load every single quarter,” she describes. “I never skipped a summer, never took time off because I was going to get through this.” Laughing over how she wouldn’t recommend that, she pauses then follows with, “But I kept going. I realized that my children’s lives improved when my life improved, as funding and insurance became more feasible. It gave me a clear goal, and I knew I was going to meet this goal.” 

And meet the goal she did. ACCESS connected her with the Prescott Lab where she worked as an intern, enabling further connections that would eventually net Timothy a full tuition scholarship. She would be chosen as a convocation speaker for the College of Science and ultimately graduated with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry. 

Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)2024

This success catapulted her north to the University of Alaska in Juneau, adding a Masters in Public Administration that kickstarted a stellar 23-year career. Timothy would work across government agencies to balance resource development with resource protection, develop habitat enhancement and restoration projects and ultimately become a valuable leader that cultivated and cared for critical environmental projects that still hold high importance to the State of Alaska. Going on 7 years in retirement she still serves as a valued consultant in the biological sciences, which she balances while caring for a child with cerebral palsy that she adopted last year.

Timothy’s impressive life would stretch the limits of our imagination were she not living proof that her accomplishments had been achieved. But perhaps that’s only because more people like her haven’t been given these opportunities as well? Tradition likes to paint these pictures of how the world should be—that parenthood and university cannot coexist. But Jackie Timothy and many others have shown us a more hopeful, more ambitious canvas. Responsibilities don’t have to be roadblocks, their sturdiness can just as easily act as the supportive pillars of success. 

After all, when compared to raising multiple children on your own… well, how hard could college really be?

By Michael Jacobsen

Our DNA 2024

Our DNA 2024

Down to Earth 2024

The 2024 edition of Down to Earth, official magazine for the Dept of Geology & Geophysics.

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Catalyst 2024

The 2024 edition of Catalyst, official magazine for the U Department of Chemistry

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Air Currents 2024

The 2024 edition of Air Currents, magazine for the U Department of Atmospheric Sciences

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Synthesis 2024

SRI inaugural cohort, the U in biotech and stories from throughout the College of Science

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Aftermath 2024

The official magazine of the U Department of Mathematics.

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Spectrum 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Physics & Astronomy.

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Common Ground 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Mining Engineering.

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Down to Earth 2023

The official magazine of the U Department of Geology & Geophysics.

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Our DNA 2023

The official magazine of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Utah.

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Catalyst 2023

The official magazine of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Utah.

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Synthesis 2023

Wilkes Center, Applied Science Project and stories from throughout the merged College.

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Aftermath Summer 2023

Anna Tang Fulbright Scholar, Tommaso de Fernex new chair, Goldwater Scholars, and more.

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Air Currents 2023

Celebrating 75 Years, The Great Salt Lake, Alumni Profiles, and more.

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Spectrum 2022

Explosive neutron stars, Utah meteor, fellows of APS, and more.

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Aftermath 2022

Arctic adventures, moiré magic, Christopher Hacon, and more.

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Our DNA 2022

Chan Yul Yoo, Sarmishta Diraviam Kannan, and more.

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Spectrum 2022

Black Holes, Student Awards, Research Awards, LGBT+ physicists, and more.

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Aftermath 2022

Student awards, Faculty Awards, Fellowships, and more.

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Our DNA 2022

Erik Jorgensen, Mark Nielsen, alumni George Seifert, new faculty, and more.

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Notebook 2022

Student stories, NAS members, alumni George Seifert, and Convocation 2022.

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Discover 2021

Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics Research, SRI Update, New Construction.

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Our DNA 2021

Multi-disciplinary research, graduate student success, and more.

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Aftermath 2021

Sound waves, student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Spectrum 2021

New science building, faculty awards, distinguished alumni, and more.

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Notebook 2021

Student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Spectrum 2021

Student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Aftermath 2021

Sound waves, student awards, distinguished alumni, convocation, and more.

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Our DNA 2021

Plant pandemics, birdsong, retiring faculty, and more.

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Discover 2020

Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics Research, Overcoming Covid, Lab Safety.

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AfterMath 2020

50 Years of Math, Sea Ice, and Faculty and Staff recognition.

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Our DNA 2020

E-birders, retiring faculty, remote learning, and more.

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Spectrum 2020

3D maps of the Universe, Perovskite Photovoltaics, and Dynamic Structure in HIV.

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Notebook 2020

Convocation, Alumni, Student Success, and Rapid Response Research.

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Our DNA 2020

Stories on Fruit Flies, Forest Futures and Student Success.

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Catalyst 2020

Transition to Virtual, 2020 Convocation, Graduate Spotlights, and Awards.

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Spectrum 2020

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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Discover 2019

Science Research Initiative, College Rankings, Commutative Algebra, and more.

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Spectrum 2019

Nuclear Medicine, PER Programs, and NSF grant for Quantum Idea Incubator.

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Notebook 2019

The New Faces of Utah Science, Churchill Scholars, and Convocation 2019.

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Catalyst 2019

Endowed Chairs of Chemistry, Curie Club, and alumnus: Victor Cee.

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Our DNA 2019

Ants of the World, CRISPR Scissors, and Alumni Profile - Nikhil Bhayani.

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Catalyst 2019

Methane-Eating Bacteria, Distinguished Alumni, Student and Alumni profiles.

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Spectrum 2019

Featured: Molecular Motors, Churchill Scholar, Dark Matter, and Black Holes.

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Our DNA 2019

Featured: The Startup Life, Monica Gandhi, Genomic Conflicts, and alumna Jeanne Novak.

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AfterMath 2018

Featured: A Love for Puzzles, Math & Neuroscience, Number Theory, and AMS Fellows.

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Discover 2018

The 2018 Research Report for the College of Science.

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Spectrum 2018

Featured: Dark Matter, Spintronics, Gamma Rays and Improving Physics Teaching.

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Catalyst 2018

Featured: Ming Hammond, Jack & Peg Simons Endowed Professors, Martha Hughes Cannon.

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ACCESS Scholar: America Cox

ACCESS Scholar, America Cox

November 20, 2024
Above: America Cox

The start of college can be an uncertain time for many students, and the journey to discovering your passion is not always easy. America Cox, a senior at the U and an alumni of the ACCESS Scholars program, was no stranger to this feeling.

It was through the ACCESS’s supportive peer community, mentorship and unique research opportunities that she quickly found her footing and was off to the races. “I guess I always knew that I was going to go to college and that it was a big deal for me, and that science was my thing, but the ACCESS program really gave me the opportunity to affirm that for myself and to then be a part of a community of people that will support that,” she says.

America is pursuing an honors degree in biology with an emphasis in ecology, evolution and environment, alongside a second major in philosophy of science and minors in chemistry and media studies. Alongside her diverse collection of studies, she is also highly involved in research, thanks to her placement in the Dentinger Lab during her first year through ACCESS. There, she has been fascinated with the world of mycology, completing a nearly four-year study on the unique coevolutionary relationship of ant-fungus agricultural systems. “Mycology is such an emerging field because about 70 years ago, people still thought fungi were plants,” she explains. “So when I went to Mexico, we were out there just seeing what there is,” she explains. “Being able to see that at the ground level, and seeing the field [of mycology] start to move in new ways is really cool.”

The global level

Amanda Cox, taking her studies to the global level.

For the last three summers, America has taken her experience to the global level, traveling far and wide with her research. She has presented at conferences for the Mycological Society of America, searched for new species of mushrooms in Mexico, explored ecology with the honors integrated minor at Mpala Research Center in Kenya, and completed an REU studying E. muscae, (also known as “zombie” parasitic fungus) in the Elya lab at Harvard University. 

Throughout her unique experiences, America has learned the importance of going back to the basics when she feels overwhelmed or out of place. “I am not a stranger to imposter syndrome. So it’s very easy for me to think, ‘Is this even good enough for what I’m doing?’” she explains. “But then I can look at my data when it comes together, and I realize that I am doing something for the scientific community, and it is contributing to a wider set of knowledge.” 

Reflecting on her journey so far, America describes how several elements of her identity intertwined with her experience: “I am a first-generation college student. I’m a woman in STEM, and I’m also Hispanic, so the things that overlap there are not always represented in STEM.” As a kid dreaming of entering a field that felt like unfamiliar territory in many ways, she emphasizes how crucial it was to find a community of like-minded people who could offer guidance and compassion: “As the first person to go into STEM my family, it was a really unknown field, and so being able to have them say, ‘hey, let’s see what you’re interested in, and let’s get you going’ — that support was unparalleled and for sure got me to where I am right now,” she states. 

That 'aha' moment

Looking forward, America plans to attend graduate school in biology, incorporating outreach and advocacy with her work and one day she hopes to become a professor and researcher. “Teaching is a big thing for me. I love helping someone find that ‘aha’ moment, and also paying it forward. I am who I am because of great teachers who have come before me and inspired me. So I would love to be that for someone else,” she says.

America Cox has already begun her teaching journey, giving back to the ACCESS Scholars Program as a teaching assistant and a mentor for younger students, working to provide them with the representation and support they need to see themselves flourish in STEM and to find their passion, just like she did. 

By Julia St. Andre

New Faculty: Eleinis Ávila-Lovera

New Faculty:  Eleinis Ávila-Lovera

September 25, 2024

Above: Eleinis Ávila-Lovera

Like all living things, plants have to respond and adapt to various stressors in their environment. But unlike most living things, plants must cope with these issues while being completely immobile.

In the field.

This stalwart resilience fascinated Eleinis Ávila-Lovera in her undergraduate years, an interest that has guided her entire educational journey as a plant ecophysiologist. Drawn to the deserts of the region, she has found her way here as an assistant professor of the School of Biological Sciences

Starting in Venezuela where she was born and raised, Ávila-Lovera was inspired by her grandparents to live her life to its fullest potential. Her grandmother Leonidas Guevera de Lovera taught her to read and write at the age of four. When combined with her grandfather Luis Lovera’s work ethic setting a perfect example, Ávila-Lovera was able to adapt and thrive as efficiently as the plants she would eventually study. Guided by the insightful teaching of her undergraduate mentor Wilmer Tezera, she was quickly drawn to the arid environments of the region. It’s hard enough to weather the world while immobile, exponentially more so in the scorching heat with no water. And yet, countless plants are able to adapt and thrive in these conditions.

“There’s a particular genus called Parkinsonia (palo verde),” Ávila-Lovera explains when asked for an example, “Whose bark is completely green. It’s a drought-deciduous plant, meaning that it loses its leaves during the dry season. In a desert this could lead to zero carbon gain, yet the palo verde is still able to withstand the arid heat, because the green stem helps them continue acquiring carbon despite the lack of leaves.”

Plants such as this are the focus of Ávila-Lovera’s research. Her lab is currently working on two projects: One, led by graduate student Osedipo Adegbeyeni, is comparing the water status regulation between leaves and photosynthetic stems in desert plants. The other, led by postdoctoral researcher Oranys Marin, is studying the link between hydraulic conductivity and stem photosynthesis in desert plants. Ultimately the former project aims to decipher differences in how stems and leaves tolerate drought conditions. The latter explores the potential coordination of traits that allow better performance of plants in drought conditions.

Ávila-Lovera also currently teaches BIOL 5460, Plant Ecology in a Changing World. Taking inspiration from the adaptations she has studied, she wishes to create a classroom environment that provides students all the tools and resources they need to thrive. Being over 3,000 miles from home herself, she’s well versed in the process of learning to flourish in unfamiliar soil. She aspires not just to transmit information, but to provide the basis that allows  students to master and apply their newfound knowledge in turn.

“It’s important to remember that ecology as a science has the same rigorous background as other sciences,” Ávila-Lovera explains. “I do consider myself an environmentalist. I do not eat red meat or poultry and try to reduce my carbon footprint. But ecology itself is a science; we’re testing hypotheses, and it’s critical to approach it with the organization and structure one would expect.”

Having been allowed to thrive by multiple mentors before her, Ávila-Lovera eagerly looks forward to providing a similar mentorship role to her current and future students.

By Michael Jacobsen

You can read more about Ávila-Lovera and her study of the chromatic story of plant survival here.

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Kevin Fuller to Lead Global Marketing at Nature’s Sunshine

Kevin Fuller to Lead Global Marketing
at Nature’s Sunshine

Sep 19, 2024
Above: Kevin Fuller - BS’94, biology. Photo Credits : GlobeNewswire

Fuller, a seasoned marketing executive with over two decades of experience in high-performance organizations, brings in-depth global marketing experience to Nature’s Sunshine.

His deep understanding of the dietary supplement industry combined with his experience launching new products, building powerful brands, and driving customer growth strategies make Fuller an ideal fit for Nature’s Sunshine.

"We are very pleased to welcome Kevin to Nature’s Sunshine,” said Terrence Moorehead, Chief Executive Officer. “He brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of developing successful marketing strategies. Kevin will be instrumental in helping take our brand to the next level, and we look forward to his many contributions.”

Fuller holds an MBA from Brigham Young University, a B.S. in Biology from the University of Utah, and was a member of the Kellogg school’s Executive Education Program for Digital Marketing. He is also an accomplished triathlete, competing in four Ironman World Championships, was selected as a member of the USA World Championship Triathlon Team in 2023 and is a current 3-time All American. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of Unleash Health.

Read the full article in GlobeNewswire.

How Harmful is Great Salt Lake Dust? U Scientists Investigate

How Harmful is Great Salt Lake Dust?
U Scientists Investigate

September 17, 2024

As Utah’s Great Salt Lake shrinks, exposing more of its playa, concerns grow about the dust the dry lakebed emits. But scientists lack the data to fully understand what pollutants are present in these airborne sediments.

Researchers from the University of Utah, including atmospheric scientist Kevin Perry and biologist Michael Werner, are attempting to get a handle on this question and the latest findings are concerning.

Sediments in the lake’s exposed playa are potentially more harmful than other major dust sources affecting the Wasatch Front’s air quality, according to a study published online recently in the journal Atmospheric Environment.

NBC News Dust researcher Kevin Perry poses with his fat bike and a PI-SWERL machine, which can measure wind erosion and dust emission.
Photo credit: Evan Bush

“You’re talking about a very large dust source located next to a very large population, and you’ve got elevated levels of manganese, iron, copper and lead. Lead is a concern for developmental reasons,” said senior author Kerry Kelly, a professor of chemical engineering. “Manganese, iron and copper, these are transition metals and are known to be very irritating to your lungs. Once you get irritation, that can lead to this whole inflammatory response. And that’s part of the problem with particulate matter and it’s adverse health effects like asthma.”

Another recent study led by sociology professor Sara Grineski found dust from the lakebed disproportionately affects disadvantaged neighborhoods in Salt Lake County.

In a separate forthcoming study led by U biologist Michael Werner’s lab, another team of researchers characterized levels of toxic metals deposited in submerged lakebed sediments sampled during the lake’s record low-water year of 2021, noting how these levels have changed since the years of Utah’s mining era.

To conduct the published study, Kerry Kelly’s lab, which specializes in air quality, teamed up with researchers in the U’s College of Science. They examined previously collected sediment samples from the Great Salt Lake, comparing them with sediments from other dust sources in the Great Basin, namely Sevier Lake, Fish Springs Lake and West Desert in western Utah and Tule Lake in northeastern California. These places are known to contribute to dust pollution reaching Salt Lake City.

In recent years, co-author Kevin Perry, a professor of atmospheric sciences, has systematically gathered exposed lakebed sediments, logging hundreds of miles on a bike. His prior research has identified “hotspots” on the playa that appear to be enriched with potentially toxic elements.

Read the full article by Brian Maffly @TheU.

Shared Landscapes: Wolves and Humans in Rural Turkey

Shared Landscapes
Wolves and Humans in Rural Turkey

May 30, 2024
Above: Photo of the wolf captured by Çağan Şekercioğlu on eastern Turkey’s Kars-Ardahan plateau. Photo Credit: Çağan Şekercioğlu

Utah biologists track gray wolves with GPS collars and camera traps as their numbers rebound into populated parts of northeast Turkey.

After 14 years of gathering and analyzing field data, an international research team led by University of Utah biologist Çağan Şekercioğlu has released the first and only study of gray wolf movements and ecology in Turkey. Using GPS collars and camera traps, researchers tracked seasonal variations of wolves’ range sizes in the highlands of Turkey’s rural northeastern corner, where people are widely present during the summer but mostly absent in the winter when the area is completely snowbound. The team was surprised to discover human presence had no effect on wolf movements.

“Even though human activity changes drastically, wolves are not taking advantage of that by increasing their home range size or changing their home range size between the seasons when humans are there and when they’re not there,” said J. David Blount, lead author of the study published this month in the journal Wildlife Biology. “Theoretically they have a lot of different needs during these times that should be fluctuating, especially with the dispersing wolves.”

Çağan Şekercioğlu (center)

“Wolves are very adjustable, which leads to many exciting behavioral adaptations,” said Blount, a graduate student in Şekercioğlu’s lab. “However, studies are pretty context-dependent.”

Since the mid-1990s, wolves have been making a comeback following re-introductions in the Yellowstone region, Arizona and, most recently, western Colorado. The wolf situation in eastern Turkey is completely different, according to Şekercioğlu, a professor of biology. While wolves have been a problem for livestock operations, shepherds and ranchers have learned to live with the apex predator with the help of Anatolian sheepdogs, which protect cattle and sheep without harming the wolves.

The study area covered 550 square kilometers surrounding Sarıkamış, a town of 15,500.  Over 14 research seasons, running from mid-May to mid-August, the research team captured 46 wolves and fitted them with GPS collars, which recorded a location every five hours and are designed to fall off after two years. The cameras yielded 26,000 photos of wildlife and countless others that recorded animals other than wildlife.

According to the study, as wolves resettle areas near towns, understanding how wolves adjust their temporal and spatial patterns in human-dominated landscapes can contribute to their conservation. An ornithologist who studies tropical songbirds, Şekercioğlu began eying wolves when he moved from Stanford University in 2010 and used startup funds provided by the University of Utah to initiate the project, also supported by grants from Fondation Segré, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Whitley Fund.

Read the full story by Brian Maffly, @The U.

Biology Student Stories: Bailey Landis

Biology Student Stories: Bailey Landis

April 3, 2024

by Maisy Webb

From playing the clarinet and majoring in music to finding inspiration in deciphering the As, Ts, Gs, and Cs relevant to fruit fly evolution and genetics, Bailey Landis has many interests but has dedicated his educational pursuits to biology.

The “major” shift happened when Bailey took Genetics from Nitin Phadnis. That was the moment he realized he loved biology and wanted to give research a try.

Bailey asked Phadnis if he knew of any lab openings, and the very next day he entered the research world…in the Phadnis lab! “Even though research was new to me, I was given the opportunity to jump into cutting-edge science. I immediately began investigating the genetic basis of a hybrid incompatibility between two subspecies of Drosophila.” Bailey artfully explained that “When two populations of a species are isolated from each other, they rapidly evolve [and this can] lead to speciation.” Deciphering the molecular and genetic basis of this process is the focus of the Phadnis lab.

Bailey finds the lab environment “unequivocally amazing” and  “is inspired by the motivation and drive of his peers in the lab.” He says, “Whenever you are doing something, people want you to do well ... and are not hoping for your downfall. So I have gotten courage knowing when I am presenting or doing something scary that people are hoping to see me succeed.”

Bailey has gained an appreciation for the collaborative nature of science, receiving mentorship and mastering new techniques with support from two other biology professors, Kent Golic and Clayton Dale. As it goes in research, things often don’t work and you always have to be on the lookout for something unexpected, Bailey shared. “I became frustrated that my hard work had yielded no results and began doubting whether the X-ray machine was working correctly. I examined the neuroblasts of mutagenized males, looking for fragmented chromosomes to ensure that the genetic material was being irradiated. ... My irradiation approach was simple and reliable [yet] lacked efficiency, relying on randomly mutating a single gene out of over 13,000. I felt like I was waiting for an accident and wanted my approach to be more precise. I returned to the drawing board, searching for a more efficient way to identify this gene. I pivoted to a targeted deletion system using CRISPR/Cas-9.”

Bailey’s enthusiasm and dedication has led to an evolution in his knowledge, which will definitely give him a head start when he begins his PhD in biology, at the U, in the fall of 2024.

Bailey is from Chico, California. When he’s not in the lab, you can find Bailey indulging his many other interests from drawing and painting, fly fishing, working on his jiu jitsu, snowboarding, and cooking lots of different dishes!


This article originally appeared at the School of Biological Sciences

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Where the Wild Things Went During the Pandemic

Where the Wild Things Went During the Pandemic

March 18, 2024

A new study of camera-trap images complicates the idea that all wildlife thrived during the Covid lockdowns.

Austin Green

In the early months of the Covid pandemic, when every bit of news seemed bleak, there was one heartwarming narrative that took hold: With humans stuck in their homes, the world was safe again for wild animals, which could now wander freely through cities, parking lots or fields that once might have been crowded with people.

But a new global study, which used wildlife cameras to track human and animal activity during the Covid lockdowns, suggests that the story was not that simple. Austin Green HBS'16, PHD '22 , currently post-doctoral researcher in the College of Science's Science Research Initiative, is one of the many co-authors and a leader in Utah in the collection of data of wildlife as it intersects with urban environments.

“We went in with a somewhat simplistic notion,” said Cole Burton, a wildlife ecologist and conservation biologist at the University of British Columbia, who led the research. “You know, humans stop, animals are going to breathe a sigh of relief and move around more naturally. And what we saw was quite different.”

Although humans disappeared from some places during the lockdowns, they surged into others, like parks that remained open when little else was, the researchers found. And there was enormous variability in how wild mammals responded to changes in human behavior. Carnivores and animals living in remote, rural places, for instance, were more active when people faded from the landscape, while the opposite was generally true for large herbivores and urban animals.

The study, which was published in Nature Ecology & Evolution on Monday, deepens and complicates scientists’ understanding of what has been called the “anthropause,” when pandemic lockdowns radically altered human behavior. It also highlights the nuanced ways in which humans affect the lives of wild animals, as well as the need for varied and multifaceted conservation efforts, the authors said.

“There’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to mitigating the impacts of human activity on wildlife,” said Kaitlyn Gaynor, a wildlife ecologist and conservation biologist at the University of British Columbia. “Because we see that not all species are responding similarly to people.”

Read the full article by Emily Anthes in the New York Times.

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