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Masks for U

Spread the word, not the virus.

As faculty, staff and students slowly return to campus we are asking everyone in the community to take the utmost caution to avoid the spread of COVID-19. This includes wearing face coverings and maintaining appropriate physical distancing. The university will be providing face coverings to all faculty and staff to help make this possible.

Print & Mail Services will distribute the masks directly to departments. We hope to have the masks delivered in two weeks. Check with your department staff for availability.

The University is launching a campaign to remind people of the importance of wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing. The campaign features members of the campus community wearing appropriate face coverings with messaging about how to stay safe while on campus.

Departments will be able to place orders with Print & Mail Services for posters, A-frames, floor signs and other items with the campaign messaging. You can also get more information about staying safe on campus here.

We are all anxious for things to return to normal. However, that cannot happen until we stop the spread of COVID-19 on campus and in the greater Salt Lake City area.

We can do that by coming together and protecting ourselves and each other with just a few small changes to our normal routines.

Remember, we are all One U.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the schedule for the fall semester?

  • Classes will begin as scheduled on August 24.
  • The fall break (October 4-11) is canceled. In-person classes may shift to online instruction this week due to the Vice Presidential Debate on October 7.
  • Instruction will shift online from November 30 to December 3, with final exams held online December 7-11.
  • This shift to all-online instruction and exams after Thanksgiving is based on the strong advice of U of U Health epidemiologists and mirrors the approach of many of our national peers.

What safety measures will be in place?

  • The University will provide at least one face covering for every student, faculty, and staff member. 
  • All buildings will provide hand sanitizer near entrances, elevators, and large classrooms.
  • Students will be provided with sanitizing wipes or other supplies at the entrance to classrooms and laboratory spaces.
  • Classrooms and public spaces will be cleaned daily.

What format will classes take?

  • All classes will be using Canvas. Students should ensure that they have access to Canvas and are familiar with its format.
  • Class formats are still being reviewed by the Registrar and the Department Chairs. As of mid-June, classes will fall into one of the following formats:
    • In-person classes will be held for courses that cannot move to an online format, such as laboratory courses.
    • Online classes (designated as Section 090 by the registrar's office). Students will access course content online.
    • Snychronous or Remote courses, in which the instructor will provide instruction during the scheduled course time. Snychronous courses can take place on campus in classrooms with the content available online, such as real-time webcasts.

We ask for student cooperation with the following:

  • Only come to campus if you are healthy. Contact your instructors if you are diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Wear face coverings in all common areas in campus buildings.
  • Practice diligent personal hygiene and physical distancing.
  • Use sanitizing supplies provided as you enter classrooms and laboratories to wipe down your desk, table, chair, and/or bench top areas.
  • Follow instructions given by professors or instructors to maintain physical distancing guidelines during your class/lab.

Where can I get help?

The College of Science recognizes this is a challenging time for our students, faculty and staff. The University has provided several resources for your use.

Have another question? Email us at We're here to help you succeed.

Forest Futures

Forest Futures

Know the risks of investing in forests.

Given the tremendous ability of forests to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, some governments are counting on planted forests as offsets for greenhouse gas emissions—a sort of climate investment. But as with any investment, it’s important to understand the risks. If a forest goes bust, researchers say, much of that stored carbon could go up in smoke.

In a paper published in Science, University of Utah biologist William Anderegg and his colleagues say that forests can be best deployed in the fight against climate change with a proper understanding of the risks to that forest that climate change itself imposes. “As long as this is done wisely and based on the best available science, that’s fantastic,” Anderegg says. “But there hasn’t been adequate attention to the risks of climate change to forests right now.”

Meeting of Minds

William Anderegg

In 2019, Anderegg, a recipient of the Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, convened a workshop in Salt Lake City to gather some of the foremost experts on climate change risks to forests. The diverse group represented various disciplines: law, economics, science and public policy, among others. “This was designed to bring some of the people who had thought about this the most together and to start talking and come up with a roadmap,” Anderegg says.

This paper, part of that roadmap, calls attention to the risks forests face from myriad consequences of rising global temperatures, including fire, drought, insect damage and human disturbance—a call to action, Anderegg says, to bridge the divide between the data and models produced by scientists and the actions taken by policymakers.

Accumulating Risk

Forests absorb a significant amount of the carbon dioxide that’s emitted into the atmosphere—just under a third, Anderegg says. “And this sponge for CO2 is incredibly valuable to us.”

Because of this, governments in many countries are looking to “forest-based natural climate solutions” that include preventing deforestation, managing natural forests and reforesting. Forests could be some of the more cost-effective climate mitigation strategies, with co-benefits for biodiversity, conservation and local communities.

But built into this strategy is the idea that forests are able to store carbon relatively “permanently”, or on the time scales of 50 to 100 years—or longer. Such permanence is not always a given. “There’s a very real chance that many of those forest projects could go up in flames or to bugs or drought stress or hurricanes in the coming decades,” Anderegg says.

Forests have long been vulnerable to all of those factors, and have been able to recover from them when they are episodic or come one at a time. But the risks connected with climate change, including drought and fire, increase over time. Multiple threats at once, or insufficient time for forests to recover from those threats, can kill the trees, release the carbon, and undermine the entire premise of forest-based natural climate solutions.

“Without good science to tell us what those risks are,” Anderegg says, “we’re flying blind and not making the best policy decisions.”

Mitigating Risk

In the paper, Anderegg and his colleagues encourage scientists to focus increased attention on assessing forest climate risks and share the best of their data and predictive models with policymakers so that climate strategies including forests can have the best long-term impact. For example, he says, the climate risk computer models scientists use are detailed and cutting-edge, but aren’t widely used outside the scientific community. So, policy decisions can rely on science that may be decades old.

“There are at least two key things you can do with this information,” Anderegg says. The first is to optimize investment in forests and minimize risks. “Science can guide and inform where we ought to be investing to achieve different climate aims and avoid risks.”

The second, he says, is to mitigate risks through forest management. “If we’re worried about fire as a major risk in a certain area, we can start to think about what are the management tools that make a forest more resilient to that disturbance.” More research, he says, is needed in this field, and he and his colleagues plan to work toward answering those questions.

“We view this paper as an urgent call to both policymakers and the scientific community,” Anderegg says, “to study this more, and improve in sharing tools and information across different groups.” Read the full paper @



by Paul Gabrielsen first published in @theU


2020 Research Scholar

Delaney Mosier

Delaney Mosier receives top College of Science award.

Delaney Mosier, a graduating senior in mathematics, has been awarded the 2020 College of Science Research Scholar Award for her cutting-edge work in the area of sea ice concentration, using partial differential equation models.

“I am humbled to receive this award,” said Delaney. “The College of Science is teeming with groundbreaking research, so it’s an overwhelming honor to be considered one of the top researchers in the College. I’m proud to be a representative of the amazing research going on in the field of mathematics.”

Delaney is also proud to receive the award as a woman. “I strive to be a positive role model for girls and women in STEM. I hope that by earning this award, I can inspire other women to consider working on mathematics research.”

In his letter of support for Delaney’s nomination, Distinguished Professor Ken Golden, who has served as her supervisor and mentor, discussed her research abilities, natural leadership skills, and mathematical prowess, indicating that Delaney is one of the most talented and advanced students he has seen in his 30+ years of mentoring.

Super Student

The College of Science Research Scholar Award, established in 2004, honors the College’s most outstanding senior undergraduate researcher. The Research Scholar must be a graduating undergraduate major of the College of Science, achieve excellence in science research, have definite plans to attend graduate school in a science/math field, and be dedicated to a career in science/math research.

Studying the Behavior of Sea Ice

Delaney studies patterns in the behavior of sea ice in polar regions. She’s interested in how physical processes affect these patterns on a short-term basis and how climate change can affect them in the long-term.

The primary goal of her research with Dr. Golden is to understand better how and why sea ice is changing over time. Considered relatively low order, their model allows them to study intimately the details of the sea ice pack, which can provide insights that might not yet be apparent to the climate science community. Her work tries to answer one of the most important research questions of the modern age: Why is polar sea ice melting so rapidly and will it ever recover?

She has always been passionate about the environment and finds the project exciting because it incorporates mathematics along with studying climate. “My project is very dynamic,” she noted. “Each time I meet with Dr. Golden, we discuss something new to incorporate into our model or seek a new way to understand it. It’s thrilling to be a part of such unique and innovative work.”

Utah Strong

She became seriously interested in math because of her 7th grade algebra teacher. “Mrs. Hein fostered an exploratory environment—I collaborated with my peers and was often challenged to explore the world of mathematics for myself,” she said. “I couldn’t get enough of it. To this day, math remains the one activity that I can completely lose myself in. Math challenges my mind in exhilarating and motivating ways.”

Mentors at the U

Delaney credits Dr. Golden with helping her pursue a variety of opportunities that have furthered her career as a mathematician. She also has praise for Dr. Courtenay Strong, associate professor of atmospheric sciences, and Dr. Jingyi Zhu, associate professor of mathematics, who have served as mentors and helped guide her research.

“My friend and roommate, Katelyn Queen, has been a wonderful mentor and inspiration to me throughout my journey,” said Delaney. “She is always willing to give me advice and support me in my endeavors. I have watched her excel in her first year of graduate school, and that has inspired me in moving forward.” She also thanks fellow students and her parents for their love and support. “My parents are simply the best,” said Delaney.

Her favorite teacher at the U is Dr. Karl Schwede, professor of mathematics. “I had Dr. Schwede for several classes and learned so much,” she said. “He has high standards for his students, which motivated me and helped me to retain the material. He is also supportive and helpful.”

When she isn’t studying or doing research, she loves to dance and listen to music. She was a competitive Irish dancer from ages 11 – 17. She is also an avid reader, especially during the summer.

The Future

Goodbye Salt Lake City

Delaney will begin her Ph.D. studies in applied mathematics this fall. She hasn’t yet decided if she will work in industry, continue with climate research, or become a professor. “Whatever I decide to do, my goal is to use mathematics to have an impact on the world,” she said.


by Michele Swaner



Alumni Webinar

Alumni Webinar

Peter Trapa, PhD

Addressing the World's Challenges in the College of Science

Dean Peter Trapa discusses the critical importance of research, beginning at the undergraduate level, as the College continues to produce changemakers in science and mathematics.


Humans of the U: Megan DuVal

Army ants as indicators of ecosystem health

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ACCESS Scholar: Jackie Timothy

As this nontraditional ACCESS alumna attests, reality paints an unexpected picture

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 Thomas Tang: Taking it to the Startup Slopes

A former Olympian skier turns his skis toward image signal processing equipment

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2023 Distinguished Alumni, Chemistry

Four chemistry alumni are celebrated by the Department.

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Pioneer in Sustainable Mining Denee Hayes Joins College Leadership

Mining engineer, sustainability advocate and industry leader is newest senior fellow

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Pete Johnson: An Abundant Source of Energy

Energy from within and clean, sustainable energy without

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Fielding Norton Named College of Science Senior Fellow

A climate physicist, insurtech venture advisor and former reinsurance executive

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Ron Perla, 2024 Distinguished Alumnus

Avalanche escape artist

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Berton Earnshaw Named College of Science Senior Fellow

A deep learning and AI expert, Earnshaw joins the College’s Leadership Team.

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Life On Other Planets … and in a student’s mind

“I believe my experience in research will make me a more open-minded thinker.”

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Getting Stuff Done: Thomas Yassmin

PAC-12 Honor Roller Thomas Yassmin MS'24 makes a leaping grab for the diploma.

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Coal Miner’s Daughter

Denee Hayes’ holistic approach to thinking outside the mining "blast hole."

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Solving Water Shortages by Lease

Mitigating climate change: Farmers willing to lease their H20 if it makes economic sense.

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Andy Thliveris: Remember the Undergrads

A thankful undergrad helps make possible an endowed chair in biology

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Sandra J. Bromley Scholarship

Providing a Role Model for New Generations

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Founders Day Distinguished Alumni

A near-sweep of Founders Day Distinguished Alumni Awards by the College of Science

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Stephen Nesbitt

2023 Distinguished Alumni of Atmospheric Sciences.

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Clifton Sanders

Clifton Sanders, (PhD '90) receives a Founders Day Distinguished Alumnus award.

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Jamie Rankin

Researchers document a black hole giving off more light than 1,000 trillion suns.

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Stephanie VanBeuge

Lockdowns are something that Stephanie VanBeuge BS’17 knows something about.

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Nick Borys

All Nick Borys wanted was a more interesting job.

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The future of medicine is molecular.

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Alex Horn

Major Alex Horn, USAF C-17 Pilot and and Biology alumni.

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Lindsey Henderson

Leading a revolution in how math is taught in Utah.

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Faculty Giving

We are happy to provide a planned gift to the School of Biological Sciences.

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Randy Rasmussen

BioFire Diagnostics began when three college friends came together @ the UofU.

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George Seifert

The winningest coach in San Francisco 49er’s history.

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Patrick Newman

It tasted just like black licorice. I remember being struck by that as an 8-year-old.

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Audrey Brown

One of the biggest things that helped me was connecting with my loved ones.

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Jan Mccleery

I learned to design investigations and lab protocols to test the hypothesis.

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April Christofferson

I love the process of writing, but I write because I’m trying to make a difference.

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Charles Sorenson

My best trait is the ability to hang out with people who are far more capable than I am.

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Noriene Jee

There are so many jobs that require a mathematics or a STEM degree.

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Sarmishta Kannan

I learned to design investigations and lab protocols to test the hypothesis.

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Ray Greer

A professor convinced me that if I majored in math I could work in computer science.

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Paul Watkins

Critical thinking skills are among the most important things you can get from education.

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Donor Impact

Thank you for your support of our vibrant community of scientists and mathematicians.

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David T. Chuljian

David Chuljian, a self-described “quantum dentist"

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Donor Recognition

Thank you for your support of our vibrant community of scientists and mathematicians.

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Jim Hanson

As a first-generation college graduate, a physics degree has been life changing.

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Crimson Laureate

Join our community of alumni and science supporters.

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Bert VanderHeiden

As a first-generation college graduate, a physics degree has been life changing.

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Todd B. Alder

Tripping the Patent Fantastic

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Nikhil Bhayani

Coming Home to U Biology... and The Pie

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Diana Montgomery

Pythagorean theorem in triangles of a tent

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T. Mitchell Aide

From tropical forest conservation to writing a novel

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Ace Madsen

Boot camp for medical school.

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Ed Groenhout

Embracing opportunities

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Adam Madsen

From Ute quarterback to Medical Practice.

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Cameron Soelberg

An adventurous pioneer in math, physics, business, and travel.

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Diana Hulboy

Biology in research and then as a subject.

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Thomas Stucky

NASA engineer on Perseverance Rover’s journey to Mars.

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Gameil Fouad

A few big decisions that really matter.

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Lee Roberts

Immune system mysteries lead to pharma & biotech R&D

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Nancy Parry

Fifty years of breaking the glass ceiling

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Edward Meenen

Back to the Land: Veterinary Sciences & Lab Tech

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Michele Lefebvre

Elevating environmental science on Hawaii's Big Island

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Julia Bailey-Serres

NAS member & U alum pilots Center for Plant Cell Biology, UC Riverside

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The Daines Medical Dynasty

An Idaho Family of Orthopedics, UofU-educated

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David Hillyard

ARUP: Dir. Molecular Infectious Diseases

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James Detling

Professor Emeritus, Botanist, Colorado State

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Michelle Williams

Distinguished Chemistry Alumni 2019

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Doon Gibbs

Director of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York.

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Amy Davis

A circuitous route from academe to industry

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Dale C. Larsen

From U.S. Navy aerial photographer to dentist

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Jason Allen

Turbo-charging a medical career through research

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Alumni VS Coronavirus

Utah biotech companies rally to fight the coronavirus.

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Steve Mimnaugh

Living more than one life.

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Crimson Legacy

Learn about planned giving opportunities.

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George Elliott

Retired U.S. Patent & Trademark Office examiner & director on the pandemic: "It will pass"

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Jim Kaschmitter

From copper mines to NiCo batteries to experimental aircraft.

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Student Emergency Fund

Support students in need.

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Alumni Panel

Distinguished science alumni share their experiences.

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Carol Blair

I was given the opportunity to work as a lab assistant with Stanton and Dalrymple.

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Emily Bates, BS’97

Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine

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Arie Sitthichai Mobley

Better health care based on the unique genetic makeup of each individual

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Clifford Stocks

Whether cancer or a pandemic, OncoResponse CEO knows how to grapple with an opponent

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Bill Jack

Distinguished Chemistry Alumni 2019

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Griffin Chure

National Science Foundation Postdoc Research Fellow, Stanford

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Jeffrey Webster

A 50 meter swim to surgery at Reno Orthopedic Clinic

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Kurt Zilm

Distinguished Chemistry Alumni 2019

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Ole Jensen

Ole Jensen’s one claim to fame was that he was tapped to be a “calf sitter."

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The Gandhis

The Gandhi family is U - through and through.

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McKay Hyde

Equities Engineering for the New York office of Goldman Sachs.

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Winter 2019

Crimson Laureate Society updates from December 2019.

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Jim Sugihara

The University of Utah's first PhD recipient.

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Connor Morgan

What does a former Student Body President and Biology alum do after graduating from the U?

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Summer 2019

Crimson Laureate Society updates from May 2019.

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Lynn Miller

One of the architects of Universal Life insurance.

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2019 Churchill Scholar

Cameron Owen - Chemistry and physics major and student researcher.

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Ryan Watts

Co-Founder of Denali Therapeutics, focused on cures for neurodegenerative illnesses.

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2017 Churchill Scholar

Michael Zhao - Mathematics major and student researcher.

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2016 Churchill Scholar

Mackenzie Simper - Mathematics major and student researcher.

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Biological Invaders

Science Research Initiative

Fox Squirrel Biology Research STREAM

Denise Dearing, PhD, Distinguished Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Tess Stapleton, PhD Candidate, School of Biological Sciences


Dr. Denise Dearing

Biological invaders are one of the key drivers of ecosystem change. Invasion can result in loss of native species, reduction of ecosystem diversity, and even loss of ecosystem services such as soil stabilization, water filtration, and natural pest control. These disturbances can cause long-term disruptions and even extinction of native species. Therefore, it’s imperative to understand the effect of invaders if we wish to preserve local ecosystems.

Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)

For the last hundred years, the fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) has used human urbanization to spread out of its native eastern range and to invade the western United States. In 2011, these invasive squirrels were first spotted in Utah along the Jordan River Parkway and have since spread into the Salt Lake Valley.

This area is home to two native Utah species, the rock squirrel (Otospermophilus variegatus) and the red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). How far these fox squirrels have spread throughout the valley, whether they are moving into the mountains, and how they affect these native species remains unclear.

The goal of this project is to determine the current range of this invasive squirrel, including how much they overlap with native species and how far east and upslope they extend. Working in collaboration with the natural history museum we will document sightings, collect voucher specimens, and prepare study skins of fox squirrels.

This project will greatly contribute to ongoing work on the spread of these invasive animals and these specimens may be used for decades to come.


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Ole Jensen

On the surface, Ole Jensen’s start as an undergraduate biology major, angling for medical school, didn’t appear particularly auspicious. His one claim to fame was that as an undergraduate the Salt Lake native was tapped to be a “calf sitter,” which meant that he would sit all night with young bovine used in experiments and monitor their heart rates. The calves were a critical part of the University’s artificial organ program which would eventually produce the world’s first artificial heart in the 1980s.

Not bad for a Utah boy who, when he wasn’t fishing with his Norwegian-born father on the Provo River and elsewhere, spent much of his early life collecting what would become one of the largest insect collections in the state.

It was a heady time to be studying biology at the U. Department Chair Gordon Lark was bringing in guest lecturers and expanding the faculty at a prodigious rate, including micro-biologist Mario Capecchi who would eventually be awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in genetics. Jensen recalls his time in the early seventies as an undergraduate at the U. One day, he says, anatomy professor Stephen Durrant “threw out twenty animal bones spread over a long table and asked the students to identify […them] as part of the midterm exam.” It turned out that the students, who in class had been studying strictly land mammals, got very few correct answers. “One bone that very much perplexed me that I remember to this day,” Jensen continues, “was half of a frontal bone with an ovoid depression. It was from a dolphin: the depression access for the spout!” Needless to say, it was “a particular shock” to find a marine mammal bone in the pile, but it was an experience that Jensen still recalls with some exhilaration.

After graduating from dental school at Northwest University, Jensen continued to Michigan to study oral surgery and, as a post doc, anesthesia, which would eventually lead to a Master’s degree in anesthesiology before returning to the west where he set up practice in Denver. There he plied his trade, as both a science and an art, for the next 38 years. But research has continued to braid its way through his entire professional life—a continuous thread that has kept him at the forefront of the fast-moving field of oral and maxillofacial surgery in which technology, the life sciences and medicine converge. As with many oral surgeons, Jensen performed four-on-one implant operations, which combine bridgework with a maximum of four implants per each of the crescent arrangements or arches.

Eventually, he modified the procedure so that it was less invasive and more intuitive, underscored by his determination to see the implant not as an analogue to a tooth (or teeth) but as a function of bio-mechanical forces, mathematically determined. Eventually he would join forces with business partners to found Clear Choice Dental Implants. “Basically, for five years I wanted to die,” Jensen says of the start-up which now has forty clinics across the nation. The company nearly failed three times, including during the recession of 2008. “I wanted to practice . . . business with integrity, and to be doing things in the best interests of the patients. It’s hard to do that with this kind of work where it’s not too costly and not too difficult for doctors to perform.” In a recent DentalTown podcast, Jensen explains, “If you have a business that is related to dental implants, you’re not going to do stuff that will put the business at risk."

"So this has a business, scientific, and a clinical basis of validity," he says ". . . [and] we stand by the way we treat our edentulous patients… .” Of course success is never final. With his rigorous research background and his bias for asking lots of questions, this time about biofilm, the pervasive glue-like matrix that grows virtually everywhere and can lead to complications in bio-medical work, Jensen took on yet another professional challenge. In September he was hired as Chief Medical Officer for Israel-based NOBIO, helping to create products through Nano-technology in which particles with superior micro-biotic activities are baked into the product to prevent bacteria from growing on surgically implanted devices.

Jensen’s research questions, especially as they’ve related to medicine, have been open ones. “Almost everything I’ve done is in surgery,” he says. “Now I’m doing a project with computers,” referring to his latest adventure. Inspired by the training of pilots who learn to fly by logging many hours in flight simulators, Jensen and his team at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston are developing a program for surgical simulations.

Crab Nebula

Utah scientists detect Crab Nebula using innovative gamma-ray telescope.

Scientists in the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) consortium today announced at the 236th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) that they have detected gamma rays from the Crab Nebula using a prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (pSCT), proving the viability of the novel telescope design for use in gamma-ray astrophysics. University of Utah faculty and staff in the Department of Physics & Astronomy are key members of the international research team announcing this technological breakthrough.

Animation showing 18 gamma-ray events from the Crab Nebula.

“The Crab Nebula is the brightest steady source of TeV, or very-high-energy, gamma rays in the sky, so detecting it is an excellent way of proving the pSCT technology,” said Justin Vandenbroucke, associate professor, University of Wisconsin. “Very-high-energy gamma rays are the highest energy photons in the universe and can unveil the physics of extreme objects including black holes and possibly dark matter.”v

Detecting the Crab Nebula with the pSCT is more than just proof-positive for the telescope itself. It lays the groundwork for the future of gamma-ray astrophysics. “We’ve established this new technology, which will measure gamma rays with extraordinary precision, enabling future discoveries,” said Vandenbroucke. “Gamma-ray astronomy is already at the heart of the new multi-messenger astrophysics, and the SCT technology will make it an even more important player.”

The use of secondary mirrors in gamma-ray telescopes is a leap forward in innovation for the relatively young field of very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, which has moved rapidly to the forefront of astrophysics. “Just over three decades ago, TeV gamma rays were first detected in the universe, from the Crab Nebula, on the same mountain where the pSCT sits today,” said Vandenbroucke. “That was a real breakthrough, opening a cosmic window with light that is a trillion times more energetic than we can see with our eyes. Today, we’re using two mirror surfaces instead of one, and state-of-the-art sensors and electronics to study these gamma rays with exquisite resolution.”

The initial pSCT Crab Nebula detection was made possible by leveraging key simultaneous observations with the co-located VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System) observatory. “We have successfully evolved the way gamma-ray astronomy has been done during the past 50 years, enabling studies to be performed in much less time,” said Wystan Benbow, director, VERITAS. “Several future programs will particularly benefit, including surveys of the gamma-ray sky, studies of large objects like supernova remnants, and searches for multi-messenger counterparts to astrophysical neutrinos and gravitational wave events.”

The pSCT - photo: Amy C. Oliver

Located at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in Amado, Arizona, the pSCT was inaugurated in January 2019 and saw first light the same week. After a year of commissioning work, scientists began observing the Crab Nebula in January 2020, but the project has been underway for more than a decade.

“We first proposed the idea of applying this optical system to TeV gamma-ray astronomy nearly 15 years ago, and my colleagues and I built a team in the U.S. and internationally to prove that this technology could work,” said Vladimir Vassiliev, principal investigator, pSCT. “What was once a theoretical limit to this technology is now well within our grasp, and continued improvements to the technology and the electronics will further increase our capability to detect gamma rays at resolutions and rates we once only ever dreamed of.”

David Kieda, professor at the U and dean of the Graduate School, was principal investigator of the U pSCT team and system engineer of the telescope. Along with Harold Simpson, facilities director of the U’s Department of Physics & Astronomy, and graduate research assistant Ahron Barber, Kieda led the design and fabrication of multiple auxiliary systems for the telescope:  sun protection, signal cable, power and communication systems and the specification and selection of the telescope’s drive system. The Utah team also solves a big problem—how to keep the telescope’s sophisticated high speed  camera cool.

“The camera is like a racecar engine the size of the toaster—it generates a lot of heat,” Kieda said. “We can’t vent the heat near the camera because that would distort the local air and affect the telescope performance. So we came up with a sophisticated cooling system using high capacity heat exchangers and fans in the camera, cooled by a remotely located chilled water supply.”

Kieda was also tasked with integrating all the telescope subsystems originating from teams around the country into a workable system.

“I call this ‘putting  the ship in the bottle’. It’s the same thing building cameras—how do I actually get the pieces together correctly?” Kieda said. “The telescope camera weighs nearly a thousand pounds. You have to stage the lifts, position it, and install it in tight quarters without damaging the secondary mirrors , while keep everybody safe. It was a challenge—this is the first time anyone has built this type of telescope.”

The pSCT was made possible by the contributions of thirty institutions and five critical industry partners across the United States, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Mexico, and by funding through the U.S National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program.

“That a prototype of a future facility can yield such a tantalizing result promises great things from the full capability, and exemplifies NSF’s interest in creating new possibilities that can enable a project to attract wide-spread support,” said Nigel Sharp, program manager, National Science Foundation.

Now demonstrated, the pSCT’s current and upcoming innovations will lay the groundwork for use in the future Cherenkov Telescope Array observatory, which will host more than 100 gamma-ray telescopes. “The pSCT, and its innovations, are pathfinding for the future CTA, which will detect gamma-ray sources at around 100 times faster than VERITAS, which is the current state of the art,” said Benbow. “We have demonstrated that this new technology for gamma-ray astronomy unequivocally works. The promise is there for this groundbreaking new observatory, and it opens a tremendous amount of discovery potential.”

About the pSCT

The SCT optical design was first conceptualized by U.S. members of CTA in 2006, and the construction of the pSCT was funded in 2012. Preparation of the pSCT site at the base of Mt. Hopkins in Amado, AZ, began in late 2014, and the steel structure was assembled on site in 2016. The installation of the pSCT’s 9.7-m primary mirror surface —consisting of 48 aspheric mirror panels—occurred in early 2018, and was followed by the camera installation in May 2018 and the 5.4-m secondary mirror surface installation—consisting of 24 aspheric mirror panels—in August 2018. Scientists opened the telescope’s optical surfaces and observed first light in January 2019. It began scientific operations in January 2020.  The SCT is based on a 114 year-old two-mirror optical system first proposed by Karl Schwarzschild in 1905, but only recently became possible to construct due to the essential research and development progress made at the Brera Astronomical Observatory, the Media Lario Technologies Incorporated and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, all located in Italy. pSCT operations are funded by the National Science Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution.

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About CTA

CTA is a global initiative to build the world’s largest and most sensitive very-high-energy gamma-ray observatory consisting of about 120 telescopes split into a southern array at Paranal, Chile and a northern array at La Palma, Spain. More than 1,500 scientists and engineers from 31 countries are engaged in the scientific and technical development of CTA. Plans for the construction of the observatory are managed by the CTAO gGmbH, which is governed by Shareholders and Associate Members from a growing number of countries. CTA will be the first ground-based gamma-ray astronomy observatory open to the worldwide astronomical and particle physics communities. *Adapted from a release written by Amy Oliver, Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory.

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Media Contacts

Dave Kieda, Dean of the Graduate School; professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy

Lisa Potter, research/science communications, University of Utah Communications


- by Lisa Potter - UNews